The purpose of the V.I.P. Lounge is a very simple one. We're here to kick back, relax, and have fun. Thus, the rules of the Lounge are quite simple: 1) What happens in the Lounge, stays in the Lounge. - If you have an issue with someone, take it up with them privately. This shouldn't be that hard to figure out, and yet this is where most of the highschool drama people have to deal with comes from. That being said, if you can't settle your issue, then both parties are encouraged to message me. I'll be happy to mediate, it's kinda what herd leaders do. 1A) What happens outside the Lounge, stays OUTSIDE the Lounge. - I don't care in the slightest what you do outside the Lounge. No one else should either. 2) Everybody's equal - If you're a sub who's in here with your Dom(me), do what you gotta do. Everybody's welcome. Otherwise, no one is above anyone else. Treat other herd members the way you want to be treated. I'm not going to tolerate disrespect of herd members. We're here to have fun. 3) Recruiting - If you've got a friend you'd like to have join the herd, go ahead and have them send in a request. My only rule about recruiting is that I have no desire to "poach" members away from other herds. I don't care if we end up with several thousand members or not, so long as those who are here are having a good time. 4) Lurking/Thumbing - This is the only herd on Human Pets I'll be hanging out in, so if I'm online, I'll be here. If all you feel like doing is logging into the herd so that you can use the music or video player, I'm perfectly fine with that (and BTW, any song you play on the player here will be automatically downloaded to your Temporary Internet Files folder [not sure how that would work on Mozilla or anything that's not IE] so if you like the song, you can get the MP3 there). Every once in a while, we just want to kick back, shut our eyes, and enjoy some tunes. - As far as thumbing goes, I won't be super strict about it, but use your common sense. If you don't thumb me, why would I want to thumb you?
Any other rule suggestions or related concerns, feel free to message me. This is everyone's herd, so as far as I'm concerned, the more input people have the better.
Herd leaders