"I will give you my red color. To take away your sickly pallor."
About me:
I am a bloody thinker. I like weird stuff and I hate romantic stuff as much as I hate sports.
Hmm my real true love its music. It has always been like that since I listened to rap. Yep... I thought there must be something better than this junk. So I hate rap as much as I hate where I live (a lot). I get hurt pretty easy and tend to hate pretty easy too. I am extremely forgetful because I live in my own bubble. I believe in the unbelievable. I believe I suck at speaking English. I hate love and I love hate....etto... and call me crazy but I'm married to my cello. ^.^ I have lots of things to say... and honestly there is not much space here. So I'll shut up... at the moment.
I like curious,random and crazy people .XD Anyone able to make a conversation and not just a" hi" ^_^ I hate perverts.. so please no pervs sending horny msgs. Other than that nice to meet you.
Well I apologize that I haven't been around so much. I've been very busy, studies and cello playing got me crazy. Recently I missed my chance to enter an orchestra, which frustrates me and it was not the first time I missed the opportunity. It broke my heart and it means I have to practice a LOT more. So don't hate me for this... but I'm quitting HP.... sorry! :( Not that I wanted.. but I need too...in a week or so. I'm giving all of me in my practice. Which its the best damn thing that could ever happen to me and I enjoy doing so. For that I'm closing all my accounts in every site...except FB.
I HATE having to do this... but there its no use if I'm just going to get online for like 5 mins in a week. >_< Sure I'll miss my HP friends... and I know this was sudden >_> So I apologize for it... again. Unknown"la fée rouge"Seductive
- 16 years, 1 month, 12 days ago
I just heart this song. ^^
The Olde Headboard- Rasputina
What becomes a legend most? I'll let you think about it, Space Ghost coast-to-coast. While I give thanks today For all the things I stole And all the things I gave away. You make experiment. you try to Teach a lesson and then take a stand. A fake hand shake don't make no man.
I don't know, about a year ago or so I must have made you up in my head. What did I base you on? Was it a Broadway show I saw? A hot new book I read? Half-baked you come at me You know I told you not to call here no more. The New Best Friend. The Olde HeadBoard.
Yo no comprendo, mi amour. Oh no, yo no comprendo. The New Best Friend. The Olde HeadBoard.
Where'd you get the dumb idea For all the secretive platonic dating? I have experience In the love and the lives Of Man and Machine.
Yo no comprendo, mi amour. Oh no, yo no comprendo. The New Best Friend. The Olde HeadBoard.
What becomes a legend most? The love and lives of Man and Machine. Olde HeadBoard.
The love and lives of Man and Machine. Olde HeadBoard.
Unknown"la fée rouge"Seductive
- 16 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
Sadly, classes are starting. My laptop has the weirdest virus ever and doesnt let me use FB, Hotmail or HP. So I'll be pretty busy. May be answering your msgs and comments a little late >_< Now that you know feel free to leave a comment. ^_^
Unknown"la fée rouge"Seductive
- 16 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
Without them I'm lost. Simply as that. ^_^ Biggest inspiration...
Unknown"la fée rouge"Seductive
- 16 years, 2 months, 24 days ago
by grace Dearest one, My name is grace, I am very happy to view your profile here today,as I'm interested in knowing you.reply me through my private email address at ( graceandrew001@hotmail.com ) so that i can write you and send you my picture. Yours truly grace gggggggg