just a quick update.. 2 weeks ago I went to a normal eye doctors appointment to get my eyes checked so that I could order some more contacts.. The doctor saw some tiny insigtnificant spots on my eye so wanted me to be safe and have it checked... That same afternoon I went and saw a retinal specialist to find out that I had permanently lost half of my eye sight in my left eye and that within hours I could lose total eye sight in that eye so I was rushed in for emergency surgery to try and fix a very sever retinal tear.. I am still not able to see out of that eye but it might take up to 3 months to know if the surgery worked or not... I went back in for one of many check ups on Monday and I was told that there were now cataracts in the eye they just operated on and I have to go in for surgery on the OTHER eye on Friday of next week to prevent it from getting as bad as the other one did.. So its been a battle for me and yes I am scared but I have faith that everything will turn out alright:) I miss all of you dearly and do not want you all to think that I have forgotten about you at ALL...
Kisses.. Sorry about the spelling mistakes I cannot see the screen to well and I am not suppiosed to be in front of the computer *wink* Love you Karen Unknown"HAPPY YOU ARE OK"Scared
- 16 years, 3 months, 27 days ago
I have been sooo swamped with work then the recent hurricanes.. Sometimes I do not know whether I am coming or going... I miss you all terribly!! I dont have a computer right now zso when I get on its trhrough My t-mobile sidekick phone.. Love you all bunchesssssss Me Unknown"HAPPY YOU ARE OK"Scared
- 16 years, 6 months, 15 days ago
Ok just signed on for a brief second.. SOme of you know but not all of you that I was directly effected by Hurricane Katrina.. I was in my home with my parents and my twins and we almost died including losing everything... It still haunts us this day at how close we came to losing our lives... Well there is another storm in the gulf and it apears it is coming straight for us and I have been freaking out all day.. It is not something I think I can emotionally handle again and I am a very strong person.. SO I am asking you to PLEASE and I will repeat PLEASE keep us all in your thoughts!! Love you all bunches!! Unknown"HAPPY YOU ARE OK"Scared
- 16 years, 7 months, 6 days ago
*Kisses* Starting yet another job tomorrow so that would make it 5 jobs *Sounds like a lot but it's not really) A friend who owns a club needs some help bartending so I am going to help out for a bit to get some extra pocket change:) I will still be on here and I won't neglect any of My friends or pets... I love you all!!! Unknown"HAPPY YOU ARE OK"Scared
- 16 years, 7 months, 29 days ago
Something about ME that most of you do not know.. I was directly affected by Hurricane Katrina.. I was actually living on the beach in Long Beach Mississippi when the Hurricane hit.. I was also IN my home with my parents and my twins who were 8 at the time when it hit.. I put this photo montage together shortly after the hurricane... I would love to share it with you:) Most of the photos were actually taken by ME.. Try to read all of the words between the photos and I promise you it will forever touch you and make you appreciate LIFE.. (A side note.. there were 5 of us in the home.. They did not check for survivors until 10 days after the storm at which time they found 5 bodies on our property) We are truely blessed to be here today:) My family ended up spending close to 4 weeks in the refugee camps before we were found by my brother.
I thank you so very much for taking the time to watch the video.. The anniversary of Katrina is quickly approaching and I wanted to share this part of Me with My HP friends.. It prooves to us that even after losing everything you own Human Life is more valuable then any material possesion imaginable...
Rewriting the History of August 29th : A Prayer
Thank you for letting me understand homelessness, living without power, without television, without cool air in the heat.
Thank you for letting me understand hunger, the pleasure of dry clean clothes and the relief of place to sleep.
Thank you for letting me understand the deep and overwhelming sadness when forces, beyond our personal control, take the loved, the familiar, the usual.
Thank you for my needfulness and Thank you for my newfound empathy for those were homeless before the storm and homeless now, for those hungry anywhere, for those in need everywhere.
Thank you for the opportunity you provided to help my neighbor, to be my brother’s keeper, to serve food, to patch roofs, to clear yards, and to start mending that which was broken.
Thank you for the chance to change ourselves, from a reprieve from the normal commercial day, for teaching us to make do, to get by, to improvise, for drowning our conceit, complacency, callousness for silencing the noise , for stopping the clock, and for the chance to act our best when the worst occurred.
Thank you for the people who reached in pulled out the living, cradled the dead, comforted the broken and torn apart, wept for the splintered and uprooted.
Thank you for the people who didn’t wait who came right away, who opened their homes, who emptied their shelves, their closets, who cleaned, fed , healed, held us, who told us our spirit was amazing, and who keep on coming.
Thank you for people who measure their faith by their actions, and measure their action by its consistency with their faith.
Thank you for all the people we have met, who are new friends, new loved ones, new brothers and sisters, new neighbors.
Thank you Katrina. Not for wind, not for water, but for the appreciation of the things no storm can shatter, no water can wash away, no wind can move.
Unknown"HAPPY YOU ARE OK"Scared
- 16 years, 8 months, 14 days ago
"Reta"Coming back to life
- 16 years, 3 months, 20 days ago
Karen! It's wonderful to see you back! You will be in my thoughts and prayers, I'll light a candle for you. Keep the faith, my friend, it's what keeps us going. Big abrazos for you.