The day is cold, dark, and bitter just like my soul. I feel the Darkness coming again. Surrounding me, enveloping me in it's vastness. It is welcome here. It will cover me, protecting me. I can feel it as it enters in, filling my heart as it grows hard, nev'r to see light again. Nev'r to love or be loved again except by the Darkness, I so wholly welcome. I lay here wishing for the enternal sleep of peace, yet it does not come. Wishing for my last breath, but yet I still breath. The heaving heart so full of pain, oh the aching! Darkness comes. It is a welcome relief, it will take and ease the pain and hide it deep inside. I feel it closing around me, taking over me. Oh God ! Am I too lost to be saved ? I cry out to You to ease my pain, yet the Darkness still comes. I embrace the beauty of Darkness. Filling my dying, bleeding soul. Shhhh....The Darkness Comes!
Sue Britt"Cleopatra"Hopeless
- 15 years, 2 months, 7 days ago
Wat mystical creature are u?
vampire U are a mysterious person. U don't share that much about ur life and u love to sneak around finding out wat u can find out. U don't have that many friends but who needs them when u got urself and ur victims. : )
Sue Britt"Cleopatra"Hopeless
- 16 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
Happy 200th Birthday Edgar Allan Poe !!! Jan. 19th, 1809 - Oct. 7th,1849 Such brilliance in literature we shall nevermore see! Thank you for all of your great works!!
Sue Britt"Cleopatra"Hopeless
- 16 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
A must watch for fans of the late greats Edgar Allan Poe & Vincent Price. The Raven~as read by the way only Vincent Price could read it. In honor of Mr. Poe's 200th birthday Jan. 19,2009
Sue Britt"Cleopatra"Hopeless
- 16 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
A poem that is utter nonsense, but fun. Heard as a child in England, I don't know who wrote it or if it was just made up. So, if you read this and know where it came from let me know ,plz.
One dark day, In the middle of the night, Two dead men got up to fight, Back to Back, they faced each other, Drew their swords and shot each other... Sue Britt"Cleopatra"Hopeless
- 16 years, 1 month, 4 days ago