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Ben Spedoske | - Free online hangout and friends
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Ben Spedoske
Ben Spedoske
"Salty Cashew"

Ben Spedoske, 43/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:11:10 AM
Join date:17 years, 7 months, 12 days ago
Location: Ypsilanti Twp, MI United States

"Ben Franklin Lives!"
About me:
I'm friendly and good with children. I don't make messes. I'm well-behaved, even around other pets. I don't need to be walked...I can do it myself! I would make a great addition to any home.
About you:
Another docile and playful pet. I get along well with others, after all. Preferably, you don't drool TOO much. Rabies shots are a must.
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Sex Kittens, Nerds are Sexy, I ♡ Human Pets, Grammar Geeks, MASTER / MISTRESS / slave / sub, Breeding Zoo, The redhead solidarity front, Nakedity Now 18+, WE LOVE BIG BOOBS, Boob Armada, Armed Forces of Sgt Boobies, The Erotic Club (chat&contests), Boobs, Boobs, Boobs, CUPIDS HANGOUT, ©ӐԼԼ ƬĦĘ ƁĘĄƱŦƗƑƱԼ ŞƗŊŊĘƦŞ™, UNDER CONSTRUCTION, Kitty's Erotic Story Herd
Ben's tales
Ben Spedoske
I NEED POINTS! How does one really go about starting a shop, anyway? Where would I find nifty pictures to use for my items?
Ben Spedoske "Salty Cashew" Feisty - 15 years, 2 months, 28 days ago
Ben Spedoske
I really need a new job, but NO ONE is hiring! Gahhhh!

P.S. What job does everyone think I'd be good at? :-)
Ben Spedoske "Salty Cashew" Feisty - 15 years, 11 months, 20 days ago
Ben Spedoske
We're a Dying Breed!

To every guy that's said, "Sex CAN wait"
To every guy that's said, "You're beautiful."
To every guy that was never too busy to drive across town (or across the state) to see her.
To every guy that gives flowers and a card when she is sick.
To every guy who has given her flowers just because.
To every guy that said he would die for her.
To every guy that really would.
To every guy that did what she wanted to do.
To every guy that cried in front of her.
To every guy that she cried in front of.
To every guy that holds hands with her.
To every guy that kisses her with meaning.
To every guy that hugs her when she's sad.
To every guy that hugs her for no reason at all.
To every guy who would give their jacket up for her.
To every guy that calls to make sure she got home safe.
To every guy that would sit and wait for her for hours just to see her for ten minutes
To every guy that would give his seat up.
To every guy that just wants to cuddle.
To every guy that reassured her that she was beautiful no matter what.
To every guy who told his secrets to her.
To every guy that tried to show how much he cared through every word and every breath.
To every guy that thought maybe this could be the one.
To every guy that believed in her dreams.
To every guy that would have done anything so she could achieve them.
To every guy that never laughed at her when she told him her dreams.
To every guy that walked her to her car.
To every guy that gave his heart.
To every guy who prays that she is happy even if you are not with her.

...This one bulletin is for you...

Not many girls appreciate nice guys anymore...
And because of this, there are not many left out there...

I guarantee 90% of the men on your page will not repost this 'cuz they care more about their image

If you are a nice guy repost this with "We're a Dying Breed "

If you are a girl that thinks every guy should treat a girl this way
repost this with: "To Every Guy...

Ben Spedoske "Salty Cashew" Feisty - 16 years, 2 months, 28 days ago
Ben Spedoske
I'm on the lookout for new silly pets are never online! I feel so abandoned :(
Ben Spedoske "Salty Cashew" Feisty - 16 years, 7 months, 8 days ago

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grace andrew

by grace

Dearest one, My name is grace,

I am very happy to view your profile here today,

as I'm interested in knowing you.

reply me through my private email address at

( )

so that i can write you and send you my picture. Yours truly grace

write direct to my email ok

dont write at the site ok
grace andrew "Grace'n'Glory" - 10 years, 10 months, 29 days ago
Anjela Darlene
I dun care that you is never on HP anymore, I still comments on your page
Miss you my lovely, awesome, sexy pet.
A hug and nuzzle You have been given A hug and nuzzle.
Crafted by Katie
Anjela Darlene "OMG WTF BBQ ANJE" Mmmmmm - 14 years, 11 months, 19 days ago
Anjela Darlene
You so totally is a sexy nerd. In fact, you're MY sexy nerd. <3 *kisses*
my sexy pose You have been given my sexy pose.
Crafted by Melissia
Anjela Darlene "OMG WTF BBQ ANJE" Mmmmmm - 15 years, 2 months, 18 days ago

Cookie Monster Cake You have been given Cookie Monster Cake.
Crafted by The Cookie Monster
Kelly "Senza Sordino" Tired - 15 years, 2 months, 25 days ago
Lindsay Skye Kosin
Thank you very much for shopping :) and it is always nice to make a new friend
have a nice day You have been given have a nice day.
Crafted by Duru
Lindsay Skye Kosin Incredibly Excited <3 - 15 years, 2 months, 25 days ago
Theresa Primaveri
Happy New Year to you too Ben :) oh and I would just go to google images to find pics that you want. :) I would also start a herd and put a lot of your comments in that herd, so that people can thumb that too. :)
☆Celebrate!☆ You have been given ☆Celebrate!☆.
Crafted by Sophie
Theresa Primaveri "My Treasure" - 15 years, 2 months, 27 days ago
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