"What oxygen is to the lungs, such is hope to the meaning of life"
About me:
I love 1) Random escapades
2) Sunrises
3) Listening to new songs
4) Waterfronts
5) People watching
6) Languages
7) Laying in grass
8) Having coffee with an acquaintance
9) Grande nonfat with 1 honey x-hot green tea lattes
10) Meaningful hugs
11) Cold mornings
12) Street dance
13) Fresh air
14) Blue and silver
15) Walking/running without a destination
16) Hot oven-baked cookies + cold milk
17) Warm rain, but not wet feet
18) Unexpected hidden talents
19) Missed calls & unexpected text messages
20) Chubby babies
I'm getting ready to go to Australia next Monday. I'm not looking forward to the 14+ hour flight there but I'm really excited to see Tony :D I've been practicing my Australian accent O.o
I thought this baby kangaroo getting food stolen was cute :D Is it a bird that is stealing the food?? I cannot tell what animal it is :P So just putting up this video because there are kangaroos in Australia >< Maybe I will get to see a kangaroo that looks cute like this one :)
Why are the pictures of Australia in brochures so much prettier than the ones of the U.S.?!
Unknown"♥ 我寶寶"我愛你 o(◕‿◕) o
- 16 years, 10 months, 28 days ago
A drag on his cig. Exhale. Drain the remnants of his coffee cup.
"They said if you love someone, you let her go. That's an awful lie. You give her your heart and your soul, but you never let her go."
"But what if she wants her space, and her freedom?"
"Then you give it to her. But she never told you to just leave. The trick is to hold her gently. Never force her, never hurt her. If she wants to 'have space', then loosen your grip even more... but never ever let her go. "
A laugh. "That's obsessing."
Shrug. "No. I never told you to go follow her 24/7, did I? You can be a thousand miles away without ever letting her go... or you can be right in front of her, with nothing. They say love isn't a feeling, but continuous action and affirmation. How the hell can you ever reaffirm your love if you just 'let her go'? How can you continue telling her that you love her if you just let her go? They say bury your feelings... but if they can be buried in the first place, then that ISN'T LOVE now, is it?"
A waiter appears with another espresso. A sip, and he continues.
"I don't pretend to be the world's foremost expert on love - I only know I've loved once. But in that giving of everything you have, you truly show your love. You might not get anything 'in return', but I sure did - I got the knowledge that I had loved, truly and completely. I don't expect you, cynic that you are, to understand how I was willing to give something for nothing. And the amazing thing was, I can't name 3 months when I was happier. Or 3 days. Or 3 hours. Hell, it all boiled down to 3 moments - her soft giggle, and her response. 'I', 'LOVE', 'YOU'. Now tell me, how do you expect me to let go of that?"
"But she's a world away! How do you expect to keep the love alive?"
"Love transcends miles. And love isn't 'because you're nearby.' It's not giving 'in exchange for something.' If that were true, then all love would stop with a plane ride. I can't be 100% sure she'll still be loving me after 2 years elsewhere, but I do know that I'll still be loving her, every single day we're apart. And somehow... I know that 2 years away won't ever diminish what we have."
"Long distance relationships never work out. You know that."
"Never? Watch me."
"That's crazy."
A plane roars off in the distance. He smiles.
"That's love." <3
**Taken from a blog**
Unknown"♥ 我寶寶"我愛你 o(◕‿◕) o
- 16 years, 11 months, 20 days ago
A Random Girl's Story
There once was a normal girl who lived in the city. One night, while taking a break from her studies, she decided to log onto Facebook and send her friend a message. After sending her friend a message she did not want to get back to studying so soon. Instead, she decided to find what groups there were on Facebook. She joined the group “I <3 Taiwan.” Because she still didn’t want to study, she decided to add some of the members of that group as her Facebook friend. The only thing she knew about them was their love for Taiwanese food, culture, and people. After this she decided to go to bed instead of study.
The next day, after a tiring day at Uni, she logged onto Facebook and found that some members from the Taiwanese group had accepted her friend request. She decided to send them a thank you message for adding her as a friend. A couple of hours later, while taking another mini break from studying, she received a reply from someone in that group. Though this person called her a “random girl” for adding him as her Facebook friend, he seemed like a nice friendly person. About one month later, this girl ended her one year relationship with her boyfriend because he had cheated on her. Not realizing that people read other people’s Facebook statuses, and because she needed to express her feelings, she wrote in her Facebook status that she was angry and feeling sad.
The next day she received a message from the random boy, asking her why she was feeling sad. They began sending messages back and forth after this, which went on everyday. She looked forward to reading his messages every morning before she went to her classes. Logging onto Facebook and seeing an unread message in her Inbox made her happy, even before she read the message. He was a random boy that lived in Australia. She was a random girl that lived in the United States. They were able to talk with each other as if they had known one another for a long time. They simply clicked.
She realized that her feelings had grown for this random boy. She considered him a friend but the feeling was stronger than that. She didn’t know when this happened. It just did. That’s why it was a surprise to her when he asked her to be his girlfriend. The girl knew that it was next to impossible for something like this to work out. He lived in Australia, she lived in the U.S., and neither had seen each other face-to-face. But this girl decided to take a chance because she had grown to care for this person. Because of the distance, as many people say that long-distance relationships are difficult to work out, this random girl and random boy have been tested many times. But after each time, the random girl realized how much more she loved this boy. Yes, love.
Is it possible to develop deep feelings for someone you have never met? Is it possible to make something work when you are far apart? No one ever said love was easy. Thanks to the story of Eleanor Lo and Pooj Morjaria who have made me realize that love can be found in the most unexpected places and when you least expect it~
Unknown"♥ 我寶寶"我愛你 o(◕‿◕) o
- 17 years, 29 days ago
"All men have the stars," he answered, "but they are not the same things for different people. For some, who are travellers, the stars are guides. For others they are no more than little lights in the sky. For others, who are scholars, they are problems. For my businessman they were wealth. But all the stars are silent. You--you alone--will have the stars as no one else has them."
Unknown"♥ 我寶寶"我愛你 o(◕‿◕) o
- 17 years, 1 month, 7 days ago