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lyn's tales
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Im BAAAACCCCKKKK......hahahahahahaa!!!!!!!!!
lyn Sparkling - 16 years, 6 days ago
why are all my inventory gone?
god i cant have nothing:(
lyn Sparkling - 16 years, 10 months, 23 days ago
i have a thumb herd for me:)
if you want to thumb....thank you:)
lyn Sparkling - 16 years, 11 months, 14 days ago
I was walking down the street from my work taking a break from my desk
feeling the sun on my face, I closed my eyes and feeling the sun on my
face, and before I could draw my next breath, I feel a strong grip on
me and being hoisted in the air, looking around franticly, kicking and
screaming I see a set of feet running towards me, as I’m on
another’s shoulder and feel a hard hit and then black.
When I awake I cannot see anything I’m feeling around my hands are
I have something over my eyes and the smell of cold and damp are strong
I can feel the wall behind me even though they are tied and I still
feel the sting on my face from the punch I go to stand up and I’m
instantly stopped and jerked down fast my neck has a collar and it is
attached to something, preventing me from standing up right.
Starting to panic a little I’m calling for someone anyone and yelling
for help and just as fast as the word help gets out of my mouth.
I feel a large ball and straps that have been fastened to my mouth
quickly and rough I feel my hair being entangled in the buckle and let out
a yelp.
I can hear breathing, but it isn’t mine I hear two people whispering
and chuckling.
I am getting panicky not knowing what is going on.
I feel the chain on the collar go lax and I am pulled and lead as I am
walking upwards I notice I am partially naked only my bra and panties
even my shoes are gone I heel another hard yank that almost pulls me to
the ground.
And I catch my footing. And it feels like a heater on my damp body and
grass under my feet. I’m yanked this time and I do fall and I’m
dragged by my collar until I try to get up I am lifted,.
I feel my bound arms being pulled up behind my back and I’m now in a
bent over position with my arms behind me strait in the air. I’m
desperately trying so see and get away but to no avail.
I feel the chain on my collar being yanked upwards forcing my head
back, in order to breath.
I feel a breeze and I hear the murmur of conversation very quiet almost
whispering conversation and I realizing gloomingly I’m chained and
strung up exposed outside still feeling the grass beneath my feet and
there are people watching.
Getting angry and scared I start to pull and tug but it hurts badly to
do so and it feels like my arms will come out of their socket it I
don’t stand on my toes.
I am hearing that chuckle again I feel like I know this laugh; feeling
a sense of panic and calm at this realization.
I feel a cold sharp and metal object it cuts away my bra and panties.
I’m fully exposed and bent over painfully exposed and I feel the
crack of something and an instant pain all threw my back and down my legs.
And I can hardly breath and I hear it again.
The ball in my mouth muffles the noise coming from me and I hear
silence in front of me now tears rolling down my face. Frantic, I an
screaming and I hear the laugh again. And a hardest whip now.
Feeling the welt follow my legs ass and back I feel a set of hands and
another. Who are they and they are tracing the curves and crevices of
my body probing and poking feeling and stroking? I hear little movements
around me and I hear breathing enclosing around me.
I feel one of the hands intrude deeply inside of me and making yelp
feeling the stretching and pain of the fingers; the smell of sweat and
heat filling all around me
I feel some one enter me from behind and feeling scared.
I feel another grab for the gag and unbuckle it and I feel another cock
enter my mouth choking me.
Feeling the two using me I sob and my whole body hurts from the strain
on my arms and toes and neck other hands are touching and pulling and
smacking my body
I can hardly breath from the choking and sobbing
I hear a chuckle again and try to turn my head and I feel a hand grab
my chin and turn it back the direction it was facing. There are violent
thrusts back and forth making me scream out from around the cock in my
mouth making me choke hard. I’m getting light headed and limp and
then they all stop thinking this is over I hear movement around me and
moving away. And then silence.
Crying softly I feel my pussy dripping and the juices from my mouth
dripping from my chin then in one forceful and painful move
I feel entered from behind my ass is ripped from the force and the size

