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Michelle | - Free online hangout and friends
Hasan Eren
Hasan Eren owns this human at 188888 points.

"cupcakes ~♥"

Michelle , 36/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:4:37 PM
Join date:17 years, 20 days ago
Location: Manhattan New York United States

About me:

♥ Please don't buy me,i love my current owner.
I'll bite if you buy and raise my value ♥.

And don't steal my pets,
they're all my babies~

if you want to thumb me
thumbed me at ♂ Da eviLs! ♀ herd~ ♥

About you:


Looking for:
Orientation: Straight
Herds: ♂ Da eviLs! ♀, DBSK/TVXQ LUVERS, *Pumpkin Thumber*, Save the polar bear, *** Marie's Golden Staars ***, ღKawaii shopsღ, '*Viva LA Thumbs ~RESURRECTION*'
"♥My pumpkin♥"
110250 pts
"♥ Lucky♥ "
88888 pts
1000 pts
Michelle's tales
★ ALL items at 100 pts now~!! ★

❀ I want to say "Thank you so much ya'll
for supporting my shop!!
so i decided to have a REBATE SALES
for my beloved customers,
i hope y'all enjoy buying!!
the sale will on from 15 April till end of this month :D ❀

Michelle "cupcakes ~♥" - 16 years, 8 months, 14 days ago
I've always want to add trips in my shop
and now i've done it, yeah~!!!
leave me comments if you want more trips
i've been searching for nice picture to put as trips
so enjoy and relax~!!!
p.s:// and thanks to my dearest pet Annette
for this banner, love ya~!!
Michelle "cupcakes ~♥" - 16 years, 9 months ago
♥ Happy Valentine's Day to everyone ♥
♥ Love y'all ♥


Michelle "cupcakes ~♥" - 16 years, 10 months, 15 days ago

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grace andrew

by grace
Hello, how are you doing? i hope fine and all is good to you,am miss grace,Nice to meet u dear i want to be your friend , kindly indicate your interest in me by sending mail me here my private email ( ) so my photos will send you ok. Thanks and a nice day'''''(grace) ( )
grace andrew "BESTPET EVARR!!" - 10 years, 8 months, 11 days ago

Hello You have been given Hello.
Crafted by Unknown
Kevin "piggy" Lonely - 14 years, 5 months, 23 days ago
Jimmy Kosasih
Jimmy Kosasih "♥~BigBully~♥" Loving - 15 years, 17 days ago
Reza Tajaddini

Happiness for you You have been given Happiness for you .
Crafted by Just M
Reza Tajaddini "♥~Reza~♥" - 15 years, 2 months, 3 days ago
Hasan Eren
ah! I heard a bad kitty was here.. Take this :P
I'm singing in your page Lalala You have been given I'm singing in your page Lalala.
Crafted by Tinker Gie
Hasan Eren "♥~bearie`love" - 15 years, 4 months, 6 days ago
Reza Tajaddini
hahahahaha, yeah, it's good to have more alternatives in life! ;) And owners from different parts of the world, sometimes Malaysia, sometimes Aus and sometimes the U.S.! then you become an international Pet!!! :))
I pick these You have been given I pick these .
Crafted by Anna Beeman
Reza Tajaddini "♥~Reza~♥" - 15 years, 4 months, 10 days ago
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Michelle's shop
♥♥ Michelle's shop ♥♥

Photobucket♥ Blow you some love ♥

♥ Check out my pet Annette's , Gillian's
and my evil sister Jojo’s shop as well~!! ♥

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Just passing through...
1 use

110 pts
Just passing through...
Bought by 319 people
a Walk through the Park
1 use

110 pts
a Walk through the Park
Bought by 281 people
A trip to watch Northern Light
1 use

110 pts
A trip to watch Northern Light
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1 use

110 pts

Bought by 285 people
showered with magic ♫
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110 pts
showered with magic  ♫
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ღ Lick *
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ღ Lick *
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♣ Pet me pet me!♥
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110 pts
♣ Pet me pet me!♥
Bought by 182 people
★ I love you ☆
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110 pts
★   I love you ☆
Bought by 307 people
♪ wheeeee !!! ♫
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110 pts
♪ wheeeee !!! ♫
Bought by 338 people
♪ A wink ♫
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110 pts
♪ A wink ♫
Bought by 252 people
♥ Can you feel my love ♥
1 use

110 pts
♥ Can you feel my love ♥
Bought by 30 people
✿ You've been petted! ♥
1 use

110 pts
✿ You've been petted! ♥
Bought by 90 people
✿ Good night ✿
1 use

110 pts
✿ Good night ✿
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* you're awesome~!! *
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110 pts
* you're awesome~!! *
Bought by 1423 people
1 use

110 pts
Bought by 368 people
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