WELCOME TO HP CAFÉ!! SPANKING HERD..OH I MEANT CHATTING HERD FOR ALL KIND OF PPL! HAVING FUN, SPANKING EACH OTHER, GETTING TO KNOW PPL FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD, TOPICS WITH YOUR OPINIONS AND POINTS FROM THUMBING EACH OTHER AND A LITTLE SPANKS NOW AND THEN!! (Don't take it too serious!!!) RULES; 1. No Spamming! (Spanking is allowed!!) I know -I know, just sometimes you must "spam" when have lots to talk about! But in a reasonable limits! 2. Thumb each other(in the other words; Spank each others), we get points on the side! 3. If you have any question, about anything, we have a topic; "Questions and answers" where you can ask everything you wish to know! 4. We have 4 herd leaders (although Patrick might be little busy with other things, there are still 3 active leaders), who have power to ban, kick out from the herd and delete messages, so keep it clean! Also herd leaders are here to help, if anything needed! 5. Problem situations contact me (Little Alien) http://humanpets.com/littlealien 26.3.2008(27.3.2008) WE HAD A GREAT DAY TODAY 1. WE HAD OUR 100th MEMBER (Jerry Chan) 2. COLIN (Craig) MADE ME BLUSH FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! 21.4.2008 1. We had our 150th member Cat Tiller 14.10.2009 1.WE HAD OUR 100th MEMBER (JOE SMART) Congratulations!!!!! (19.10.-09) 2. Our 150th member is Ants_in_your_pants !! Congratulations!!! 28.10.2009 3. Our 200th member is ASH!!! Congratulations! 4.We missed our 300th members name.. =( (16.1.2010) 5.Our 400th member is Laura!! Congratulations! |
Herd leaders