I feel the tear and instantly yell out and cry. Still trying to catch
my breath when I feel someone stroking my hair in effort to calm me
violently in and out I feel ravaged and bloody and when I don’t calm down
I feel a hand full of my hair being pulled and the collar chokes me
again. And then I feel a tingling in my arms and legs and it travels to
my head with a heat building up inside of me and then my legs give way
and I fall forward. When I awake.
I am back in my office. With just my jacket and skirt on my shirt, bra
and panties are gone my blindfold gone. And just before I start to
panic on unsteady legs I see you in the corner smiling and you motion for
me to come and of course I do so this was you? Feeling tears fill and
fall down my face you get up and stroke my face and walk away turning and
laughing at me and walk out my office door leaving me to wonder when
and where will this happen again

lyn Sparkling - 16 years, 11 months, 15 days ago
these are the things i like ....

i really must start with my pain obbsession, i love to be hurt and not be able to stop it...i dont want control of anything. total loss of control. i do not orgasm.unless i do it myself, and pain is the next thing that someone else can do that is similar to the orgasm to me.and i will get off if i truelly am ruled. but i cant alow myself to be broken, i never have.

i love to see my own blood. it excites me, makes me feel animalistic and primal. i love canes....they draw blood and leave cut marks. and with now way to stop you the control is all yours, but i warn you i am a screamer, cryer, but i will never cry stop, never.

i loved to be tortured sexually, making me take huge dildos and your cock at the same time, stretching me out until i bleed all over you, cut my back with razorblades when you are forcing me to take your cock in my ass...choke me with a leash until i loose conscience. and whan i wake up im blindfolded and i dont know where i am but i can smell metal and blood in the air, and i finally feel fear, finally...then you slap me across the face and tell me to guess what will happen next...

fear.i guess is the ultimate for me. that will break me i one has ever taken me to the point where i truely fear. only then will i break, i belive.

lyn Sparkling - 16 years, 12 months, 3 days ago
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Steven the Monkey Longworth
you still around?
A Lap Dance You have been given A Lap Dance.
Crafted by Unknown
Steven the Monkey Longworth Lonely - 13 years, 11 months, 16 days ago
Hi little one, welcome back, haven´t seen you in a VERY long time...
Kyrios "MASTER w/ a PhD" Naughty - 15 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
a gift for me:)
Your punishment. ; ) You have been given Your punishment. ; ).
Crafted by Jigsaw Jimmy
lyn Sparkling - 16 years, 6 days ago

You have been given Ready for Master.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Mystery" one day at a time - 16 years, 5 months, 16 days ago
ThUm'b, haven't been by the Herd?
Scott PROPHET "~(LUC( * )FER)~" *HAPP!E* - 16 years, 5 months, 16 days ago
You have been given Lips of Lust.
Crafted by Lacey Nicole
Unknown "Mystery" one day at a time - 16 years, 6 months, 27 days ago
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lyn's shop
a little something......

this shop has lots of nudity and porn well i guess f/b stopped that stuff quick huh?

for you mistress...
1 use

200 pts
for you mistress...
Bought by 37 people
a good licking
1 use

500 pts
a good licking
Bought by 53 people
you make me feel AMAZING...
1 use

400 pts
you make me feel AMAZING...
Bought by 80 people
1 use

350 pts
Bought by 92 people
a wild night...
1 use

350 pts
a wild night...
Bought by 35 people
i wont hurt you..or maybe....
1 use

300 pts
i wont hurt you..or maybe....
Bought by 70 people
kitchen preformance
1 use

500 pts
kitchen preformance
Bought by 42 people
anything you wish
1 use

400 pts
anything you wish
Bought by 27 people
cum and play....
1 use

300 pts
cum and play....
Bought by 28 people
a road trip to me
1 use

300 pts
a road trip to me
Bought by 38 people
bite me.....hard
1 use

350 pts
bite me.....hard
Bought by 42 people
i crave you....
1 use

300 pts
i crave you....
Bought by 11 people

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