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| Herds (lead): | Liza's thumbprints | Herds: | Unnamed Herd, My thumbprints, Fishing for thumbs, Päivis spam, LISA'S THUMB DONATIONS, cAttitude, Vern's Thumb a Thumps, kerry's petting zoo, ~The BatCave~, Heidz, Nandos Lovers, SHOPAHOLICS ANONYMOUS, ravens 50/10, Lamya's herd xxxx, byron's thumbs up!, Thumbs for Mac, ~ Butterfly Herd ~, Jenny's thumbing playground, Thumbelina Dance, ~ Bina ~, wolfssssssss, Points for Katerina, Elle's Shakalaka, ** Thumbing Rotations **, Wilde One's Thumbs, Points for dM!, shelter, Egyptian, Points for Ghost Rider, Ghost Rider Donation, Sharks have herds too!, Manos house of points! :), Paname Area, ~LL'$ Playboy Lounge~, *Ladybird's spots*, Amazing, Laugh iS All, <---- Fabulous Shops on HP!---->, UnWanteD | |
Liza's tales
My new owner and old friend! I'm happy with Manos, so if you want to buy me, you have to ask me first!
Liza "140/150" Tired
- 16 years, 3 months, 9 days ago
New pics of my niece Mariliza!! ♥ I adore her!!! ♥
Liza "140/150" Tired
- 16 years, 3 months, 9 days ago
(¯`v´¯) `*.¸.*´ ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.
Liza "140/150" Tired
- 16 years, 3 months, 9 days ago
Thanks for your friendship!!!! You both mean a lot to me!I am so happy I have met you! Wish you all the best!!! May your life be filled with love and happiness!
Liza "140/150" Tired
- 16 years, 3 months, 9 days ago
Mike ~~~~>The best owner on hp!! We all miss him so much!!!!! Many thanks to Kresha who tries to keep the family together! Love you sweety!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm always here for my hp sisters!!!! I adore all of you!!!!!
Liza "140/150" Tired
- 16 years, 5 months, 3 days ago
Liza's corner
Most recent customers:
Kindness, Joy & Love ❤️
SAW Esquire
200000 pts
"☆ V@cκεR"
2205000 pts
"Free Spirit"
131250 pts
🍎 an apple a day 🍎
"Good to the Core"
15000000 pts
My owner is the best @ HP🩷
"Happy Go Lucky"
6431250 pts
Sensuous 😘
"🐕 nfs 🐕"
2333338 pts
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