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In Travis we trust :)
"All On Black"

Unknown, 40/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:5:50 AM
Join date:17 years, 2 months, 29 days ago
Location: Bloemfontein South Africa

About me:
I like metal music. I like 80's music. I like club music. I am a DJ... I like metal music. I play drums, and have a stunningly beautiful Pearl Custom FX Carbon drumkit. I like metal music. I can be intimidating. I am shy. Very shy. I enjoy a good night out with people I know, meeting people I obviously don't know... I like talking about music. I like to hold hands with my girlfriend, Anke. She is amazing. She is awesome. She is the best thing in my life. I love my friends. I like my owner. Even though I don't catch her online much lately... I am crazy. Nuts. A gonner. I'm a freak. And I don't care. If you don't like me for who I am, I don't care. I accept you for who you are, since I respect the fact that people differ, and so does taste. I'm an easy person. I can enjoy a good conversation. I can take part in good conversations, too...
About you:
Who I'd like to meet... hmmm... Anyone? Why do community sites like these still ask such questions? It's obvious that if someone is interested in talking, they will... Whether he/she fits the criteria as set out in this box. I welcome anyone to have a chat... Drop a comment, I'll most probably send you something back... Enjoy & have a good one!!!
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): SCREW V-DAY!!! IT SUCKS!!!, What is TIME??, What is happiness?, The Lyrics Herd, Just thumbs
Herds: Careful...... We Bite, MENTAL,RANDOM,EVIL AND SCARY, GOTH and METAL HEADS, CHAOS 666, Black metal, Pets Love Metal, Sasha's herd, Invader Zim, GIR, The Black Metal Mafia, ☠ THE NAWTY HOUSE ☠, Ignorance is a bliss!, Laughing South African's, InvaderZim, Rita's spam, sexy petting zoo, My HP addiction support group, The Express Queen, Thumb me, pet me, buy me, BloodGoreDamnation, Shadow, ANTI-HORNY GRANNIES!, ✬Thumbs for Vonny Von✬, SECRETS, XP Refugees, Digits for Vowels, If you love me, thumb me x, *Shaz's Love Swarm~~5/10~~*, Happy Swarm, Swarmmy Swarm!, Wacky Entertainment, STaMPeDe

110250 pts
30000 pts

"my precious"
2137 pts
Unknown's tales
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Right... So this is my "revelation".

I left HP... Well, kind of, actually... I still pop in about once a week to see if anyone sent anything or such...

Otherwise, HP became a drag... An addictive drag, that is...
But lately, it became a political nightmare. I don't have anything against anyone on here, but things just weren't what they used to be, and it's not like I can't cope with change, I love change, it just became a lot less fun...

People tend to get offended too easily, and XP has become this major pain in the arse... People like dissing what you say, no matter what... People have no respect towards others, and granted, some people don't deserve the least bit of respect.

To all my friends up here, when you read this, I am still on (horrid, I know), Facebook, and from there we can work to give you my e-mail and even MSN...

I just became anti-HP, for the sole reason of people being complete jerks, even though I laugh at them from the inside, it is only entertaining for SO long... It gets boring too...

But who knows, maybe one day I'll be back in the XP ring...

But for now, this is my last serenade...

Good luck to you all, and I would like to hear from those who were able to classify themselves as my "HP Friends". - I miss you a lot...

Q. De Lange...
Unknown "All On Black" In Travis we trust :) - 16 years, 3 months, 21 days ago
Another one for her :)

Every time our eyes meet
This feeling inside me
Is almost more than I can take
Baby when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away
I've never been this close to anyone or anything
I can hear your thoughts
I can see your dreams

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I want to spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you

The smell of your skin
The taste of your kiss
The way you whisper in the dark
Your hair all around me
Baby you surround me
You touch every place in my heart
Oh, it feels like the first time, every time
I want to spend the whole night in your eyes

Every little thing that you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I want to spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you
Unknown "All On Black" In Travis we trust :) - 16 years, 7 months, 11 days ago
A song for my girlfriend... Lief vir jou engel!!!

A hundred days have made me older
Since the last time that I saw your pretty face
A thousand lies have made me colder
And I don't think I can look at this the same
But all the miles that separate
Disappear now when I'm dreaming of your face

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight it's only you and me

The miles just keep rollin'
As the people leave their way to say hello
I've heard this life is overrated
But I hope that it gets better as we go

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl its only you and me

Everything I know, and anywhere I go
It gets hard but it wont take away my love
And when the last one falls
When it's all said and done
It gets hard but it wont take away my love

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl its only you and me
Unknown "All On Black" In Travis we trust :) - 16 years, 7 months, 11 days ago
Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb
Mother do you think they'll like the song
Mother do you think they'll try to break my balls
Ooooh aah, Mother should I build a wall
Mother should I run for president
Mother should I trust the government
Mother will they put me in the firing line
Ooooh aah, is it it just a waste of time *
Hush now baby don't you cry
Mama's gonna make all of your
Nightmares come true
Mama's gonna put all of her fears into you
Mama's gonna keep you right here
Under her wing
she won't let you fly but she might let you sing
Mama will keep baby cosy and warm
Ooooh Babe Ooooh Babe Ooooh Babe
Of course Mama's gonna help build the wall

