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Martin Sionnach | - Free online hangout and friends
Kitty Van Bratt
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Martin Sionnach
Martin Sionnach
"Naughty sionnach"

Martin Sionnach, 53/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:9:30 AM
Join date:16 years, 2 months, 26 days ago
Location: South Carolina!! United States

About me:

I guess I can best be described (in the short term) as a pygophilist, a libertine, at one time an infantry squad leader and someone who frequently enjoys: coffee, raw sugar, books, micheladas, cheap sun glasses, the occasional semi-automatic rifle, the Springfield XD line, Ms. Sparxxx, Persian rugs, belly dancers, Irish breakfast tea, corned beef sandwiches, bacon, compasses, the night sky, incarnate angels, Latin, stained glass windows, things that fall from the night sky, and thick hips.

I'm no stranger to: hurt feelings, bruised and broken hearts, betrayals, the occasional semi-automatic rifle, vanilla lattes, pain killers, things that go “bang,” global positioning systems, the local cuisine, selfishness, stumbling around in the dark, moving on without closure, bittersweet victories, being out of breath, hot chai with too much sugar, ducking, starting over…and thick hips…

Additionally, you should also know: it takes a certain kind of courage to be my friend; the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is loosely based on my life; I believe in love; I can drive "a stick" (pardon the American colloquialism); I run towards gunfire; And collectively, I am not: a door mat, a spare tire, a toilet, a fire hydrant, an umbrella, a second fiddle or a second choice. Choose me or lose me.

And lastly, the following is a list of items that I want to acquire - if you have these items (and are looking to unload them) or you have information on where I might find them, drop me a line or two: things that fall from the night sky, Libyan desert glass, a decent night's sleep, a cure for depression, learning how to dance the tango, learning how to play the guitar, a personalized autographed picture of Ms. Sparxxx, a legitimate sighting of Ogopogo, feathers from the wings of an angel, and a bottle of being comfortable in my own skin.

I know that barely scratches the surface but anything more than that and you should just get to know me...if you still want to. If not, cheers! Have a good day!

About you:

About you? What about you? This is my profile...

Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): MARTIN'S MENAGERIE, MY CONCUBINE'S CHAMBER, Cloudy with a chance of rain..., THE PHOENIX'S TEARS..., TEST 2
Herds: Tricky Love, Collective Erotic Chronicles, Trusted Thumbers Association, Kitty's Erotic Story Herd, FAST, LOOSE and LOVELY!, Candyfloss - 30/5 Herd, Clarity For Fun Sake, **Cherry Poppers 30/5, Thumbs for Fun 15/5, Princess's Dark Embrace, Thumb Monsters, HP MIXER CLUB, snowflake kisses, Layout Codes for Dummies, CrAzY ToPiC's, Yeah baby, thumb me more!!!!, HP Thumbing Club : Chat & Help, Shuffling 30/5, Sionnach Home
Kitty Van Bratt
Kitty Van Bratt
"mo priomh ♥"
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Debbie Labuschagne
Debbie Labuschagne
"Leeuwyfie ♥"
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Auntie Climax
Auntie Climax
"Besty "
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Icey Arse
Icey Arse
"My fancy icing x"
325784 pts

Melissa Williams
Melissa Williams
"G.I. Jane "
123528 pts
Martin's tales
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Martin Sionnach

Does anyone know where I can get a new profile layout? Anyone? Anyone?

Martin Sionnach "Naughty sionnach" indecisive - 4 years, 10 months, 9 days ago
Martin Sionnach


So here’s the deal – buy this item from my shop and then drop it in my comments or in my message box. This item entitles you to a unique personal picture of me. How unique you ask? Well that all depends on YOUR imagination. The only condition – I want to keep it clean so all picture requests have to be PG (and what does that mean? It means I'm not taking off any clothes below the waist unless it’s my shoes and socks). Other than me keeping my pants on (AND DOING NOTHING ILLEGAL) – the sky is the limit. Let’s have some fun with this. Please submit your picture requests to my inbox. Thanks for the donations :)

Martin Sionnach "Naughty sionnach" indecisive - 9 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
Martin Sionnach

 photo 327f3e4c-8269-4b00-83ad-5269df8b1cac.jpg

Martin Sionnach "Naughty sionnach" indecisive - 9 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
Martin Sionnach

So who has the skinny on where I can get a new layout?

Martin Sionnach "Naughty sionnach" indecisive - 9 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
Martin Sionnach

Wow! Has it really been
six years and three months since I have joined?

Martin Sionnach "Naughty sionnach" indecisive - 9 years, 12 months ago
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Madame Otter

Good Morning You have been given Good Morning.
Crafted by -N-
Madame Otter "Madame Otter" Pumpkin Time - 2 days, 14 hrs ago
Madame Otter

Breakfast in Bed ~♥~ You have been given Breakfast in Bed ~♥~.
Crafted by Dawn M
Madame Otter "Madame Otter" Pumpkin Time - 2 days, 14 hrs ago
Madame Otter

A sexy belly dance You have been given A sexy belly dance.
Crafted by Feyre Archeron
Madame Otter "Madame Otter" Pumpkin Time - 2 days, 14 hrs ago
Madame Otter

Dropping By For a Visit You have been given Dropping By For a Visit.
Crafted by Sandy
Madame Otter "Madame Otter" Pumpkin Time - 3 months, 29 days ago
Madame Otter

Wake Up! You have been given Wake Up!.
Crafted by David
Madame Otter "Madame Otter" Pumpkin Time - 3 months, 29 days ago
Don’t think he needs a layout lol
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" Great Time To Be American - 10 months, 17 days ago
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Martin's shop


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