Here are the rules, : Do not skip a comment when thumbing, Do not post more than 50 comments...no comments simply saying 'utd' outside of your 50 comment spam, no gifts or emoticons in your spam....count 1-50. When entering the herd post that you are thumbing, or post (T/P)...this will reserve your spot for when someone comes in when u r thumbing. You called it first. Comments that reach 10 will be deleted by admin, if you are admin, then delete who you turn to 10. and notify the person you turned 10 to come post again. YOU MUST NOTIFY THROUGH MESSAGE WITH A LINK PROVIDED. When you hit 10 you can post another 50 comments. You will be notified by other admin when it is your turn...or you can check in and if you are on 10 feel free to spam and delete your old spam. DO NOT DELETE SOMEONE'S SET OF SPAM, UNLESS YOU ARE SUPERVISOR AND THE PERSON IS BLATANTLY NOT FOLLOWING THE RULES Also, Play nice =) .cup img {display: none !important;} |
Herd leaders