I don't really know what to say.. Uhh.. I swim, dance, run, dive, and ride horses[English(Hunter/Jumper and Dressage)]. I play the cello and piano, and used to play the guitar. I also used to do gymnastics and figure skating, but not anymore... >.<
I love animals- all kinds. I own dogs(two as of now :( Three died over the past two years), some fish, and a horse; I used to have some finches, a rabbit, a hamster, a dwarf hamster, a bearded dragon(actually, that was shared between my brother and I-- until it decided that I was good to eat, then I stopped touching it).
I plan on being a vet- and yes, I know I have to put down animals, but I've worked at the Humane Society and Vet's Office near me enough to know that it IS sad, but it's better than having them suffer. Except those Humane Society ones >.< ~Also, I want to be both a large and small animal vet. Mainly equine for large, but eh, whatever needs me, I'll be glad to help :)
Soo.... Anything else? Let me know!
About you:
AWAY FOR JUST A LITTLE!! I will be back in like, a week? Maybe less, actually.. But I got some swim stuff to handle for now.
Hehe, updated la musique! Or, it's not French, and yes, If You Only Knew has been out for a while, but I still love it... And Skillet's new album.. And Breaking Benjamin's new album.. Oh dear. Serena Lee"Sweet Serena"Calm
- 15 years, 15 days ago
Guess what????? I'm back on HP :D Sooo, swimming is over for this season (Sadly-- Or is it a good thing? No more 100 fly xD Actually, I'm kinda down about that... Ew, why!!)
Anyway, I've got tons of pics I'll look through and upload as I see fit- collected over time since.. I dunno, the last time I came on... Serena Lee"Sweet Serena"Calm
- 15 years, 24 days ago
J'ai longtemps parcouru son corps Effleur� cent fois son visage J'ai trouv� de l'or Et m�me quelques �toiles en essuyant ses larmes Et j'ai appris par coeur la puret� de ses formes Parfois je les dessine encore Elle fait partie de moi
Je veux juste une derni�re danse Avant l'ombre et l'indiff�rence Un vertige puis le silence Je veux juste une derni�re danse
Je l'ai connue trop t�t mais c' est pas de ma faute La fl�che a travers� ma peau C'est une douleur qui se garde Qui fait plus de bien que de mal Mais je connais l'histoire, il est d�j� trop tard, Dans son regard, on peut apercevoir qu'elle se pr�pare Au long voyage
Je peux mourir demain �a ne change rien J'ai re�u de ses mains Le bonheur ancr� dans mon �me C'est m�me trop pour un seul homme Et je l'ai vue partir sans rien dire Il fallait seulement qu'elle respire Merci d'avoir enchant� ma vie Serena Lee"Sweet Serena"Calm
- 15 years, 6 months, 19 days ago
Ma révolution porte ton nom Ma révolution n'a qu'une seule facon De tourner le monde De le changer Pour toi je ne cesserai jamais de marcher Ma révolution porte ton nom J'étais à peu près Je suis exactement La femme que j'espérais Le coeur enfin vivant Pour toi j'ai soulevé Un amour de géant J'ai fait ma guerre Marqué la terre Ma révolution porte ton nom Ma révolution n'a qu'une seule facon De tourner le monde De le changer Pour toi je ne cesserai jamais de marcher Ma révolution porte ton nom La nuit mon amour Je te reve à coté A coté de moi Pour au moins l'éternité Que ta vie me parcourt Mais je reve éveillée Je suis aux anges A toi mon ange Ma révolution porte ton nom Ma révolution n'a qu'une seule facon De tourner le monde De le changer Pour toi je ne cesserai jamais de marcher Ma révolution porte ton nom Avec toi Ma vie revée Toi pour m'accompagner J'ai tout changé Tout renversé Et me fait tout un monde Que j'imagine parfait T'es ma révolution Ma révolution porte ton nom Ma révolution n'a qu'une seule facon De tourner le monde De le changer Pour toi je ne cesserai jamais de marcher Ma révolution porte ton nom Ma révolution n'a qu'une seule facon De tourner le monde De le changer Pour toi je ne cesserai jamais de marcher Ma révolution porte ton nom Serena Lee"Sweet Serena"Calm
- 16 years, 4 months, 25 days ago
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Face Down lyrics Hey girl you know you drive me crazy One look puts the rhythm in my hand Still I'll never understand why you hang around I see what's going down.
Cover up with make up in the mirror Tell yourself it's never gonna happen again You cry alone and then he swears he loves you.
Do you feel like a man When you push her around? Do you feel better now, as she falls to the ground? Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.
A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect Every action in this world will bear a consequence If you wait around forever you will surely drown I see what's going down.
I see the way you go and say you're right again, Say you're right again, Heed my lecture.
Do you feel like a man When you push her around? Do you feel better now, as she falls to the ground? Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.
Face down in the dirt She said "This doesn't hurt!" She said "I finally had enough!"
Face down in the dirt She said "This doesn't hurt!" She said "I finally had enough!"
(Screaming) One day she will tell you that she has had enough It's coming round again
Do you feel like a man When you push her around? Do you feel better now, as she falls to the ground? Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.
Do you feel like a man When you push her around? Do you feel better now, as she falls to the ground? Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.
Face down in the dirt She said "This doesn't hurt!" She said "I finally had enough!"