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Sherri Philpot
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| Herds (lead): | Sharrice's Thumbing, Chat-n-Thumb | Herds: | VIP - Very Important Pets, Dark Carnival, I ♡ Human Pets, I like sexy Owners, We Have Tattoos, Suicide Girls, immaculate perceptions, I Own You!, Super-Sweet Shops Herd, Shop Advertisments, ღKawaii shopsღ, Just the Hottest of the Hot!, fifteen 2 fifteen, ThiRTEeN!, MUMMA KATZ 5/10, *~* SaTiSfAcTiOn *~* 5/10, WhY So SeRiOuS ? 5/15, Fallen Thumbs, Jo's 15/10 Thumbs, krazzie tens, Trusted Thumbers Association, Kitty's Erotic Story Herd, Angel 5/10, Sex Tips For Men, The Herd of Fabulous Shops | |
Sherri's tales
So I'm like never on here anymore. I'm more of on facebook, and fubar. I'm never really even on the computer much anymore. Between school, work, Landon, and family issues things around here have been crazy as hell. So if you want to contact me on either of those, it'd be amazing. Just leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Until than, I will not be on here much, so don't be surprised if you don't get a response back as quickly as you would like. Just remember, I have my own life outside of the Internet. Thanks, and please drive thru.
Sherri Philpot "★SherriLynn★" Calm
- 15 years, 4 months, 5 days ago
So I lost the internet at my house, so I had to regain it at my Mothers. I'm finally caught back up in school. FINALLY, after being like two weeks behind. Midterms are next week already. Woofuckinghoo! I've been working 12 hour shifts all week. i'm sooooooooo wore out!
Sherri Philpot "★SherriLynn★" Calm
- 15 years, 5 months, 23 days ago
Amber: I dnt have ur cell number otherwise i woulda txt ya. So ya its kinda fucked up that u told gary tat yall got bedbugs bcuz of me. Dnt blame that shit on me then go n tell the landlord that yall got em cuz of me. I dnt even have the dam thngs an if yall had them id have them so can u all please stop blamin everythng on me tell gary an his dad 2 grow up Me: I didn't say we got them because of you. And you did or do have them. We don't have them anymore, and they weren't that bad over here. So... And I didn't tell the landlord shit personally, what him and his dad does isn't any of my fault. Amber: Well gary and none of them even woulda had a reason 2 blame us if u didnt tell them tat its my fault so i no that aint true but its cool and it is ur fault cuz u told gary n he told the landlord and so wat if i did have them u all didnt get them cuz of me but i dnt even care jus cuz u dnt like me ne more u r gna try n get everyone 2 hate me 2 but i dnt even care ne more u talkd so much shit bout me 2 so many different ppl n lied 2 me bout it all 2 my face man n w my luck gary proly wasnt texn me tat nite it proly was u. But its all done i want my hoodies back 2day please. Me: Believe what you want. im sick of the bullshit. i wasnt the one texting you that night you can ask him. youll get them back today. and i told him bout the bed bugs cause we were talking about them ya dig. and you told britt and tommy that they got them from me? how is that possible? i never been in their apt or nothing. Your pillow was at their house you probably carried them there with you.make sure i get my teal and black short sleeve and american eagle hoodie and youll get yours when i get off work. anyhow do what you do. im out. dont write me anymore. peace. Amber: ok i never said shit bout u 2 ne of them. If i woulda said tat i woulda said it 2 u ok i dnt talk shit behind ur back sry im nt like u. Ill give who ever at that nasty house ur teal shirt an ur hoodie tats all i have of urs. U r just as 2 faced as everyone at work and gary im dne ill b waitin 4 my stuff at 4 cuz thats wat time u usually r back. After this im dne talkn 2 u so thanx 4 the lies an bs an makn me believe ur a true friend n nw i can c i was fooled so peace. After i get my hoodies back leave me the fuck alone. Me: do what you do. ill have your shit sittin on your porch when we get home cause i have shit to do after work. so it wont be at 4. Me: Darrel said whats up and he wants to make up. Me: Your hoodies are on your porch, so i expect to have my hoodie and shirt on my porch. Peace. Amber: ok ill get ur shit to u either tonight or tomorrow mornin early. don fuckin email me again after this becaus u emailin me bout darrell was fucked up u no damn well gustavo gets on my page an u want to make our realationship miserable because your miserable and im not on that shit so just leave me alone and i have nothin more to say to you. leave my and my family name out of your mouth fuck darrell and eveyone else at work just LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!!! Me: I want my shit tonight. before 1030 p.m. you wanted your shit today, I want mine also. Darrell is the one who wrote you off my phone, but also like I said believe what you want. I'm not miserable anymore. I'm actually pretty happy with my life. But adios. Have fun.
Sherri Philpot "★SherriLynn★" Calm
- 15 years, 6 months, 1 day ago
Sooo.. It's the weekend and I'm sitting at home working on homework. I had like 5 papers to write, and I'm finally finished writing them. This criminology class and gender/society class is going to kick my butt this term! So much writing and work to do, but it'll all be worth it in the end. Plus with a lil playing around on the Internet doesn't help much either. I'm finished writing it all down on paper. Now I need to take some ME time, and than I'll be typing it all up!
Sherri Philpot "★SherriLynn★" Calm
- 15 years, 6 months, 4 days ago
On the other hand, work is well. Landon and I are moving back in with my mother for a little bit so that I can get my shit together, and than I'm getting my own apartment!
Sherri Philpot "★SherriLynn★" Calm
- 15 years, 6 months, 16 days ago
★Sharrice's Shop★

Anything from under the kitchen sink. I'll have random items that you'll only find here for cheap prices that everyone can afford! Look around, and enjoy!
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