
Name: |
Dorothy Thomas, 67/Female
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 9:31 AM |
Join date: | 17 years, 1 month, 6 days ago |
Location: | Port Hadlock, Washington United States
"Motherly Confessor/Rescuer" |
About me:
Addicted to helping others, I often must juggle the pseudo-jealousy of my children with their desire to bring home stray pets to help distribute my need to 'parent' and provide caretaker support. LIFETIME LEARNER
About you:
I am a people watcher. I sometimes come across as aggressive, but that is because I am very generous with my opinions. If you need a friend to chat with, cry with, laugh with, PICK ME!!! If you are looking for someone to take advantage, take from and give nothing back, someone to abuse, please just walk away.
I trust large, and hope karma repays. A smile and a kind thought is worth more to me than all of the money in the world.
Looking for: | Friendship |
Orientation: | Straight
| Herds (lead): | I AM NOT A MONSTER | Herds: | True True, Newbies, My thumbprints, ☠ THE NAWTY HOUSE ☠, Delz Delitez, Speak - friend - and enter..., Newbies In Pets, The 150 $5/25$ Swarming Club, Have You, ~~dark secret corner~~, thumbs go bump in the dark, Col's Waffle Shack from Hell, I Bet I can Get 1,000,000 People, Christmas Town USA, THE SWARM, ADULTS ONLY, ::gypsy SWARM theory 5/10::, More points for me!! lol!, *THUMBSWARM* ™©, .., Demon Thumbers (BETA), ♥For The Family♥, Le Chat's friends & family, SWARM MIRAGE 15/5, Cindy's 15/15 Cinderella's Ball, lets do it, A New Herd Order, All for points..., The Joshua Parks Gay Memorial, The Clan, DEMON THUMBERS, The Borg collective SWARM 24/7, WhY So SeRiOuS ? 5/15, ♥Pets Points Herd♥, Psychedelic Swarm 3/30, Purring Kitty Swarm 5/20, EGYPT 5/15 |
44811 pts
"Miss Innocent"
70 pts
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Dorothy's tales
For all of the truly amazing people who helped with my "Love for a Birthday" post card campaign: Dorothy Thomas Today at 12:32am we are all waiting to hear how successful the birthday post card mailing went. Zijun Luo Today at 7:11am It went excellent, but I'm still thinking about how to show you guys the amazing it is...
Dorothy Thomas "'Ma'lady'" Ferocious
- 16 years, 1 month, 9 days ago
HP is acting very badly on me right now. To all of those whose auction I bid on and won, thank you for your patience!! I will try hard to send you a personal message. If you made it this far, here is the important part of the information you need to fulfill your part: ************************************************************************ Anyway, I fell in love with a girl two months ago, and although she also likes me, we are not being together right now. There is something between us that affected. So, since Feb. 25th is her birthday, I am gonna to give her a big surprise, which is as following: She loves postcards, postcards from everywhere of the world. So I want to collect postcards for her birthday present. Lucky I have all you guys from all over the world. So...if you would like to help, could you send a postcard to my address (just want to keep hers privately)? Mailing address is: Zijun Luo 1725 Denison Ave., Apt. 3-203, Manhattan, KS, 66502, United States Her English name is Estelle, a Chinese girl, so if you happened to know some Chinese, you can put them down in your greetings. ********************************************************************* Again, thank you so much for your patience. My life is a tiny bit crazy right now.
Dorothy Thomas "'Ma'lady'" Ferocious
- 16 years, 3 months ago
POSTCARDS NEEDED Here is an unusual request - even from me! I have a FaceBook friend who is collecting postcards for his girlfriends birthday. I have bid on a lot of auctions, and still have points left to spend. I am willing to spend a "reasonable" amount of points to pay for postcards mailed from outside the US. If you are interersted/willing please message me. They would need to be mailed by 2/1/2009
Dorothy Thomas "'Ma'lady'" Ferocious
- 16 years, 3 months, 1 day ago
It must be the Holiday season. Tom is not scheduled for any more surgery. The doctors are planning to treat him with medication and allow his body to heal naturally. With prayers and good behavior, Tom should be able to return to 100% normal.
Dorothy Thomas "'Ma'lady'" Ferocious
- 16 years, 3 months, 27 days ago
Home for Thanksgiving. Tom's next appointment with the surgeon is Tuesday, December 2. Hopefully at that time we will find out if he receives another surgery. It is good to be back. Never thought I would appreciate sleeping on a couch so much.
Dorothy Thomas "'Ma'lady'" Ferocious
- 16 years, 4 months, 3 days ago
Big D's Necessaries
Unique, interesting, and useless items....all reasonably priced
Most recent customers:
LiTtLe DeViL
"💔 RIP Jack "
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"D.A NeM ♥"
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