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ChaosQueen | - Free online hangout and friends
ChaosQueen's tales
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* ~Hallalster gives ChäøsQuèèñ a Really Hot.. Long Super And Really Erotic..Earth Shattering, Soul Burning, Oh My Gawd If I Stop Now I'll Die, Better Than Heaven,,Groping, Don't Stop Touching Me, Blood Boiling, OhGawdOhGawdOhGawd Soul Stealing, Dream Making, Close To XRated, Hand Trembling, Knee Buckling, Heart Stopping, Body Tingling,Earth Quake Making, Passion Exploding, Wet, Deep, Hard, LONG KISS

Wheew love that kid...
ChaosQueen "The Gypsy" Wicked evil rotten person - 16 years, 2 months, 10 days ago
Tarot auction.
ChaosQueen ChaosQueen ChaosQueen ChaosQueen
ChaosQueen "The Gypsy" Wicked evil rotten person - 16 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
230 pages total for my herds :D
ChaosQueen "The Gypsy" Wicked evil rotten person - 16 years, 2 months, 14 days ago
Was it worth the the countless hours?

My mind still races and never stops asking.

Then I ask myself was it worth all those beautiful flowers?

Or was something in their color lacking?

Was it worth the time we spent together?

Or was I just replaceable, like old, brown, cheap leather

Did the days in the park mean anything, as the hot warm sun shined down upon my lover?

The numerous memories we had together, you blew away as if light as a feather.

And the fruitful dreams I had of YOU turned to nightmares cold and black

Because the pain I felt from you was worse than searing burns upon my back.

You showed no sorrow, for the heart you turned hallow, so I had no choice but to follow.

So I left my empty heart and tried to take another’s, like you had shown

But the sounds of tears from another heart did nothing to fill my own

Was it worth going through so many others, after my heart was shattered apart?

For the pain still remains in the bottom of my heart.
ChaosQueen "The Gypsy" Wicked evil rotten person - 16 years, 2 months, 14 days ago
I do not hate you for living the life you choose
I hate you for not knowing my pain
I hate me for not living your life
instead I die in mine
Before hate one must love
with each love comes hate
Like a razor through flesh
relief comes
only shortly numbed pain
left behind as scars
of love once had
Lost to the endless depths
ChaosQueen "The Gypsy" Wicked evil rotten person - 16 years, 2 months, 21 days ago
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lost with out you You have been given lost with out you.
Crafted by Irish
Irish "Irish" Lost - 15 years, 7 months, 12 days ago

im forever waiting You have been given im forever waiting .
Irish "Irish" Lost - 15 years, 7 months, 12 days ago
if u become active find meeee xoxo
Dancing on your page You have been given Dancing on your page.
Crafted by Lady Chandra
Irish "Irish" Lost - 15 years, 7 months, 12 days ago

Missing You You have been given Missing You.
Crafted by Devilish Star
Irish "Irish" Lost - 16 years, 1 month, 26 days ago

You have been given I miss you.
Crafted by Unknown
Irish "Irish" Lost - 16 years, 1 month, 28 days ago

You have been given Miss You.
Crafted by Unknown
Irish "Irish" Lost - 16 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
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ChaosQueen's shop
Ash's shop

All Points go to keep my pets safely with me. And to get them your iteams.. if you have a store.

Ask for something and i will try my best to find it.

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ty for shopping
1 use

200 pts
ty for shopping
Bought by 4 people
1 use

7000 pts
Bought by 10 people
Adults only
For your pleasure
1 use

200 pts
For your pleasure
Bought by 11 people
Adults only
yours for a lifetime
1 use

200 pts
yours for a lifetime
Bought by 15 people
Adults only
nice ride.
1 use

200 pts
nice ride.
Bought by 16 people
Adults only
All for you.
1 use

200 pts
All for you.
Bought by 14 people
Adults only
thinking about you.
1 use

200 pts
thinking about you.
Bought by 63 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 3 people
Pretty roses for my pet
1 use

200 pts
Pretty roses for my pet
Bought by 53 people
Pest pet award
1 use

250 pts
Pest pet award
Bought by 2 people
My Pet back off
1 use

200 pts
My Pet back off
Bought by 13 people
delecious lips.
1 use

180 pts
delecious lips.
Bought by 4 people
Adults only
Waiting for you
1 use

200 pts
Waiting for you
Bought by 31 people
Adults only
nice peice of ass.
1 use

200 pts
nice peice of ass.
Bought by 9 people
I Love you.
1 use

200 pts
I Love you.
Bought by 19 people
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