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Jon McMullin | - Free online hangout and friends
Beloved Human pets member Jon McMullin passed away on July 30th.
More details here and here
-N- owns this human at 60 points.

Jon McMullin
Jon McMullin
"Rest in Peace "

Jon McMullin, 55/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:11:02 AM
Join date:17 years, 3 months, 2 days ago
Location: Nordegg, Alberta Canada

"Not for sale, property of Nez!"
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ECTACO Electronic Dictionary


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Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Thumbs for your Master,, Jons Thumb Gallery, HP's Elite,, $$BANK$MACHINE$LOANS$$, testing shit, AniGIF's @,, HP Moderators, Tweakin Pages
Herds: Gigi's Romping Room, Uber Haxor Faction, thumbs needed, The Silver Spindle, ◕◕◕BABYPUNK◕◕◕, thumbs, No Censorship On Human Pets!, HP Café, Official HP Wiki Discussion, kims thumbs, Angel 420, The Erotic Club (chat&contests), Pixies Den, ONLY GOLD MEMBER HERD, Liza's thumbprints, Quietly Thumbing, HPMH, Quietly Thumbing 2, Human Pets Warriors, a, Human Pets Success Stories, Newbies helping Newbies, ♥LOVERS LOUNGE♥, NEZ & JON FOR ETERNITY
10000 pts
Jon's tales
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Jon McMullin
This is Jon's mom writing the following:


My beautiful son Jon was a deep thinker, a searcher and a wanderer. He was very creative, artistic, and a computer whiz. He loved nature, his family, children and animals. The last time I saw him was in late June of this year when Gordon and I went to Rocky Mountain House, Alberta for my daughter's wedding. I knew he had finally found his niche in Nordegg, Alberta. He was radiating peace and contentment. His bosses spoke very highly of him and he had aspirations to start a hiking, guiding, touristy outfit in the beautiful Rocky Mountain Foothills.

On the evening of July 29th he headed out with three other young people on a fun adventure. Jon had a new GPS that he was anxious to try out....wanted to get lost and find his way home. It was a beautiful starlit nite and the group had some fireworks to set off. They arrived at an abandoned coal mine in Nordegg. The group climbed an old conveyer belt and some rafters where they had an expansive view of the entire valley. They came back down and Jon realized he had left his new GPS up at the top. He went back up to get it some time after midnight. It had begun to sprinkle and was more slippery than Jon realized. He slipped and fell over 60 feet onto rock below. The one fellow, Dustin, ran 4 miles to get help. The other two stayed with Jon. To a mother's horror, he died almost instantly. Police and medical reports confirmed there were no drugs or alcohol involved. The group had merely had one beer early in the evening before they left. Young people being young and foolish, perhaps, but when haven't we all been a little young and foolish.

My heart is broken as I come to grips with this grim reality but I'm getting through this with all the support from friends and family and all I have learned and am learning about Jon from his art, photography, writing, friends and co-workers.

Over his first baby picture in the nursery, I wrote "a star is born". The last picture he took (which I recovered from his SD card....his camera was smashed when he fell) was of an enormous firework blazing into the heavens. Looks just like a shooting star! I know he was!

I am so proud of my son. I am honoured to be his mother. He will always occupy a large space in my heart. I want to share him with whoever cares to know him. He was feeding a squirrel from his hand every morning and took some incredible pictures of him.

A close friend of Jon's has set up a memorial website for any who care to know Jon better. It can be accessed at


Jon's mom,
Norma Hesby

P.S.: I thank all of you, his HP friends, for your amazing tributes to Jon.
Jon McMullin "Rest in Peace " Peaceful - 16 years, 6 months, 7 days ago
Jon McMullin
This song is for you Nez.....

Do you remember when we met
That's the day I knew

You were my pet
I wanna tell you
How much I love you

Come with me, my love
To the sea, the sea of love
I wanna tell you
Just how much I love you

Come with me
To the sea
Of love

Jon McMullin "Rest in Peace " Peaceful - 16 years, 7 months, 17 days ago
Jon McMullin
Nez is running for HP's HOTTEST Diva! Please vote for her in this herd! You KNOW she is.


Also, I am in the HP's Prince Idol contest, so please vote for both of us....

HP's Prince Idol

Jon McMullin "Rest in Peace " Peaceful - 16 years, 7 months, 21 days ago
Jon McMullin
I woke this morning thinking of you again and wishing I could see you and feel you close to me.

I thought about your magical smile and your beautiful eyes so full of life and love and your kisses so sweet, and tender,

I imagine how good you would feel in my arms and wish I could hold you now and forever.

I see your pretty face in my mind and feel honored that you chose me to love and be a part of your life.

I miss you immensely and can't wait until the first time I can tell you in person how much I love you and need you and how lovely you are.

I long to hold you in my arms, kiss those sweet lips, hear the sound of your gentle sighs, and feel the warmth of your hot breath as you tremble to my touch.

I thought of you this morning as I do every minute of every day, Nez, My Love.

I Love You Nez
Jon McMullin Jon McMullin Jon McMullin
Jon McMullin "Rest in Peace " Peaceful - 16 years, 7 months, 24 days ago
Jon McMullin
Anyone who wants to build a website, I will host your subdomain for $20 per year, you can pay me through PayPal.

Your web site address would look like this....

I can host a domain for you as well but there are additional costs for a domain, $15 per year for a .com and the hosting fee would be $30 per year instead of $20
Jon McMullin "Rest in Peace " Peaceful - 16 years, 7 months, 24 days ago
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you are never forgotten!!!
Always Here For You You have been given Always Here For You.
Crafted by Madame Otter
-N- "NFS" ❤️🌸 ️🎶 - 2 months, 18 days ago
You've been on my mind a lot this past year. Happy Heavenly Birthday!! Love to you always
Happy birthday! You have been given Happy birthday!.
Crafted by Richard E Maxwell
Mystic "Kára" Omnipresent - 1 year, 17 days ago

&lt;/3 You have been given </3.
Crafted by Lalala
Janna "Fabulous ღ" - 4 years, 26 days ago
Lloyd Hovey
Always remembered Jon .
Cheers You have been given Cheers.
Crafted by Unknown
Lloyd Hovey "DaRk KnIgHt NFSE" Surprised - 8 years, 7 months, 7 days ago
Bobbi Billard
Stopping by to say hello again. I haven't been on in a long, long time but I can't play this game without thinking of you. You are never forgotten.
Pink Kisses You have been given Pink Kisses.
Crafted by Bobbi Billard
Bobbi Billard "Bobbi Doll" Lonely - 10 years, 8 months, 11 days ago
Miss you my dear friend xox
Peace Love &amp; Light You have been given Peace Love & Light.
Crafted by Soulshine
Mystic "Kára" Omnipresent - 10 years, 9 months, 10 days ago
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Jon's shop

My website is at, you'll find thousands of images useful for gifts in HP
Go sign up and see the rest of my collection, and add your own too!

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