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Davy Jones' Locker 5/10 | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: Davy Jones' Locker 5/10
Led by Brian Crosby aka Davy Jones | 80 members

A 5/10 herd,Welcome to Davy Jones’ Locker A realm at the bottom of the sea where evil spirits of the deep are ruled over by Fiend called Davy Jones’ You are about to enter my realm my Locker enter if you Dare. Post 5 and thumb to 10 then clear and notify that person, then Escape if you can.
Herd leaders

Brian Crosby aka Davy Jones Brian Crosby aka Davy Jones "My Forever Love" lovin my baby

Becki Hoffman Becki Hoffman "Justine's Pet" Rabid

Cerys Cerys " Kittycollatight" Injured

Bow BouBoe Bow BouBoe "tooth fairy"

Rene Cumpson-MacDonald Rene Cumpson-MacDonald "My Moonlight" Content

Ginggarn Ginggarn "StunninG!" Sparkling

Angie Angie "Sweet Voice " I love my baby ♥

Neil Neil "kroliczek" Inspired

MANDA MANDA "Dada爱爱♥" blissful.... ..or am i not?

linda seeto linda seeto "Meow Meow Piggie" Cheeky

Zilla Zilla "JilZilla" Calm

Dean E Woodard Dean E Woodard "My Dean" Loyal

Jaczilla O4 Jaczilla O4 "SIR" *keelhaulin` *

Davy Jones Davy Jones "Jones" will not be back~

Patricia Ann Brown Patricia Ann Brown "Trishie" Crazy

Natalie Natalie "Natalie " Sparkling

Mark Seymour Mark Seymour "carfart"

Tessa Jones Tessa Jones "African Queen" Adored

Jewels Jewels I am out

AntiTek AntiTek "My BaBe(NFS)" Adored
Cari Cari Sparkling

Jake Blackett Jake Blackett "My heart" Loyal

Lauren Lauren rawr! :)

Cricket Cricket "Sweetest Taboo" Loyal

CK CK "♥SiowTaoQi"

Cheryl Cheryl "Our Missed Pet" Playful

rosie rosie "Firefly" Sleepy

Leah Leah "~Leah~" Leaving human Pets!!

Belfast Babe Belfast Babe " Naughty shop" I love my Owner

SamSam SamSam Please Do not Buy Me Y(^^,)Y

Tara Leigh Angel Tara Leigh Angel "Angelic Tara" dreamy and happy

Carrol Carrol "Almost Perfect"

Sheralee Basson Sheralee Basson "Sheralee" Adventurous

Lynette Lynette "My secret love" Cheeky

Ultimate Sasq Ultimate Sasq "Sasq" Join my HERD - Altr'd Realm

Rachel Rachel "Just Me 🖤🌻" Sparkling

Zoo Keeper Zoo Keeper Sad

Heather Heather "Kitten" Hopeless

Mel Mel "~ AMAZING ~" Sparkling

R A I N S T E R R A I N S T E R "Don't Buy Me" I wuv my Meanie Ownie :3

Once here Now GonE Once here Now GonE "175" Sparkling

Maria Maria "Mi Reina" :)

PinkPussyKat PinkPussyKat "no-escape" Playful

Abby Abby

Just me Just me "Shining Star ❤" shining

Nuria Nuria "CocoNutty :) NFS" starting

Karen A Karen A "My Soul Mate xo"

Special K Special K "Hmmmmm" Cheeky.

Jujuu Jujuu "jumie" Tender

Irdina Irdina "Jiang Shi" Sparkling

Maria Eggleston Maria Eggleston "Back again y'al" Wild

Lesley T Lesley T ..

keith keith "love of my life" Addicted to Anel!!

Karen B Karen B Smilin' Inside

Edge Edge "Kahu" Wild

chris chris "My Vampire Lover" Playful

Belial Belial "Blood Queen NFS" Bloodthirsty Predator

Bree Spiese Bree Spiese "Baby Bree ;)" Come Closer . .

captain jack captain jack "Piratezu" Sexy

LEESE LEESE "missed" Sparkling

Fredrick Alexander Fredrick Alexander Hungry

Moon Goddess Moon Goddess ♥Loving Sun King♥
Sophi Airine Sophi Airine "Pacific Princess" Curious

jennifer m waller jennifer m waller "mina" Loving

Sheri Turrn Sheri Turrn

Princess Melora Princess Melora "Princess Melora" Cheeky

Chang Lee Chang Lee "Princess Lover" Content
Sheila E Sheila E leaving HP

Phlavie Phlavie "xx*Phlavie*xx" Sparkling
Gone Gone

Peter sparks Peter sparks Calm

Jewels Jewels "R U Still Here?" Goodbye my real friends! xox

Lord Abaddon Lord Abaddon "kitty NFS" Intrigued

Amaranth Amaranth "color" Ecstatic

Chris Chris "★Charming★"

Karen Jeffery Karen Jeffery "♥Soulmate♥" ♥RIP Mike Jeffery 1976-2011♥
Mark Goodwin Mark Goodwin "Missing friend"

Lisa Lisa Peaceful
Stacey W Stacey W Content
Crimson Nightmares Crimson Nightmares "Red Evil Pookie" 400K for sell on E-BAY