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Denise's tales
Denise Lane
I lay alone in this dark, cold room,
The chill seeps into my very bones,
Tears roll down my face
Sighs slip out as I remember

I remember a time with no regrets
I remember when you would wrap your arms around me
You'd tell me you loved me,
You'd say you'd rather die than be without me

I murmur words whispered in the heat of passion
I remember the feel of you against me
It almost makes my heart break again

The music pulses off the walls, a beat driven into me
I know that you no longer care for me
I know your better off with her

I looks at the holes, scattered across the walls, my doing
I see the glowing moon, mocking me with its serenity
I see the twinkling stars, telling me they are happy
I yearn to join them, high above this world
Fulled with pain, torture and hate

I blink, feeling the hot tear spill out and hit the floor
I nod and stand up, a strength I didn't know I had moves me
My tattered dress moves around me, as I rock to the beat

I no longer need you with me, to be my rock
I no longer see you everywhere, your not in my heart

I stand up and walk out of this room,
Into the glowing moonlight and I see the people I truely love
Arms spread, holding me tight
They know that I have finally found the strength to move on

I look up one last time, into your hate filled gaze,
I see past it, into HIS eyes, full of love

Maybe I'm daft for falling in love again,
Maybe its wrong that I feel this way

Maybe...maybe I'll get it right this time
Denise Lane Ecstatic - 17 years, 26 days ago
Denise Lane
My black tank top is soaked through, clinging to my skin
My grey jeans have turned a dark black, chilling my bones
I run and shout in pure, unadulterated joy,
as the wet, squishy sand slides under my flying feet
I am finally free as I never was

I slow my steps, feeling the sand let me sink
I feel my heart beat against my chest
Like a caged bird trembling for freedom
Puffs of smoky breath slide from between my lips
I feel like I am riding the wind

I walk on the pier, grains of clumpy sand fall off
I slide my flip flops on, and walk to the roller coaster
I play with the band on my wrist, saying I can ride free
I wait and watch the people around me
A couple, sharing not only hands, but a kiss
A family, the parents smiling, the kids playing
A group of teens laughing loudly, messing around

The line moves and I stand in the front of the roller coaster
People slide in the carts, smiling in anticipation
I sit alone, quiet and staring at the clouds
I feel us move, the roller coaster shaking

The beginning is a slow climb to the wonder of speed
Without warning the drop sends my heart spiraling
I let out a scream of happiness, feeling the rain
The ride is almost done, or so we think
Instead of the screech of the stop, we speed
The wheels fly off and I hear screams of horror
The warm tear is the last thing I feel,
Mixing with the cold stinging rain

The thunder rumbles over head, as the rain mixes with blood
People cry for the lost loved ones,
But no one will cry, for a lost little girl
with her hair strewn and her clothes soaked,
A mascara tear drop her only evidence,
other than a beautiful smile upon her face
She is, at long last, free
Denise Lane Ecstatic - 17 years, 26 days ago
Denise Lane
All the things you ever told me,
Did you EVER mean a single word?
After ever time you held me close,
Did you EVER really want to?

I am not perfect, I make mistakes
I have done things I shouldn't
I have done things I regret
But I have never lied to you

All the times you said I Love You,
Did you EVER mean it?
All the times you said," Lets prove them wrong"
Did you EVER even want to?

It seems hard to trust you now,
after all, you led me on,
after all, you lied and decieved me
It seems so damn hard

But did you know that even know,
I will NEVER regret a moment I spent with you
I will NEVER stop loving you

It hurts my heart to know your not mine anymore
It sickens me to think of you with someone else
But at the risk of my broken heart,
and at the risk of you being happy with another,
I will stay this way..Silent, Bleeding, and Afraid

Denise Lane Ecstatic - 17 years, 26 days ago

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Ryan Max

hi cutie ~ You have been given hi cutie ~.
Crafted by Unknown aki
Ryan Max "Sweetheart" Pouncy - 15 years, 9 months, 21 days ago
Nick Dastardly

hey baby, wanna kill all humans? You have been given hey baby, wanna kill all humans?.
Crafted by Nick Dastardly
Nick Dastardly - 15 years, 10 months, 14 days ago
Karen Stone   R

thumbed ya! You have been given thumbed ya!.
Crafted by Unknown
Karen Stone R "Stoner" Loyal - 15 years, 10 months, 24 days ago
Robert Nolan
You hungry darling?
Sandwiches With Extra Cheese You have been given Sandwiches With Extra Cheese.
Crafted by Robert Nolan
Robert Nolan "Imposter" - 15 years, 10 months, 26 days ago
Robert Nolan
Go on. ;)
play with my balls You have been given play with my balls.
Crafted by Derek
Robert Nolan "Imposter" - 15 years, 10 months, 26 days ago
Robert Nolan
tasty You have been given tasty.
Crafted by Monique
Robert Nolan "Imposter" - 15 years, 10 months, 26 days ago
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Denise's shop
Dessey's Bag of Magical Wonders

A bunch of random randomness

Wiggle Dance
1 use

200 pts
Wiggle Dance
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Friendship, Love, Loyalty Ring
1 use

300 pts
Friendship, Love, Loyalty Ring
Bought by 1 people
Attack of Llamas and a....
1 use

200 pts
Attack of Llamas and a....
Bought by 11 people
Ta Gra Agam Duit = I love you!
1 use

200 pts
Ta Gra Agam Duit = I love you!
Bought by 9 people
The Anti-Drug
1 use

300 pts
The Anti-Drug
Bought by 2 people

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