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BDSM Live Roleplay... | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: BDSM Live Roleplay...
Led by Jenna | 359 members

OVER 18 ONLY PLEASE! This herd has been created for those who wish to play in the 'deeper' sense... Please note that 'roleplay', is by nature, a game, and as such it is subject to it's own rules and regulations: 1. Please AT ALL TIMES be respectful of others and their position within the herd, 2. All subs are to respectfully address all Doms/Dommes as Sir or Miss (name) unless the said Dom/Domme has specifically asked you to address them in a differant manner. If you are unsure of a members role ASK! Chatting/thumbing is also encouraged hereā€¦ 3. Use of foul langauge/Spamming is NOT ACCEPTABLE here. You application will be considered based upon your age and understanding. No-one will be excluded due to lack of experience (novices welcome), but if we feel that you might be offended, we will respectfully decline your entry. Please do not take this personally! x HERD LEADERS: Jenna Featherstone, Mistress Debra Barton, Master Tony Edwards, Master Bear and Leah Kerrison.
Herd leaders

Jenna Jenna "Quirky" Content

Sir Wolfie Sir Wolfie "wolfie" Looking for new Playthings

Brant Gurganus Brant Gurganus "Bunny's Keeper" Perplexed

Patricia Patricia "Miss Tricia" Hungry

Tony Edwards Tony Edwards "XandeR" Bold

Meagan Kerr Meagan Kerr "kiwi" Tired

Pamela Pamela "Fieldy" happy endings don't exist

Master Bear Master Bear "Bestie" Intrigued