Drifting apart
we were once so close
and now so far
once together
now miles apart
i should have known the friendship would grow cold
even when you kept on telling me it wouldnt
i hardly know you anymore
and neither do you know me
what was once such a beautiful friendship
is nothing anymore
just a fragmented memory
i always remember the good times
and try to forget the bad
but its just not the same anymore
without you to guide my path
why did we have to drift apart
so slowly but so surely
one day we were one and the next we were two
it always happens, i should have known that
we never had much keeping the flame burning
it has now been extinguished
without neither of us knowing
but i do now, now its too late
i no longer know you as much as i used to
we hardly talk anymore
but if i ask you why did we grow apart
you always say we havent
yet we have cant you see?
its not the same as it once was
was it you or was it me?
- 16 years, 6 months, 12 days ago