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Gillian Chow | - Free online hangout and friends
Hasan Eren
Hasan Eren owns this human at 229597 points.

Gillian Chow
Gillian Chow
"Star Fish ~♥"

Gillian Chow, 45/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:1:36 AM
Join date:17 years, 3 months, 21 days ago
Location: Penang Maldives

About me:
♥~cat lovers~♥
lovely, luxurious, pampered,
movies maniac, america tv series, free thinker
L*O*V*E*, sweetness, cuppy cakes
artz, design, decoration
movie queen, swinging melody, art of foods
latest trend, fashions, branded

About you:

I Love my owner-Hasan
so pls don't buy me away from him
Or else I'll munch your head *grins*
♥~Thank You~♥

Looking for:
Orientation: Straight
Herds: VIP - Very Important Pets, I <3 Kitty's, ♂ Da eviLs! ♀, DBSK/TVXQ LUVERS, Save the polar bear, ღKawaii shopsღ, wolfssssssss, '*Viva LA Thumbs ~RESURRECTION*', Naked Snails 50/5., Shopping Swarm 1o/15
Gillian's tales
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Gillian Chow

You Would Be a Pet Dog

You're friendly, loyal, and an all around good sport. People love to be near you.

You are very open with your feelings, and you're quite vocal in expressing them.

You are sincere and kind. You love many people - without any sort of agenda.

Why you would make a great pet: You're content to chill out with your friends

Why you would make a bad pet: You always find yourself getting into trouble

What you would love about being a dog: Running around and playing

What you would hate about being a dog: Being left home alone while everyone else is out having fun

*.: Yeap,I'm always magnet to the trouble and I love having loads of fun :.* x)

Gillian Chow "Star Fish ~♥" Loving - 16 years, 2 months ago
Gillian Chow

You Are White Chocolate

You are White Chocolate

You are sweet, caring, and truly very innocent.

Whether your naive ways are a bit of act or not, people like to take care of you.

You are a quiet flirt, and your power is often underestimated!

*.: True, I'm really naive, in many ways :.* ;p

Gillian Chow "Star Fish ~♥" Loving - 16 years, 2 months ago
Gillian Chow

Your Cupcake Says You Are Lovable

At parties, you tend to be laid back and even a bit shy. You are an observer.

You have lots of restraint in your life. You never are victim to your desires.

The most important thing in your life is fun.

You are laid back, flexible, and easy to get along with. To know you is to care for you.

*.: I'm started to like this test already,it's all about my personality here :.* =)

Gillian Chow "Star Fish ~♥" Loving - 16 years, 2 months ago
Gillian Chow

You Are Buttermilk Pancakes

Your prefer traditional, old fashioned foods.

You shy away from anything fake, and you like meals with simple ingredients.

It's not likely someone would find margarine or diet soda in your kitchen.

Instead, someone might find a loaf of homemade bread baking or a soup simmering.

*.: Always my favorite pancakes of all,the original one remain the best :.* ;)

Gillian Chow "Star Fish ~♥" Loving - 16 years, 2 months ago
Gillian Chow

You Are a Cherry Flavored Popsicle

You are sweet and friendly. For you, summer is all about doing your favorite things.

You are a nostalgic person. You love old fashioned things like ice cream trucks.

You savor everything. Every taste of summer, the feeling of the sun, the smell of the beach...

Of all the types, you love summer the most.

*.: Summer or whatever break always equals to a good nap to me :.* xP

Gillian Chow "Star Fish ~♥" Loving - 16 years, 2 months ago
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Rachel M

Have a Carefree Day! You have been given Have a Carefree Day!.
Crafted by Mischievous Little Minx
Rachel M "Little Sunshine" ✼ Sick of snow ✼ - 6 years, 5 months, 10 days ago
Jimmy Kosasih
Jimmy Kosasih "♥~BigBully~♥" Loving - 15 years, 3 months, 21 days ago
Happy Birthday!!! :-D
Birthday Celebration! You have been given Birthday Celebration!.
Crafted by Unknown
Chase Inspired - 15 years, 4 months, 6 days ago
Reza Tajaddini
Hi Gillian, How are you? How is life going there in Penang? (Are you there?)
sweet dreams of love You have been given sweet dreams of love.
Crafted by Hasan Eren
Reza Tajaddini "♥~Reza~♥" - 15 years, 4 months, 18 days ago
hey! Gillian! long time no see! our owner is disappear on hp now
beauty for your day~~♥ You have been given beauty for your day~~♥.
Crafted by OZAN
bacon "Nana" Lonely - 15 years, 4 months, 18 days ago
Ah Kit
haha gil~
i always see u active but not here! hohoho
always checking my maymay picture and see u! =) lalalaa
i am doing fine! thanks and urself?! exam is coming?!
ღ Thank You ღ You have been given ღ Thank You ღ.
Crafted by ipeh
Ah Kit "mimie's kitty" - 15 years, 4 months, 19 days ago
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Gillian's shop

one word to describe my shop
Check out my Twins Sister's shop as well


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