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~LL'$ Playboy Lounge~ | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: ~LL'$ Playboy Lounge~
Led by Lloyd Hovey | 58 members



LL'$ Playboy Lounge-50/10 Thumbing herd


1: When you arrive please post that you are Thumbing & Posting(T/P).
2:Thumb every comment until you've reached the end. Do NOT thumb from the back to the front.
3: Clear any comments that have reached 10 and message the person you have cleared(If they still have some posts that aren't at 10 leave those those posts alone...they will remain there until they reach 10
4: Post your 50 comments.
5: Post in the "Cleared and Notified Bunnies thread" who you have cleared and notified.

Additional Rules For Using The Lounge :

*: PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL TO EACH OTHER,BULLYING OR INSULTING HERD MEMBERS WILL LEAD TO A PERMANENT BAN!!!(If you have a problem with a herd member please notify me rather then air it within the herd)***UTD Thumbing***Up to date thumbing is NOT permitted in the lounge.:) .I Repeat****UP TO DATE THUMBING IS NOT PERMITTED!!!!DO NOT START TO THUMB THE HERD UNLESS YOU CAN FINISH IT***If you're caught doing Up to Date you will be banned !!.

*:***CHEATING***If you're caught cheating ie:Posting without thumbing the entire herd,not clearing and notifying members whose comments you turn to 10 YOU WILL BE BANNED AND YOUR NAME WILL BE PASSED ALONG TO MY OTHER FRIENDS WHO HAVE 50/10 HERDS.Please keep it fair and treat people the way you like to be treated.Thank you everyone:):) Enjoy!

*:***MAXED MEMBERS***:Maxed members will be deleted,if you delete a maxed member please notify them that they are maxed and have been cleared(m/c),you are not obligated to delete maxed members....I'll be checking for maxed members before reset time.All deleted members may return after reset to thumb and post and will be given ***#10 BONUS POSTS***(Please post in the deleted members area in the topics the name of any maxed member you deleted so there is a record of it)The reason being they had earned the posts by thumbing the herd previously:)...but leaving them in the herd messes up the count in the herd and people have complained of having to come in and clear 2 or three people at a time:) This is a small compensation for those that loose their points from those deleted posts and will not affect the order of the numbers in the herd:)...Thank you everyone!!Remember I receive no extra points for owning this herd,it is purely for us all to get points and as an extra bonus make friends:)!!In essence this is your herd....I'm only here to make it run smoothly and make sure you maximize your points and are treated fairly.I'm always open to suggestions that benefit the if you have any feel free to message me...your input is appreciated...Thanks everyone:)!!

*:***Banning***-Recently one of our members was removed(Kicked from the herd) for no reason at all.I had no knowledge of it and naturally this member was offended. I will be the only one to Ban/ Remove members from this herd.

Herd leaders

Lloyd Hovey Lloyd Hovey "DaRk KnIgHt NFSE" Surprised
Unknown Unknown "Ryannnnnnn<3" Content

Unknown Unknown Angry

Unknown Unknown on HP vacation

Jeanne Jeanne "my HP wife" Learning to relax..

ASH ASH "6.69.6" Melodic Life
Unknown Unknown "My Bodyguard" back! so far ;)

Crazy Cat Lady Crazy Cat Lady "Cool Cat" Busy as a bee

Tammy Tammy "Missed n loved" Content

JoJo Chow JoJo Chow "JoJo ~♥" ♥New Year New Resolution

Erhan Ceylan Erhan Ceylan "RAWR♥" Ferocious

Unknown Unknown "MOMMY 1st" Inspired

Tye Dye Tye Dye "🙈🙉🙊" Sexy

Daughter of the Widow Daughter of the Widow "ღ )O( ♥" Sparkling

Unknown Unknown "GermanFirePlayer" Love Beer & Whiskey

Unknown Unknown """gorgeous "" a baaaad baaaad boy!!

Fang Fang "My Queen❤" •.♥.•

Dove White Dove White "Write Birdy"

iggy gogo iggy gogo "Lola Puñales" Carefree

Janna Janna "Fabulous ღ"

MarZ MarZ "♥Marz♥" Feisty

Samantha Botha Samantha Botha Adventurous

Dwight Wallace Dwight Wallace Content
Unknown Unknown

Liza Liza "140/150" Tired

Rana Suvak Rana Suvak "The Dancer" Seductive, Sexy & Sweet

Winnie Retief Winnie Retief Adored

Angel Angel "Angelic Beauty" angelsheaven lydelights.o rg

Jenny Jonker Jenny Jonker "Twinkelstar" Seductive

Mez Mez "Mezadevilish*!" Feisty

Unknown Unknown "HombreCristalino" Festive

Tink Tink I shower NAKED!

Callista Wyrd Callista Wyrd "Sex Kitten" Busy as hell!!!!

Lara Richardson Lara Richardson "Angeni " Content

Unknown Unknown "My Arabic prince" work work & work
Unknown Unknown "Sam's Property" Seductive

Karen Karen "Rescued" WAHOO gOT Darrren back
Unknown Unknown "Free Spirit"
Unknown Unknown "Dragon" Daring

Unknown Unknown "No Name Gal" PLEASE READ MY LATEST TALE!
Unknown Unknown "Heavenly Haven" Calm

Unknown Unknown "Lil'Devil " Naughty

mohamed hoteit mohamed hoteit "Mohamed ™" Playful

Unknown Unknown "Mr. HOTTIE" Intrigued

Jess Ica Jess Ica "Angel of hope" GoodBye from Jess Ica..xx

Martina Blahunkova Martina Blahunkova "♥Mrs Barnes♥" Sleepy

Brandi Brandi "Country Girl NFS" lovin' life

Mary Garter Mary Garter "Princess Mary" Adored

Lil Kitty Lil Kitty "ღFox" Seductive

Dr Shelly P Dr Shelly P "Sweet Ink" Tired

Carrie Hawkins Carrie Hawkins "♥$exy Ninja♥" ♥ Loves her owner ♥