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Kristina Thompson
Kristina Thompson

Kristina Thompson, 36/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:6:27 AM
Join date:16 years, 8 months, 3 days ago
Location: Rochester, Minnesota United States

About me:
Hi, pleased to meet you. I'm Kristina.

I am:
talk to me.. i'll warm up.
fiercely loyal
an avid reader.
a photographer.
a pet owner.
an animal lover.
a friend.
a sister.
a daughter.
a mother.
and a metal head. :P

I have:
2 cats.
a dwarf bunny.
12 different tattoos.
4 body piercings.
too many holes in my ears.
an obsession with hello kitty
an addiction to metal music and concerts.


count web page traffic
About you:
i'd like to meet some people perhaps..
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Speak - friend - and enter..., I AM NOT A MONSTER, Col's Waffle Shack from Hell, Christmas Town USA, THE SWARM, ADULTS ONLY, ::gypsy SWARM theory 5/10::, More points for me!! lol!, *THUMBSWARM* ™©, .., ~Gothi&Emo Swarm~, SWARM MIRAGE 15/5, Hope's Love Swarm, A New Herd Order, The Clan, Human Pets Secret Post [Learn]

"Spicy Taco"
13230 pts

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Kristina's tales
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Kristina Thompson

christmas is coming fast.. life lately has been up and down roller coaster. i do still have hope for a good holiday this year though still.

where i'm at in minnesota we've been dumped with snow already this year.. so we're in for a white christmas this year. :] i love the snow.. its soo pretty.. soft glittery blanket that makes everything go to sleep and people stay inside.

trying to keep myself busy with my nose buried in my books and taking pics.. i attached one i took a few days ago... we decorated the tree here. i love christmas decorating.. im just weird about having it down the day after christmas right away.. lol



Kristina Thompson
Kristina Thompson sore - 16 years, 2 months, 25 days ago
Kristina Thompson
im baaaaaaaaaack :]

i just want to write an apology to all the people i was connected to on here.. depression is a monster i have bouts where i dissapear for awhile from it.. but i renewed my membership on here and plan to come on here daily if possible. :]

normally the holidays make me depressed but this year i have more hope. im looking forward to it for once. i even had a good thanksgiving. i hope all of yours were good too.. and hooray for the election and obama winning.

p.s. fuck relationships and men. they are unreliable and worthless.. not all.. just some the ones that i happen to allow into my life generally eh.


Kristina Thompson sore - 16 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
Kristina Thompson
things seem to be more back on "track". yesterday i went up to the mall of america and stopped in at the apple store there and purchased my macbook pro finally. :D So far i'm impressed. because i was up there.. i also stopped in at JCrew, Sephora and MAC. (we don't have a JCrew or Sephora back home in Rochester.) I of course picked up more makeup.. (makeup whore) and while i was looking around in JCrew I found that they had the Sherpa Hoodie i had liked in their catalogue. (I couldn't get over how uber soft it was..) I was going to go with the usual colors.. dark brown or navy.. but i went for the Goldenrod instead. i just am in love with that color.. really nice for fall. Friday I also had my appointment with my psychologist. I also got to speak with Jeff again this Thursday.. which made me happier as well.. needless to say.. i feel pretty spoiled right now :P

Kristina Thompson sore - 16 years, 7 months ago
Kristina Thompson
Okay so.. so far this week hasn't started well. I woke up this morning to find out about some tests the doctor had me do last thursday. well i'm sick i have an infection. eh its just so old finding out these things.. and yeah i hate antibiotics they tear up my stomach.. even when i eat with them.

My mood has been up and down.. a lot of down.. :[ for some reason today i feel like my life is over. (I think its from all the crap i'm going through in my life right now, losing my son, the divorce, and being alone a lot.) I think i'm having a midlife crisis. yeah i know it probably sounds hilarious, considering i'm only 20. but i had to grow up fast.. and from the stuff i listed above thats going on.. you can probably tell.. i'm not the average 20 year old.

I have hope though that things will get better. the week has only just started.. and this weekend I have plans to go to Minneapolis with my mother. (i'm finally getting my Macbook Pro :D) I'm going to make myself a decent dinner and continue reading the final Twilight novel more. (almost finished with it..)


Kristina Thompson sore - 16 years, 7 months, 4 days ago
Kristina Thompson
so last night i had to be one of the people who were there at midnight, at my local barnes and noble, to get my hands on the newest and last book in the Twilight Series. Yes, for those of you who don't know.. i am addicted to Twilight. and if you don't know what twilight is... FOR SHAME! It's pretty much the best love story ever written.. and the first book has already been made into a movie, that is due out this December. I would say its comparable to the Harry Potter series with its popularity. So far the book has been well worth the annoying squealy little girls barnes and noble was packed with.. (yes annoying.. very much so..)


Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Photobucket Photobucket

Kristina Thompson sore - 16 years, 7 months, 7 days ago
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Tom W Thomas

bear hugs ♥  You have been given bear hugs ♥ .
Crafted by Kristina Thompson
Tom W Thomas "Dragonheart" - 15 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
Hope that I can make you happy.
You have been given Owned & Adored.
Crafted by Unknown
Matthew "Soulmate" Peeved - 16 years, 2 months, 26 days ago

You have been given You are beautiful as a rose.
Crafted by A - K
Unknown "~Big T~" Playful - 16 years, 3 months, 4 days ago

You have been given ~Thank You~.
Crafted by John Doe
Matthew "Soulmate" Peeved - 16 years, 3 months, 4 days ago
Thought you might like him, He's funny
You have been given You intrigue me... .
Crafted by Sugar
Matthew "Soulmate" Peeved - 16 years, 3 months, 4 days ago
Just thinking about you, scary isn't it? :-)
You have been given out of my mind.
Crafted by Rose
Matthew "Soulmate" Peeved - 16 years, 3 months, 5 days ago
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Kristina's shop
Kristina's Good's

Cute Welcome Sign Graphics

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a teddy bear
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a teddy bear
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i will watch over you ♥
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i will watch over you ♥
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bear hugs ♥
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200 pts
bear hugs ♥
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a white rose
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200 pts
a white rose
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a spanking
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200 pts
a spanking
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♥ Love ♥
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♥ Love ♥
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Love ♥
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Love ♥
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a kiss
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a kiss
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happy to see you
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happy to see you
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a song sang by me (^.^)
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a song sang by me (^.^)
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Ta Ta For Now
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Ta Ta For Now
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Shake With Me >.<
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Shake With Me &gt;.&lt;
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