Aloz everyone here how it goes 1. Post 15 but please if someone is posting wait to finish. 2. Thumb all members till the end page. 3. Notify any member reaches number 10 and please ALWAYS give herd's link. SUPERVISORS AND ADMINS MUST DELETE 10'S. http://humanpets.com/herdProfile.php?hid=35306 4. In ther herd there is a topic: Plz notify ppl u clear. Put the name of the member you see at 9 and the one you clear. 5. In your 15th post put the same (member at 9 and who c/n at 10) c/n=clear/notify 6. Due to the fact that many members are not fair and doing selective thumbs or posting their 15 and never thumbs i created a team called SUPERVISORS and they are allowed to post 2 sets of 15 posts AS BONUS FOR THEIR HELP. 7. Also for any member that wants to earn another set of 15 posts a Win extra 15 posts topic was created. The only thing you have to do is notify 7 persons that do not have posts in the herds. Type their names in the topic and then with the herd's link notify them to come and post. Thanks so much all of u wish ya all the best Lots of Love Afterdark
Herd leaders