"If I live I will kill you. If I die you are forgiven. "
About me:
I ask for so little. Fear me, love me, do what I say, and I'll be your slave.
"Happiness can subside, but frustration never lets go."
You are a Flaming Uke!
One of the easiest uke to recognize by sight. Your flamboyantly gay behavior makes it easy for seme to prey upon you, and that is exactly what you want, and you usually have a few tricks up your sleeve as well. You most often have colored hair, designer clothes, and eyes that are constantly roaming, searching for the perfect partner. You are best paired with the Chibi Seme, who will rise to your challenge with their mischievous nature.
Most compatible with: Chibi Seme Least compatible with: Sadistic Seme, Opportunist Seme
You're not a sociopath, but you're very prone to antisocial behavior.
Other people's opinions matter little to you. You live your own fringe life - for better or worse.
* Vic morrow, actor, was decapitated by a helicopter blade during filming of twilight zone
* Vladimir smirnov, an olympic champion fencer, died of brain damage nine days after his opponent's foil snapped during a match, penetrated his mask, pierced his eyeball and entered his brain.
About you:
"I'd rather laugh with the Sinners than cry with the Saints....the Sinners are much more fun."
I love this song and video because they are to unrelated things. FYI.....I also walk around a broken down car grave yard wearing no clothes and carrying a brief case. All I can really say is "CAN I GET A HOT TUB!"
But finally, after all the tears, Ive drowned.
After all the cuts, blood still runs down
The distance between us is hurting; my heart seared,
But the closeness was what really killed me, what I really feared
Sakurazukamori "cummin kunoichi"Chaotic Neutral
- 13 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
Sakurazukamori "cummin kunoichi"Chaotic Neutral
- 13 years, 3 months, 15 days ago
Man, my little piece of the world has been exciting these last couple months. First, wild animals are released by a crazy man and considered a public danger. Then today a huge gas line explodes some miles down the road, fire ball seen for 6 miles. Families that attend my school had to be evacuated. What is going on? I think today the state of Ohio finally realized they had a "village" called Glouster. Sakurazukamori "cummin kunoichi"Chaotic Neutral
- 13 years, 4 months, 16 days ago
Where were you when the world stopped turning?
I was getting out of the shower in my dorm. I walked into my dorm room and my roommate was watching the news and said "A plane hit one of the twin towers. They think it was an accident." We kept watching and getting ready for our classes and then, right there on tv, we saw another plane fly in and hit the other tower. It was earth shattering. Then the live feed went to the Pentagon and my roommate told me "Oh, they're getting a statement from the Pentagon", but when they showed it another plane had already crashed into the building and there was smoke coming from it. I said "I think the Pentagons on fire." My roommate looked at me and said "Holy shit we are under attack! I need to call me mom!" You can only imagine the chaos on a college campus with so many students from NYC. A girl in my class was crying and hugging her cellphone. When I asked her if she was okay she said "My sister flew out of NY this morning to visit me. I don't know what flight it was and I can't get a hold of her or anyone in my family!" All I, or anyone in my class, could do was tell her to keep trying to call and that we will pray for her and others. I can't believe I remember everything in such detail. After 10yrs I still see it, hear it clearly, and remember every second of that one day. I'll be telling this story for the rest of my life. I will never forget it. Sakurazukamori "cummin kunoichi"Chaotic Neutral
- 13 years, 6 months, 23 days ago
Names etched on the head of a pin. One name spanning a bridge, another undergoing a tunnel. A blue name needled into the skin. Names of citizens, workers, mothers and fathers, The bright-eyed daughter, the quick son. Alphabet of names in a green field. Names in the small tracks of birds. Names lifted from a hat Or balanced on the tip of the tongue. Names wheeled into the dim warehouse of memory. So many names, there is barely room on the walls of the heart.
By Bill Collins
Hard to believe it's been 10 years. It feels like I just watched it happen yesterday. Sakurazukamori "cummin kunoichi"Chaotic Neutral
- 13 years, 6 months, 23 days ago