Jean de La Fontaine, French poet We all have at least one secret. Maybe you flirt with older men. Maybe in your spare time you like to dress up in your mother's clothes and sing Celine Dion. Maybe you have a lusty attraction to peanut butter, or some other quirky embarrassing secret. As humans we are intrigued by rarity. Diamonds, four leaf clovers, gold... but what about our social quirks and deepest secrets? Well now you can tell all of your more-than-crazy/quirky problems, secrets and anything else one might consider a secret… anonymously… Based loosely off the idea by Frank Warren who created the Postsecret phenomenon. The difference though? This is a Human Pets community project in which the secrets are shared by you and for you, all ANONYMOUSLY. Hopefully this will bring us closer together and open our eyes to the diversity and the obvious, that we seem to miss, all around us. How does it work? It's simple really. Take a minute and think about something that you've never told anyone before, but make sure it is 100% true. Perhaps it is something about your childhood, something you did last weekend, or maybe something that you regret. Whatever it is, just think about it for a minute. Then find a postcard or make your own, using a program such as paint or photoshop. However, we strongly suggest that you make your own. Be sure to include a picture or even your own drawing. Once you've done that, you're ready to add your secret. On the your postcard put your secret. Please use only English and please use only one postcard per secret. Make sure your postcard does not include your name or else you will not be anonymous! Once you've done all that, you're nearly done! E-mail it to: humanpetsecretpost@live.com Please meet the following guidelines when submitting by Email: File must be less than 300kb, and of type JPG, GIF, or PNG. You're not done yet though! Remember you can send in more than one secret! Check back soon! Your postcard secret will be posted here, with a postcard number to be shared with everyone else! Secret Theme: Each Week we will have different 'secret' theme Submit a secret related to that weeks theme This weeks theme: What is something that you've always secretly wished for? ... Share it today in an anonymous secret! You can STILL submit your regular secrets! This herd cannot last without your help! Please consider posting an attractive FLASH banner on your profile! Many to choose from! |
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