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Tara Leigh Angel | - Free online hangout and friends
Keanu Harpler
Keanu Harpler owns this human at 496973 points.

dreamy and happy
Tara Leigh Angel
Tara Leigh Angel
"Angelic Tara"

Tara Leigh Angel, 40/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:7:04 PM
Join date:16 years, 6 months, 12 days ago
Location: Little River, Alberta Canada

"*a bohemian who loves to dance in the wind* "
About me:
i have a spiritual brother, who is also my best friend, and so much more to me, johnny angel :D i now have 2 adopted spiritual sisters, sweet bonnie black, and darling sweet burcu ural :) im just here to have fun. I'M NOT INTERESTED IN DATING, I HAVE SOMEONE I LOVE ALREADY :) anyone who understands that im not interested in dating. i've found and bought my previous owners, please dont take them from me, if they come to human pets i'll have them back xoxo NFS if you desire to buy any of my pets, please be courteous and message myself, and said pet asking for mine and their permission. thank you :) i've finally started 2 thumbing herd, which i'd be so very proud if some of you would join it :) the first is called whispering angels, and is a 10/10 herd :) the herd's url is: and the second one is little angels 5/5 :) the herd's url is:
About you:
i want friends who are compassionate, serene, loving, most importantly loving and compassionate towards others. and i have found some very good ones, in people ive met in the herds i belong to, and in the members of my herd who have posted the most beautiful things for me :) i continue to find angelic friends at every turn, and i do so love you all xoxoxo
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): haven for the unowned, Whispering angels, Little angels 5/5, nyx
Herds: Nomads, Earthly Angels, HP Café, Welcome to Human Pets, Celestial Sphere, Fantasy thumb!, Joy Luck Club (30/5), Thumbaholics [30/9], Little Pigs thumbs, Whispers of the Secret Forest, HP Bestest Friend Contest., Lions Den 5/10, Davy Jones' Locker 5/10, Lady Joyace swarm room, kisses 5/5 herd, Fate/Stay Night 5/5
Len Haluk
Len Haluk
"a great guy"
63816 pts
"NFS james"
12156 pts

"johnny angel"
500 pts

"my tobias :*"
50 pts

"my jody"
50 pts
Tara's tales
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Tara Leigh Angel
i have written poetry since i was a wee one, i have always been a work in progress, as are we all :) i went through an angry period, but that is past. i write new poetry now, and if youd like to read it, its at

my dear friend johnny angel suggested that i start another blog, knowing that i love to take pictures of nature, so ive dedicated my photo blog to him. its at if anyone would care to take a look, so far i have but one picture up, but i will be adding more tomorrow xoxo

and now ive been inspired to create my new blog, my fifth one. tis called dancin in the rain and is my journal of sorts, my first post there tells about my other blogs. i hope ya like it xoxo
Tara Leigh Angel
Tara Leigh Angel "Angelic Tara" dreamy and happy - 15 years, 10 months, 2 days ago
Tara Leigh Angel
my pecadillo for stones :)

im going to tell you something about me.

i've always collected stones. i worry them down til theyre smoothish enough to be worry stones. only once ive worried them down that far, i feel that they've taken in part of me, so then they're truly mine :)

i call them blarney stones and i make wishes upon them. i hold them and worry them til they're nice and warm, and then i'll kiss the stone and make a wish.

always a blessing for a friend :)

its fun and it fills a need in my heart. i see an uncommon rate of falling stars, its as if i can feel them. but i never wish on those, i wish on my stones instead, cuz they are a part of me xoxo

sounds crazy, but im a true celt at heart :)
Tara Leigh Angel
Tara Leigh Angel "Angelic Tara" dreamy and happy - 15 years, 11 months, 14 days ago
Tara Leigh Angel
i went out shopping for a bit yesterday. i went to walmart because its the only place i can afford, but i know people who work there. im the most pleasant shopper. i remember everyone who's ever helped me there, and i find them and say hi and smile :) i tell everyone to have a wonderful day. i talk to others while i shop and wish them wonderful days too. i say please and thank you. i bought a pair of cargo pants, sadly i now fit into a size 7. in the females department. theyre nice though, green ones. i bought a grey mens dragon shirt with cuffs that roll up, its beautiful :) and a very nice perfect purple tshirt :)

after i got home i went for a walk, i found some forgetmenots and went to see if my friend bill was outside, he wasnt so i left them on his table.

i walked down to the river where along the shore i found some beautiful worn stones for my collection :)

then i decided to move further, and found my way to almost the center of the river. moving from rock to rock. soon they'll be covered by water. i sat down on the furthest one in, and just sat there, feeling the wind about me, smelling the wonderful smell of the flowing water, immersed in the tastes and smells of its purity. it was wonderful xoxo

of course i knocked on the door of a woman who had a beautiful garden, to tell her how lovely it was :) we stood and spoke for almost an hour :)

making new friends, revisiting old ones, feeling the beauty around me. the things i love to do xoxoxo
Tara Leigh Angel
Tara Leigh Angel "Angelic Tara" dreamy and happy - 15 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
Tara Leigh Angel
i found out the night before last that the girl who charged her father with sexual abuse made the whole thing up. he's dying of lung cancer and i didnt testify. i called the crown attorney a few days before the trial and said i needed to speak with him. i told him that i'd discovered that she was a compulsive liar.

