(another poem i cannot think of a name for and i ask for your help, HP)
I once knew a man who hated the world
He use to cut himself up to stop the pain
Forced to go to new lengths to erase who he was
And who he became…
I once knew a boy who loved the world
Before he was forced to be a man
Forced to grow up before his time, before he was ready
To become that man…
I never found out why he was forced down that path
A life lived in lies is a life of denial
I never found out how much he bled
Before he learned to stop living the lie
I once knew two parents who loved their son
And thought they were doing the best for him
But all they were doing was holding him back
His soul was missing
I once knew two people who adopted a son
And became his parents in a cold earth
But the love turned to anger and hate too soon
Another wave to surf
I never found out how he survived
With all that sadness he kept inside
I never found out how he survived
The rope the day that he died
I thought I knew two people who brought a child into the world
But I never knew the plans they had
Plans to destroy the child they conceived
Well, too bad
I thought I once knew two people I was supposed to trust
Until I learned the truth about them
They destroyed another before their child was born
Forever broken
I never found out how he survived
With all that sadness he kept inside
I never found out how much he bled
Before he learned to stop living the lie…
Sound Man thumb P-Rodd's Gothic Thumbs pl
- 15 years, 6 months, 28 days ago