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Annette Gavin | - Free online hangout and friends
Erika owns this human at 200000 points.

Divilish Diva <3

Annette Gavin
"My Goddess ~x~"

Annette Gavin, 63/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:5:29 AM
Join date:17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
Location: Altrincham, Cheshire United Kingdom

"*Big Bundle of FUN* ~ NOT FOR SALE"
About me:
Goddess - is there more to be said Ok I'll try and be serious ............. No can't do it.A friend recently told me that I provided love and direction in abundance (it made me cry, that someone saw me that way - took my breath away - it's breathtaking and humbling to realise how people see you, when all you see is yourself.I'm a calm person (if you know me don't laugh), open, bright, funny, slighly loopy (in a good way).I'm also honest (blunt), truthful (well it always hurts), empathic, understanding and will endevour to always pick you up and dust you off (should the need arise) fiercly protective about the people i care about - but really a pussycat.House trained and domesticated - and I have a note from my mum (to apologise in advance for my behaviour).I love cooking, reading, spending time with my friends (people who help to make you the person that you are) I'm a NHL fiend - cannot get enough- audiance participation sport at it's best.
About you:
Warm, open, friendly, honest and at the very least have a pulse (I'm so not helping my cause am I?)I like people who are easy going, able to make me laugh and willing to hug me just because......There are no strangers in this world.... Just friends you have not met yet.A quote I read a long time ago - and which has always stayed with me and been passed on to everyone I've met ... " You and I both need a friend, Let's go look for one together" This is my philosophy... and has led me to some of the most memorable and inspiring people it has been my privilage to meet.Do you need a friend? If so - would you like some company on the journey?
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Goddesses Rule of Thumb
Herds: Big Girls Are Beautiful, ☠ THE NAWTY HOUSE ☠, Fallen, A Place To Be Herd, SHOPAHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Jo's herd with ATTITUDE, The 150 $5/25$ Swarming Club, dave's friends, Auction/Coupon Thumbs Here!, Donations for a Viking, '*Viva LA Thumbs ~RESURRECTION*', The Lords Cardinal, Darling's 15/5 thumbing Co-op, Purchased Thumbs 300 pages, Thumbs R Us, My thumbs 2, girls night in, McHerdie Herd Herd, NHL LOVERS, THE SWARM, ::gypsy SWARM theory 5/10::, Afterdark's Kissing Herd, *THUMBSWARM* ™©, .., The POWER of 10, MUMMA KATZ 5/10, *~! Fallen anGel 15/10 !~*, *~* SaTiSfAcTiOn *~* 5/10, Thumb Mania, Serenity, closing down, ツ HP'S SILLIEST ツ, mehh mehh land 5/5
Is chillaxed
"Young Stud"
250000 pts
"Kaiga Hito"
100000 pts
17000 pts

1000 pts

"My Date (cute)"
1000 pts

"Kelly Girl"
700 pts

80 pts

50 pts

"Miss Audrey"
50 pts

50 pts

"Di Bi"
50 pts
Annette's tales
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Annette Gavin
Been lost in the ether for a long time

presently chilling by the pool in Kisla, Kalkan 😊
Annette Gavin "My Goddess ~x~" Divilish Diva <3 - 9 years, 10 months, 6 days ago
Annette Gavin

I'm Back ........
Annette Gavin "My Goddess ~x~" Divilish Diva <3 - 12 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
Annette Gavin

Poorly sick again!!!!!!

Back on the antibiotics and higher does of steriods ...... i feel sooo ill

Annette Gavin "My Goddess ~x~" Divilish Diva <3 - 15 years, 4 months, 4 days ago
Annette Gavin

Okay... picture 4 girls, who before leaving the office last friday evening..... rowed down the said office on their chairs (yes it was one of those weeks last week).

Of to Las Iguanas..... i will not bore you with the detals but or first order was 4 pitchers of Tequilla Sunrise.... I got mine with a straw, and being a lady of no class i sucked mine through the straw direct from the pitcher... no glass was harmed during my evening *lmoa* again.

Sooooo anyways.... 2 pitchers of Cherry fizz something or other and 2 pitchers of Long Island Ice Tea.... no Gin, just more Tequilla (coz it makes me happy).....

By which time we were plotting the downfall of someone ..... think prawns, split fountain pen and crushed glasses you'll get the picture !!!

So anyways onwards and upwards ..... into Mulligans next..... who'd a thunk it a live band in an irish pub on a friday night.... their biggest mistake was putting a drum on a table next to us.... BIG MISTAKE.....

So one of my partners in a possible misdemeanor type crime and I ...... borrow the drum ..... and begin drumming... me teaching everyone how to play a Ceili drum but using an ordinary drum..... ha ha ha ....

Upon falling out of said Mulligans, having had the drum confiscated from us..... apparently they needed it !!!

We saunter towards our favorite spot ... us being Rougette's an all..... but on the way.... and this is where the video comes in.

Picture me, someone with a video phone and somone else doing eye of the tiger ...... to statements of ...' Filming here people' (still laughing)... i was talked into giving my rendition of ....Eye of the Tiger ..... whilst someone forgot the words and made it up as they went along.......... i could not sit up for laughing and crying ... then there was Lauren trying to pull me up then push me up .... whilst I carried on laughing and crying... eventually we got there... but you see I was on a bench (posh one) and got off on the wrong side, tried climbing over, but had a long tight skirt on and could not get my leg over so had to run around ..... whilst doing the actions ...... yes there is video evidence, which did the rounds of the office on Monday morning !!!!!

Oh have I mentioned Take 2 !!!!!!!

Just so we are clear..... Jensen Ackles does it way better..... me sooooo much funnier (trust me).

:0) xxx

PS... the building where our perfomance took place........ one with CCTV cameras !!!!! OMG.
Annette Gavin "My Goddess ~x~" Divilish Diva <3 - 15 years, 4 months, 21 days ago
Annette Gavin

TRUE FREINDSHIP ~ None of that sissy crap :0)

1. When you are sad - I will help you to get drunk and plot revenge on the basterd who made you sad.

2. When you are blue - I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.

3 When you smile - I'll know your thinking of something that I would probably want to be involved in.....

4. When you are sick - stay the feck away from me until you are well agian..... I don't want it !!!

5. When you fall - I will laugh at your clumsy arse .... but then I'll help you back up....

6. I'll do all this on my oath .......


Because your my friend ........

And I'd expect nothing less from you . *lmao*

:0) xxxx
Annette Gavin "My Goddess ~x~" Divilish Diva <3 - 15 years, 4 months, 21 days ago
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Erika "So very missed " Trusting - 6 years, 7 months, 11 days ago

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Erika "So very missed " Trusting - 6 years, 11 months, 7 days ago

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Erika "So very missed " Trusting - 7 years, 2 months, 11 days ago

Serenade for my pet You have been given Serenade for my pet.
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Erika "So very missed " Trusting - 7 years, 6 months, 9 days ago

💐Flowers For You My Pet You have been given 💐Flowers For You My Pet.
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Erika "So very missed " Trusting - 7 years, 6 months, 10 days ago

Just Playing With My Owner/ Pet! You have been given Just Playing With My Owner/ Pet!.
Crafted by consuelo garcia
Erika "So very missed " Trusting - 7 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
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Annette's shop
Big Bundle of Fun


Major Overhaul..... LOADS of new stuff

An ecclectic and fun mix I hope you'll agree....

Regularly updated, but if there is an oldie that you want I will resurrect for you, just ask.... :0)

*** Banner Design By: Jason French ~

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