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Candyfloss - 30/5 Herd | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: Candyfloss - 30/5 Herd
Led by Dave Purcell | 67 members

Here are the rules: 1.Post 30 comments (2 pages
2. Every set will be thumbed till 5
.CLEAR and NOTIFY the person/people you thumb to 5!
3. Pls wait until 3 people post their comments, and then, you can post more!!!!
4. You are free to post whatever you like, as long as you post exactly 30 comments!
Herd leaders

Dave Purcell Dave Purcell "ღResting" Cancer slows me down on HP

Danielle Danielle "Sassypants" Tired

Alli Marie Alli Marie "Dead" Courageous

Dipyaman Sarkar Dipyaman Sarkar "My love ♥ NFS" Sparkling

Ehab Raafat Ehab Raafat "My Sunshine" Tired

Ike Ike "Count Nutter!" Cat napping :D

Annie Annie "Resting" computer problems :(
chris b chris b "❤️ My knight" adventurous

Patricia Patricia "Miss Tricia" Hungry

Andi Andi "Larry's Babe" Sparkling

Angela Carter Angela Carter "~rest in peace~" THRILLED TO HEAR FROM LAURIE!!

Marci Marci "ME MARCI" feeline fine ~^. .^~

Char Char "Nova Scotian Gem" ♥♥

Burcu Ural Burcu Ural ♥•.¸♥ Like a FaiRy ♥•

Cheeky Barstard Cheeky Barstard "~rest in peace~" Cheeky

Fareesha Fareesha "My Diamond" Crazy

Teresa  AKA FoxyT Teresa AKA FoxyT "Foxy T " Cheeky

Mylene Mylene "Mylene ^..^" Meowww

Dave Purcell Dave Purcell "ღResting" Cancer slows me down on HP

Chahaha Chahaha "lonely bear :-(" Mr Lonely

Adeline MoonLight Adeline MoonLight "G's Delight" Surprised

Jake Blackett Jake Blackett "My heart" Loyal

Jeanine Jeanine "♥Nini♥" new tat .. woot

Bill vB Bill vB "My Superman" Sparkling

Mapacha Mapacha "♥SunSetAngel"

CK CK "♥SiowTaoQi"

Larry Larry " Cutsie's" Belong with Andi xoxo

Miss_Fabulous Miss_Fabulous "נפלאה" I am what I am

Steve in NZ Steve in NZ "My Gentleman"

Blair Blair "Mine!! " Tease...

Belfast Babe Belfast Babe " Naughty shop" I love my Owner

SamSam SamSam Please Do not Buy Me Y(^^,)Y

JJG JJG "Mi Tesoro"

Lindsay Lindsay "Linds NFS" Frisky

Ertugrula Ertugrula "®" Wild

Patrick Patrick

Unknown Unknown "*" Loving

Knyboi Knyboi "KaSs ♥" Smooches

Sherrie Bear Sherrie Bear "Busy Babe" Playful

nicholas nicholas "Ami Pacifique" Sparkling

Hugh Manpet Hugh Manpet ""My Manpet-NFS" Ecstatic

Vipin Singh Vipin Singh "♥Vippie " Naughty

Kate Kate "עילוי" sleep deprived

Chirp Chirp "Samar Dev" Lazy

Serena Lee Serena Lee "Sweet Serena" Calm

Fawzy Fawzy "~rest in peace~" back in 24 hours or so

Kat Kat "Barekatღღღ" Content

Bruce Bruce "RazamaTaz" ~?~

M E L I S S A M E L I S S A Loving

Tim P Tim P "Catnip"

_Syl_ _Syl_ "my sexy princess" Read Latest Tale ...

Regius Draconigena Regius Draconigena "My BfF SpIke" Happy Valentines Blood Blossom!

Elissa Renee Elissa Renee "sweety" Sexy

Jocelyn Nimmo Jocelyn Nimmo "Sweet Dove" College Graduate :-)

Bountiful Bella Bountiful Bella "Boobylicious" less bi sexual more try sexual

SaaD SaaD "Wanted"
Catherine Catherine "Dave's Beloved"

Jaycee Leigh Jaycee Leigh "My PerhapS♥" Ƀ♥Ⱦçh

S J S J Sleepy

purusha purusha "Blue" Loving

Brandi Brandi "My Amazing Lady"

Nuria Nuria "CocoNutty :) NFS" starting

Special K Special K "Hmmmmm" Cheeky.

Martin Sionnach Martin Sionnach "Naughty sionnach" indecisive

Angel Kisses Angel Kisses "Beautiful " Simmer down and pucker up

Carol Carol Not Happy With Some
happy happy "Gilly's Aussie" Naughty

Greg Greg "LionHeart" Calm


Ghost Rider Ghost Rider "Ghost'T" Dazed

Amanda Amanda Tingles in all the right spots

Josh Josh "rAwR" Hurt

David Black David Black Gloomy

Sherri Sherri sending kisses to my Ownie...
Jules Jules "0069 " Shazam

BRIAN LEEDER BRIAN LEEDER "Toy" feeling naughty

Just Me Just Me "sexy smile"

Chris Chris "★Charming★"

J D Hildebrand J D Hildebrand "Seraphic" Carefree

Boo Boo "Sweet Boo" confused

Hanuman Gupta Hanuman Gupta "Playboy" Sparkling

Karen Jeffery Karen Jeffery "♥Soulmate♥" ♥RIP Mike Jeffery 1976-2011♥

Kickasstopher Kickasstopher "makes BC hot!" Naughty

Rashmin Rashmin "☆Rash☆"

had enough had enough "Dead" fuk this sh't

misbehavin misbehavin "Princess Ruth" ღ☼hmmm percolating

Evona Evona Sad

Rahul _ R D Rahul _ R D Loving

STORM STORM "My African Angel"

Lycan Lycan "~Lycan" I HAVE QUIT HP!!!!

sara sara ready for spring break!


Justin Fox Justin Fox Naughty

dilersingh dilersingh Inspired

Tommy Jones Tommy Jones "Left HP" Adored

Emre Emre "Bombon" BOOM BOOM POW
misses Doyle misses Doyle "Boss" Playful
Luciano Luciano "Mine mine mine" Thirsty

Brujah CTG_This Is Sparta Brujah CTG_This Is Sparta "NFS! UniqueQ" ♥Animal Trainer♥

Ralphy Ralphy ♥Rachel's Forever♥

Mido Mido Sexy

Perseus Perseus "Perseus" ....

Shaun Shaun "Smiling Eyes " Away for a few days.

A d y A d y "~ Ady ~" Sparkling

Joy Joy "My Princess" Purring
Nancy Nancy "Linda's pet"

Wolfie Wolfie

Taz Taz "GayChick" :(

Bonkers Bonkers "Bonkers"
Tia Tia "♥MIA♥" happy now miss?lol

Derek Derek Adventurous

Gergy Gergy Loyal

Jose Jose Naughty

King King "my sweetheart❤" I Am Free Soul :)@@@

Rasta Rising Rasta Rising "Alma Aventureira" Peaceful

wolfwithin wolfwithin "Wolf Within" ~Dented & Kinked~
Borg Borg "Submissively Shy" Curious