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Tammy | - Free online hangout and friends
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Tammy , 50/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:7:52 AM
Join date:17 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
Location: Perth, Ontario Canada

"More than you would ever expect in a woman!!"
About me:
I have now found some amusement!! It is divine and I am loving every minute of it!!!
I am a dreamer who has a lot of creativity and desires to find her muse!!!!
A friend to all in need, treat those the way I wish to be treated. Interested in culture and travel. History is for us all to learn, so open a book we all may learn something!!! Though a new friend said something wise to will learn more from a casual person then from a book. I think I will have to do that sometime...thank you R.H!!
Is the biggest sappiest woman you will ever meet!! I am Cheese!!
About you:
fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quiz

I like to meet ppl who are interested in being themselves, no hiding and no lying. If you cannot be real, then who are you fooling?....YOURSELF!! "The greatest challenge in life is to find someone who knows all your flaws, differences and mistakes, yet still loves everything about you." I have yet to find such a person!! The search continues....

I made this video playlist at

Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Dream Escape!!, Music Baby!!!, Thumbing Tangy!!, Tammy's info herd
Herds: Postcard collector's club!, heart attack and vine, Home Depot ~ get screwed!, Descussion herd, joanna's pet fund, Human Pets Success Stories, *THE DEN*....600 pgs, A New Herd Order, ♥ Rainbow Swarm ♥, Human Pets Secret Post [Learn], Customization Organization, A+ AUCTION FUN HOUSE VOTING HERD
im feeling panamanian
Emmanuel Davila
Emmanuel Davila
"Panama Hottie"
2500 pts
Tammy's tales
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Batman----tons of pages to do (done prob 200)
Dennis--- tons of pages
Dennis Rose--have done 100 of 500

owe someone for 200pages.
Tammy "Tammy" Serene - 15 years, 9 months, 9 days ago
Even though this tattoo is on her lower back, I really want to put something similar on the back of my neck, of course to cover another tattoo that is a celtic sun that has faded to a big black blob. lol
I would love to keep it, since i got it with a great friend who passed away in 2001, I miss him lots. I may get something else to remind me of him...though it seems my body may almost covered in
No I am not going to go that far...though now, each one i get will have meaning, and be with me always!!

Tammy "Tammy" Serene - 15 years, 9 months, 13 days ago
After my adventure of tattoo hunting!! Thoughts come to mind, though I shove them aside..they still linger near by. I try to treat those the way I wish to be treated, though my actions may be misunderstood, they only hold compassion. Being a caring person seems to bite me in the ass more times than I care to state. However, even after one incident, I go back for more. When I look at a person, I try to see the best part of them. Though I may be to mushy, or even try to organize each day, it never seems to amaze me how some individuals just think my intentions are more than what they actually are.
Even though I do get attached easily, in retrospect would that not be a good thing? At least I am not eagerly looking around me to see what is available. Instead I try to give attention where I feel attention should go.
Realistically the way I express myself is just to much for those who cannot fathom something lovely when they see it. My only hope is to be understood for the compassionate, caring, passionate, intense woman that dwells inside and only wishes to release to those who are deserving.
There is so many things this mind wishes to say, though I put my foot in my mouth more times than I care to admit. HP is a great place to let go of your inhibitions, insecurities and forget your flaws. Though in RL, they all seem to come rushing back.
Tammy "Tammy" Serene - 15 years, 9 months, 15 days ago
LOVE this one...though dont just want monarchs...
would cover another one of my tattoos, that has faded!
Tammy "Tammy" Serene - 15 years, 9 months, 15 days ago
Would SOOOOO do this!!
Tammy "Tammy" Serene - 15 years, 9 months, 15 days ago
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Angel Face

A Margerita for You! You have been given A Margerita for You!.
Crafted by Angel Face
Angel Face "My Angel" Playful - 15 years, 1 month, 20 days ago

♥~For You~♥ You have been given ♥~For You~♥.
Crafted by Lily
Jason "Kind Kitteh" Uncertain - 15 years, 6 months, 20 days ago

hugs for my pet You have been given hugs for my pet.
Crafted by Neil
Jason "Kind Kitteh" Uncertain - 15 years, 6 months, 23 days ago

a splash of joy for your page You have been given a splash of joy for your page.
Crafted by unknown
Jason "Kind Kitteh" Uncertain - 15 years, 6 months, 28 days ago

You Are So Cute  You have been given You Are So Cute .
Crafted by Pink Pearl
Jason "Kind Kitteh" Uncertain - 15 years, 7 months, 1 day ago

Hugs to you You have been given Hugs to you.
Crafted by Jim
Jason "Kind Kitteh" Uncertain - 15 years, 7 months, 1 day ago
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Tammy's shop
Tammy's Shop

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Take Care
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Take Care
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Got to Love Wednesdays
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Happy Wednesday
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Its Hump Day
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A Shot
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A Shot
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F**K You
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F**K You
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Happy Tuesday
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Happy Tuesday
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Happy B-Day
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Happy B-Day
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Whats on His Mind??
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Whats on His Mind??
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