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Ziur Susej | - Free online hangout and friends
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Ziur Susej

Ziur Susej, 35/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:10:51 AM
Join date:17 years, 4 months, 5 days ago
Location: Guadalajara Mexico

About me:

I'm easy going, i'm mexicano and i like al kind of music! mmm anything else, ask. OK, if u wanna buy any of my pets... at least ask first pls? haha thnx
About you:
opn minded people
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Gzzuz thumbzz
Herds: Sex Kittens, Sex Chat 18+ ONLY, 300, EXPRESS SUPPORT GROUP, ☠ THE NAWTY HOUSE ☠, MEXICAN MOST WANTED PETS 3.0, $$THE$BANK$MACHINE$$, The Sexy Safari, ~*** LATINAS ARE F*KIN HOT ***~, THE FARM, Kinky thumb-whores! *2/30SWARM!*, Ejercito Mexicano (Mexican Army), $$$Sexcited Thumbs$$$, VëRiTö´s HërD, TRANSCONTINENTAL BANK MACHINE, **~ TE 1 ~**, The 150 $5/25$ Swarming Club, CUPIDS HANGOUT, '*Viva LA Thumbs ~RESURRECTION*', ROMA--- Vaticano!!, ~†Gothika's Haven†~, Suspected Fakes& Mod Harassment, BIG PET (GRAN MASCOTA), THE SWARM, *THUMBSWARM* ™©, .., MUMMA KATZ 5/10, Pixie's Carnival, ¤¤¤ROBOT ® SWARM¤¤¤, ♥♥TWINS♥♥, The Spy Club - SWARM -, °Great OCTÖPUS Swarm°, chantelle's talk room, SWARM MIRAGE 15/5, HP REGULARS 15/5 SWARM HERD, Peshoshis-Land ツ, ©ӐԼԼ ƬĦĘ ƁĘĄƱŦƗƑƱԼ ŞƗŊŊĘƦŞ™, Wishful Fantasy Thumb Herd 5/10, HP: CASOS DE LA VIDA VIRTUAL, UNDER CONSTRUCTION
Maggie Marisa Miller
Maggie Marisa Miller
330750 pts
Evelynn Glz
Evelynn Glz
"Zelaznog Nyleve"
150000 pts
Ziur's tales
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Ziur Susej

Ziur Susej "LAWER" Adventurous - 16 years, 6 months ago
Ziur Susej
bedroom toys
Powered By Sexy Limousines

Ziur Susej "LAWER" Adventurous - 16 years, 6 months, 1 day ago
Ziur Susej
a todos los miembros de MMWP (Mexican Most Wanted Pets)
por favor voten por mi ahi en la herd (MWP) !!
ya llegue a la final de Big Pet, pls ayudenme a ganarla!! =)
Ziur Susej "LAWER" Adventurous - 16 years, 6 months, 26 days ago
Ziur Susej
Facil es ocupar un lugar en la agenda telefonica.
Dificil es ocupar el corazon de alguien.

Facil es herir a quien nos ama.
Dificil es curar esa herida.

Facil es dictar las reglas.
Dificil es seguirlas.

Facil es soñar todas las noches.
Dificil es luchar por un sueño.

Facil es tropezar en una piedra.
Dificil es levantarte.

Facil es disfrutar la vida todos los dias.
Dificil es darle el verdadero valor.

Facil es orar todas las noches.
Dificil es encontrar a Dios en las cosas pequeñas.

Facil es prometerle algo a alguien.
Dificil es cumplir esa promesa.

Facil es decir que amamos.
Dificil es demostrarlo todos los dias.

Facil es criticar a los demas.
Dificil es mejorar uno mismo.

Facil es cometer errores.
Dificil es aprender de ellos.

Facil es llorar por el amor perdido.
Dificil es cuidarlo para no perderlo.

Facil es pensar en mejorar.
Dificil es dejar de pensarlo y realmente hacerlo.
Ziur Susej "LAWER" Adventurous - 16 years, 10 months, 27 days ago
Ziur Susej
it my BDAY!!
im 19 now =)
happy bday to me!!! =)
Ziur Susej "LAWER" Adventurous - 16 years, 11 months, 4 days ago
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Adeline MoonLight
Adeline MoonLight "G's Delight" Surprised - 13 years, 4 months, 1 day ago
Adeline MoonLight

you give me the warm fuzzies You have been given you give me the warm fuzzies.
Crafted by sadylane
Adeline MoonLight "G's Delight" Surprised - 13 years, 9 months, 28 days ago
Maggie Marisa Miller
Maggie Marisa Miller "Momiaaaa" <3 - 13 years, 11 months, 26 days ago
Adeline MoonLight
just too let ya know im back on hp
hope we can catch up sometime
I'll take you anywhere ♡ You have been given I'll take you anywhere ♡.
Crafted by Bandit Aleatoire
Adeline MoonLight "G's Delight" Surprised - 14 years, 16 days ago
Adeline MoonLight
aww hello sweetheart MWAHHHHH
My Pet makes me Smile  :) You have been given My Pet makes me Smile :).
Crafted by Mrs Claws
Adeline MoonLight "G's Delight" Surprised - 14 years, 3 months, 14 days ago
Maggie Marisa Miller
porke me pusiste MOMIA de nombre
ke barbaro
Maggie Marisa Miller "Momiaaaa" <3 - 14 years, 5 months, 17 days ago
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Ziur's shop

ummm just buy! hehe

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tied dance
1 use

200 pts
tied dance
Bought by 6 people
Bushes time
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200 pts
Bushes time
Bought by 23 people
proceed with caution
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200 pts
proceed with caution
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Adults only
bright side
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bright side
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200 pts
Bought by 13 people
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200 pts
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run now...
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run now...
Bought by 11 people
try it =)
1 use

200 pts
try it =)
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meet bob
1 use

200 pts
meet bob
Bought by 9 people
choose wisely
1 use

200 pts
choose wisely
Bought by 7 people
beer doesnt mix
1 use

200 pts
beer doesnt mix
Bought by 2 people
another beer
1 use

200 pts
another beer
Bought by 3 people
cant live without u <3
1 use

200 pts
cant live without u &lt;3
Bought by 21 people
a nice treat =)
1 use

200 pts
a nice treat =)
Bought by 14 people
wrong parking lot
1 use

200 pts
wrong parking lot
Bought by 12 people
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