i sat waiting to testify most of the day, but the crown had decided that my testimony would have hurt his case

i lay here and wonder why? how could someone do such a thing to their own father, a kind man im told. and ill. his sentence is 3 months intermittently served, probaby weekends, so that he can work. and 2 years of probation.

my mind is truly boggled by the evil within a girl who could do such a thing

maybe there are some who can't be saved, like her...

last night i went for a long walk with my camera. i took some pretty pictures, a little boy named jake let me take his :)

i walked past a house and a man was sitting on the porch, i wave at anyone who looks and smile, and he waved too. so i went to the bottom of the stairs and introduced myself. im very outgoing, and yet also can be very shy. his name is bill, and hes wheelchair bound, he spends most of his time on the porch. he seems to be very lonely.

hes a wonderful man and i sat and talked with him til it got so cold i had to leave, but he asked me to stop by any time. and i will, in the daytime, when its warm. ive made a new friend, and given someone myself as one xoxo

Tara Leigh Angel
Tara Leigh Angel "Angelic Tara" dreamy and happy - 15 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
Tara Leigh Angel
im going to post this in my tales, since people are asking me to join herds and things and it got lost in comments. dont pity me? i dont :) i love every moment of life xoxo

heres the shortest version of whats going on in my life.

i had to have a large brain aneurysm clipped and the neurosurgeon made mistakes. i have no deficits from it but was told by my new neurosurgeon that because of the mistakes i would be in chronic severe pain for the rest of my life. at present thats percocet because i cant find a specialist in it

i also tend to get very dehydrated and malnourished. im telling you this, because right now i can hardly walk.

life is very challenging. but i have been blessed with a loving heart, with a belief in humanity. i know there are unsalvagable people. but i do all that i can

i helped a teenaged girl who was being sexually and physically abused by her father. her brother helped me with this and he is in jail for now. the case wont be heard for months. hes a very dangerous man (hes now been sentenced to 3 months in jail to be served on weekends and 2 years probation. now if you read my latest tale i found out that the girl made the whole thing up :\

then the family, including the brother and sister (their parents are divorced) started harassing me

i spent most of the time on the phone dealing with the case and trying to get help with transportation to my doctors.

i am considered to be disabled because of the pain and weakness, and have little income

but i wont give up. whats right is right :) and this was the right thing to do

i'm still very ill. ive gained about 2 pounds so far, but i went from 145 to 108 in about 5 months. my doctor tells me im going to die without surgery but im fighting this another way. so if im not around thats why. im working out dancing for half an hour to an hour a day. eating a completely healthy diet and drinking a lot, im severely dehydrated and suffer from a form of anorexia, called natural anorexia. the doctor who diagnosed me told me that i was born with it and thats why i never ate a lot. if i eat a lot i get sick. not on purpose, but it hurts in my tummy

that and the fact that i had a brain aneursym clipped about 3 years ago and the neurosurgeon made mistakes doesnt help. i went to a new neurosurgeon because mine had done no follow up. my neurologist sent me. he told me that my clip was too tight and my incision line was too deep and because of these things i would need severe chronic pain relief for head pain you cant imagine, for the rest of my life. i take percocet twice a day for the pain.

which leads to my dehydration and doesnt allow me to digest my food properly, so im in the middle of a vicious circle, but i never give up, i never have. i started doing heavy workouts just after christmas and continue. i can do one handed sideups with reps. i do military pushups and i do push downs too if anyone understands what im talking about. i know the art of yoga, ballet, tai chi and tai bo. and i know belly dancing. so i incorporate those into my workouts

and the fact that theres little i can do now but pet my friends xoxo

but as to my weight, im taking a natural system detoxifier that my parents got for me called 'tao he pak' and my weight is at about 115 now :) i walked 5 miles the other day, just cuz i wanted to :)

so forgive my absence :* im still here :)
Tara Leigh Angel
Tara Leigh Angel "Angelic Tara" dreamy and happy - 16 years, 4 days ago
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Ebony Cougar
Happy day of birth!!!!!!
Hello Sweety! You have been given Hello Sweety!.
Crafted by consuelo garcia
Ebony Cougar "G's Cougar" Adventurous - 13 years, 1 month, 9 days ago
Keanu Harpler

 Well Hello There! You have been given Well Hello There!.
Crafted by Mia
Keanu Harpler "My Phoenix NFS" Seductive - 13 years, 5 months, 28 days ago
Johnny Angel

Just for You You have been given Just for You.
Crafted by Lana
Johnny Angel "~rest in peace~" Love being Yours - 13 years, 11 months, 9 days ago

never-ending miracles You have been given never-ending miracles.
Crafted by becky
becky "Muse" tender-heart ed - 13 years, 11 months, 19 days ago

comfort and calm You have been given comfort and calm.
Crafted by becky
becky "Muse" tender-heart ed - 13 years, 11 months, 19 days ago

donation a healing flame You have been given donation a healing flame.
Crafted by Tara Leigh Angel
becky "Muse" tender-heart ed - 13 years, 11 months, 19 days ago
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Tara's shop
tara angel's shop

please have a look at my graphics :) i'll be changing them occasionally and if i remove something youd like then just let me know xoxoxo

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