Currently having a postcard auction. Postcard depicts the majestic Blue Mosque in Istanbul Turkey and to this very day I thank God that I was lucky enough to visit it.
So I'm hoping to share my experience with you through this postcard. I forgot to add the picture of it in the auction so here it is...
Lishaznia "Shisha babe"Happy Chinese New Year!!
- 16 years, 6 months, 10 days ago
I have always wanted to own my very own shisha bottle. Unfortunately good shisha bottles cost a bomb so it'll have to wait. But I did my homework on how to prepare one so when I do get it I'll definitely know what to do (",)V
Lishaznia "Shisha babe"Happy Chinese New Year!!
- 16 years, 6 months, 12 days ago
My items have finally made it in the top 10 of HP Market's Most Popular Items! Yeay!! Thanks all who came and shopped. You guys truly rock!!
Lishaznia "Shisha babe"Happy Chinese New Year!!
- 16 years, 7 months, 4 days ago
I'm promoting my shop so I've been visiting certain herds to "pet" people. So if I "petted" you one too many times, do forgive me. It was not my intention to harass you. But hopefully you'll like what you see at the shop. And once this day ends I'll be visiting all who shopped to thumb your tales (o_O)V Lishaznia "Shisha babe"Happy Chinese New Year!!
- 16 years, 7 months, 5 days ago
I'm simply mesmerised by this Indonesian song. The song itself is beautiful and the lyrics are sheer poetry. If I do find the time I'll translate the lyrics to English. I just felt the need to share this with everyone. Enjoy...
Lishaznia "Shisha babe"Happy Chinese New Year!!
- 16 years, 7 months, 5 days ago
LadY HeatheN
"⛓️⚔️⛓"We Will Own You
- 4 years, 23 days ago
still human pets-ing? hahaha
"My PT Pornstar"Hopeless
- 15 years, 11 months, 19 days ago
lol dont worry urself sweetie, i havent been on much lately either, i've got a new job yay! so been busy with that :) hope u can be on a little bit more though! missed u *hugs*
"Butterflygoddess"lollies lollies everywhere
- 15 years, 12 months ago
hehe yeah new toys pics!! though i don't play with them you know!! hehe don't want to damage them!! hehe ;)
Life on here! Things with this ecomomic crisis is hitting hard here too!! lots of people are lossing there jobs! :( hopefully your be ok!! keep me posted won't you!! i will have my fingures crossed for you that everything will be ok for you!! :)
"Mr Coolness "nothing
- 15 years, 12 months, 2 days ago
Would i be taking my life to the edge of oblivion if i suggested that the books are brilliant, and yet as close as the movie Twilight was to the first book, it still failed to do the story justice...? If they were aiming for the teenage female market, then of course it would appear that they hit the mark, but my god, at what cost?!?!