Mother do think she's good enough for me
Mother do think she's dangerous to me
Mother will she tear your little boy apart
Oooh aah, mother will she break my heart
Hush now baby, baby don't you cry
Mama's gonna check out all your girl friends for you
Mama won't let anyone dirty get through
Mama's gonna wait up till you come in
Mama will always find out where
You've been
Mamma's gonna keep baby healthy and clean
Ooooh Babe Ooooh Babe Ooooh Babe
You'll always be a baby to me
Mother, did it need to be so high.
Unknown "All On Black" In Travis we trust :) - 16 years, 7 months, 12 days ago

Dear Editor.

Only this morning on my way to work have I found out about the sword killings at the school of yesterday.

After getting a newspaper from a co-worker to read what is being said, within only a few minutes I was able to figure out that people are going to blame music for what happened.

I am a huge fan of music, and especially of the louder genre, aka heavy metal.

Has anyone ever wondered why people listen to metal music? Did anyone ever think that maybe it is because that person could relate to the music? Maybe he/she do not have someone or some way to express themselves. Maybe they are like me, who found that music is a brilliant way of expressing oneself?

Take for instance: Demon Hunter; Destroy The Runner, Decyfer Down.

Those three names sound pretty suspicious, right? Well, they're all Christian bands. In the genre of metal and the likes.

What about bands like P.O.D. (payable on death), or Project86, which is available everywhere... All Christian bands.

They are loud, and aggressive.

In my opinion, he had built up anger. In the couple of articles I have read, I could easily determine that he was an "outcast". Someone not easily accepted by most people, as it is stated that he is the silent "loner" type of person.

What was his circumstances like at home?
How was his relationship towards his parents?

Taking a little part of one article, it was said that in a simple questionnaire, he answered as a job type he would be jumping from roof to roof killing people.
How come this was taken up as a usual "stupid joke" of his?

In JUST THAT, anyone can see there is underlying problems.

It is stated that he is teased a lot at school. And just before the happening, he was teased again as being a ninja and that he didn't have the guts to do anything?
Could that be not be the reason for built-up anger suddenly exploding, as he did not have any other way of getting rid of anger, by means of having someone to talk to or some way else?

Built up anger. Is it possible that he could have related it to one of SlipKnot's more famous songs, Wait And Bleed?

"I felt the air rise up in me
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wander out where you can't see
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed."

Anyone ever thought of looking at a reason as to why he listens SlipKnot?

I haven't seen the way his face was painted, but according to description, they say it resembles the mask of the drummer, Joey Jordison? I've got a statement to make about that, as Joey's mask is not black. It is a white kabuki mask with black marking, revealing no expression at all.

I am not taking sides on this matter, but why do people always have to attack music as a direct cause to violent nature?

What about violence in the direct surroundings? It's what kids grow up in. They get used to it.

Why always attack music?

Find the underlying cause. Which is usually where he spends most of his time. Also at home. If a kid is being neglected by those who "love him" (and please do not think I assume he is neglected at home), but obviously this kid has a hard time fitting in and finding a place where he feels at home...

Where were his parents all the time? Seeing that they were not able to see that there was a problem with their son?

Stop attacking music for all the wrong in youth.

Quintin de Lange

Unknown "All On Black" In Travis we trust :) - 16 years, 7 months, 13 days ago
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Marrie Cason Loves Pyan
You go to the store and pick a tree and it will be posted on your page so people can send u imaginary gifts =P
Marrie Cason Loves Pyan "Merry Heart" Ryan ur always on my mind <3 - 15 years, 3 months, 26 days ago
Marrie Cason Loves Pyan
If you'd like. Ryan's my bf ^^ lol x
You don't have a tree..
Marrie Cason Loves Pyan "Merry Heart" Ryan ur always on my mind <3 - 15 years, 3 months, 26 days ago

since you like music...
(me too, btw.) :)
You have been given chevelle - closure 04:09.
Buttercup "My Heart<3" - 15 years, 6 months, 25 days ago
Mella Von Danger
baby you need to update your info so that at least ONE of my pets look like they still exist lol...
Mella Von Danger Peaceful - 15 years, 8 months, 4 days ago
Cammy Dee
AWW QUINTON!!!!!!!!!! I MISS YOU TOO HUN How hjave you been> whats happening with you? Its like you have dissapeared off the face of the earth....CRIES you would never say we live i n the same country lol...
My way! You have been given My way!.
Crafted by Pimpmunk
Cammy Dee "My M" 3m 3tiB - 15 years, 9 months, 25 days ago
omai Q!!! where were u hiding?!? missed u! im are u?
nAz "Safe" ... - 15 years, 9 months, 25 days ago
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