Independent, feisty, fiery, female. (Just a little tenacious *giggle*) Natural redhead, sometimes it goes brown. :) The girls tell Me it changes color every day. It is the one thing that doesn't submit to Me. HA HA
I AM FIERCELY PROTECTIVE OF MY PETS!!!!! Do not buy them without O/our permission. MINE!!! Got it? Good. Thank you to Miss Echo for the layout. She's a talented and generous woman and well worth the price for her work! Also thank you to my darling, Mark who bought the layout for me. *pet pet*
I thoroughly enjoy my pets,subs, Master and friends. Someone once asked Me what I was "into." While the details of that are long and intricate, (and ever-growing) the short answer is: helping to mold people into the best they can be, and letting them help me do the same, through love and discipline. Blessed be.
About you:
Honest, intelligent, NOT petty or prone to sensationalism! FUN!!!
Gah! Someone buy me a membership! I can't get to my own photos! Frustratin' I tell ya! Miss Darla
- 14 years, 4 months, 1 day ago
I have the best, most loyal pets. I love you all, whether you are near or far or even when you move on... *smoochies!* Miss Darla
- 15 years, 24 days ago
Hi Sweeties! I have been gone so long! I do pop in occasionally as you can tell from the pets. I just wanted to let the 4-6 of you know that I REALLY appreciate that you never forget me and never give up on me. It's so wonderful to pop on here and see that you pet me every few days and send messages once in a while. More than I deserve. I love you and I DO appreciate you. Miss Darla
- 15 years, 4 months, 24 days ago
It's my birthday! Yea, me! I am really very happy in life right now. I didn't know that I ever could be satisfied. But I truly am. There is nothing I want more than continued love and happiness for myself and those I love. Be well. Miss Darla
- 16 years, 2 months, 19 days ago
Enjoy your shopping experience! Leave comments and I'll thumb you and return shopping. :) If you buy something that is a photo or an invite, please post in my comments and send me a message to negotiate. Thanks for the points no matter what!