Something a little different you can actually answer something besides yes or no~~
1. What is your occupation: Southeast Regional USDA Inspector
2. What color are your socks right now: white
3. What are you listening to right now: creed
4. What was the last thing you ate: starburst
5. Can you drive stick shift: yup
6. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone: my sis
7. Do you like the person who sent this to you: **umm sometimes LMAO**
8. How old are you: umm old enough to know better
9. What's your favourite soda: Diet Mountain Dew
10. What's your favourite sport to watch: Nascar
11. Have you ever dyed your hair: yep
12. Do you have any pets: *Laughs* 9 dogs,3 cats,3 parrots and whatever is hiding under the bed LMAO!!
13. What's your favourite dessert? anything made with peanut butter
14. What's the last movie you've seen? umm don't remember ..(old age showing)
15. What's your favorite day of the week?: Wednesday(hump day) LMAO
16. How do you prevent anger? I stay away from assholes and idiots!
17. What was your favourite toy when you were little: calves at granpa's farm
18. What's your favourite season: Spring
19. Hugs or Kisses? kisses
20. Cherries or Blueberries:Cherries
22. Who's most likely to respond to this: My Sis
23 Who's least likely to respond to this: E1 but my Sis!
24. Current living arrangement: Myself, my dogs,parrots and outside cats and whatever lives under my bed,
25. When was the last time you cried: Hmmm...a couple hours ago.
26. What's on the floor of your closet: Boots, shoes, dust bunnies and 1 of my exes. (Shhh!!)
27. What did you do last night?: played bingo online and yapped on messengers
28. Favourite smells: Vanilla,and Obsession
29. Who inspires you: My Daddy for all the hard work he has done all his life and still works over 40 hours a week even at age 70.
30. Who were you afraid of as a little kid: My Uncle Marshall Lee
31. Favorite Holiday: Christmas
32. Who do you miss right now: My Family
33. What time did you get up this morning? 8:00 ugghhhh
34. Diamonds or Pearls? diamonds
35. What is your favorite TV show? CSI Miami,Extreme Makeover and The Young and Restless
36. What did you have for breakfast? Diet Mountain Dew
37. What is your middle name?....Louise
38. What is your favorite cuisine? Salads
39. What foods do you dislike?....Beets
40. Your favorite Potato chip?....UTZ
41. What is your favorite CD at the moment?....Creed
42. Favorite sandwich? any Panini as long as it doesn't have meat
43. What characteristics do you dislike? Whiners and Liars
44. What are your favorite clothes? PJ's
45. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation: Australia
46. Favorite brand of clothing? umm LMAOO Walmart haha
47. Favorite time of day? Night.
48. Are you a morning person or night owl? Night Owl
49. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? nah not really same crap another day!!
50. What did you want to be when you were little? Grown
51. What is your best childhood memory? Spending time with my Granny!
52. Piercing? Ears
53. Been in a car accident? Yes Several
54. Favorite flower? Columbines
55. Favorite ice cream? Peanut Butter
56. Ever Rode or been Ridden on a Harley?
57. How many times did you fail your drivers test? None
58. Last person you went to dinner with? God Son Billy
59. What is your favorite color? Baby Green
60. How many tattoos do you have? 17
61. Last person you spoke to online: Robin
62. Collect anything? Coins,Bracelets
63. Whats Sexy to you? For a Man to have Long Hair
64. Whats a Turn Off? Prejudice, ignorance, and inflated egos.
65. What was your GPA? 4.5
66. Addictions? Pogo Games and online chatting
67. If u could be ANYwhere right now? Id be back home in Pa with my Family and friends with my Grandson Andrew sitting on my lap.
68. If you could BE anyone in the world...? Uhhh Myself i wouldn't want anyone else's probs I have enough of my own.
69. Phobias? UMM... None I know of but if it counts a dirty house,Can't stand my house dirty!
70. Final Thought? I cant believe I wasted an hour filling in this dumb ass thing out!! LMAOO..
Karen "Rescued" WAHOO gOT Darrren back
- 16 years, 1 month, 19 days ago