1: Reserve your spot in the queue - Post something like "1 - t/p" or "thumbing then posting". 2: Thumb every post from the FRONT (page 1) to the BACK (last page). Do NOT thumb from the back to the front. 3: Do not thumb a user past 10 thumbs unless you really want to. 4: Delete the users spam (posts) who has reached 10 thumbs and then notify them via message. 5: Post in the "Cleared and Notified" thread who you have cleared and notified. 6: Post your spam (the remaining 49 posts - your first post is NOT a freebie). 7: In your 50th post or announcements also state who you have cleared and notified. 8: Finished. Just sit back and wait to be notified of your next turn. :) Additional rules of usage Only 1 (one) set of 50 posts in the herd at any one time for each member. 15 minutes. If the person with the spot reserved in front of you has taken longer than 15 minutes since their initial post reserving their spot in the queue you may overtake them in the queue to post your set of spam. The posts are time stamped so it is easy to see how long a user has been in the herd. Not everybody has all day to complete their set, and additionally, some users have slow connections. They do not wish to hold other people up, they just can't get through as quickly as others.. Do not accuse others of wrong doing. This herd is about sharing and helping each other to gather points. If there is a problem then please take it up with me, or message the person involved in a civilised manner. We may not all be adults here, but we will act as they do with courtesy and grace. When a member maxes out please inform them UTD markers are NOT allowed in this 50/10 herd. They simply cause a mess. |
Herd leaders