To spam and get points. Post in the comment section only. 15 posts at a time to fill up one page. Have at least two people between your posts. You may post as often as you like. Please make sure you thumb all the way back. My goal is for everyone to have fun while here and making points. You can chat if someone is here you want to chat with. Interrupt all you like. Can post comments also. Welcome and THANK YOU for making this herd what it is. And as always...THIS IS A DRAMA FREE HERD so please don't bring any in. I would like to request that we don't talk politics, religion or war in here as we all have different views and i don't want anyone to get upset or feelings hurt as we ARE from all over the world. THANKS!
Beep Beep 15/3
Bolt 45/3
Brown Town 75/3
Butterflies 15/5
Butterfly Kisses 30/4
Cherry Poppers 30/5
Cricky's Corral 15/5
Fabulous 15/5
Flash 90/2
Gold Cove 60/3
Hobgoblins 75/3
house of thumbs 30/4
Insomniacs 60/3
Item Bin Drop Off & Thumb
Labyrinth 30/3
Lavender Lane 30/3
No Stone Unturned
On the Beach 15/5
Pandora's Box 60/3
Purple Iris 30/3
Purple Passion 15/5
Rose Petal 75/3
Satin Room 60/3
Space Case 15/3
Short and Sweet 15/3
Sex on the Beach 30/5
The After Dark
The Harem 45/4
The Pink Panther 160/x
The Playpen 60/4
Thumb'N'Some 50/4
Tickled Pink 45/3
Herd leaders