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Nic Houseki | - Free online hangout and friends
WIrafter owns this human at 243102 points.


Nic Houseki
" ☠ where r u"

Nic Houseki, 40/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:10:07 PM
Join date:17 years, 24 days ago
Location: Belleville, IL United States

"STFU, mate! My pets are for keeps! So get your dirty paws off 'em!"
About me:
I'm one of those girls you have to give attention to, otherwise I feel like you are not interested. I get lonely easily and jealous just as quickly. I am one who laughs out loud to comic strips, cries when an animal dies in a movie, and can get angry if something I love has been dissed. I train dogs, own 14 animals of various species, love watching anime, and enjoy rocking out to some good tunes.
About you:
You have to want to give me lots of attention. Be it real life, or on here. Give me gifts, lots of pets, and just call to say hi. If you're talking to me, don't ignore me and talk to someone else if we're having one-on-ones. Introduce me to your friends, and so will I. Like anime.. not a must, but it is nice. Make me feel special and I'll do the same for you.
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Nic's Lovelies Thumb, Nic & Dizz's Closet
Herds: Shadow Wolf Pack, ~Ink & Steel~, I ♥ Patrick Shyu, ANIME LOVERS, Yaoi Obsessives UNITE!, Yaoi Coven, Thumbs for Keri:), YAOI and Slash HERD~!, J-rock lovers!, wolves of the winter moon, Wolf Mountain, THE TURNERS SEXY ANIMALS, ・ー† ►•Jrocks•◄†ー・, World of Darkness, the farmyard, THE TURNERS SEXY ANIMALS 2, THE TURNERS SEXY ANIMALS 3, THE TURNERS SEXY ANIMALS 69, ren-sensei's thumbs, Dr. Gotek's Thumb emporium, Snow Queen thumbing Castle, ©ӐԼԼ ƬĦĘ ƁĘĄƱŦƗƑƱԼ ŞƗŊŊĘƦŞ™, NewS/KAT-TUN fan herd
"~My Tsuma~ NFFS!"
100000 pts
50000 pts
"~~Senryou~~ NFS!"
10000 pts
Nic's tales
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Nic Houseki
My new obsession <3 Edit: it linked wrong vid the first time >.> wtf?
Edit2: took down the other vid... put a diff vid up this time XD

Nic Houseki " ☠ where r u" Cheeky - 15 years, 3 months, 16 days ago
Nic Houseki

You Are Vanilla Ice Cream

Your personality is anything but "vanilla"

You're a risk taker, who's up for anything new.

You go well with anyone and fit into any situation.

You are most compatible with rocky road ice cream.

Nic Houseki " ☠ where r u" Cheeky - 16 years, 2 months, 6 days ago
Nic Houseki

Your Cute Monster Says Your Inner Demon is Sorrow

You're the type of person who stands out in a crowd, even when you're trying to blend in.

You are honest in your character and appearance. You don't pretend to be someone else.

You tend to get depressed easily.

People think you're cute because you're rebellious. Your uniqueness is charming.

Nic Houseki " ☠ where r u" Cheeky - 16 years, 2 months, 6 days ago
Nic Houseki

My authentic japanese name is 蓮實 Hasumi (lotus reality) 菜摘 Natsumi (picks vegetables).
Take your real japanese name generator! today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

*giggle fit*
Nic Houseki " ☠ where r u" Cheeky - 16 years, 2 months, 8 days ago
Nic Houseki

You are a Don't Fuck With Me Seme!

Serious and to the point, and sometimes bordering on the sadistic, it takes a special breed of uke to satisfy your needs. You tend to be anti-social with little patience for most people. You need someone to challenge you and push you to your limits, and then be able to take your intense reactions, which possibly involves rope and sensual torture. This is what makes the Badass Uke the yin for your yang, as you're the only one able to put them in line and satisfy each other.

Most compatible with: Badass Uke

Least compatible with: Dramatic Uke, Innocent Uke, Clueless Uke

What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at, or find merchandise here

Possibly the most easily misunderstood Seme personality - the dark intense eyes of the DFWM Seme silently penetrating deep into your true motives is enough to frighten most away. Only those with a taste for playing with danger, and a craving for sensual punishment, would approach willingly into this fire. Intensely possessive and serious, this Seme is driven by challenge - and the thrill of the hunt, capture, and physical dominance over their partner in their shared game of power and submission. And despite this Seme being silent (unless provoked into anger) and more of a loner, once they've found the right partner - someone who can match their intensity and darkness - they are deeply protective, loyal, and sensual.

The Don't Fuck With Me Seme personality best (but not always) corresponds with these associations:

Japanese Element: Earth

Chinese Zodiac: Ox

Color: Steel

Fruit: Grapes

Dessert: Dark Chocolate Brownies

Theme Song: Countdown by Hyde
Nic Houseki " ☠ where r u" Cheeky - 16 years, 2 months, 8 days ago

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I miss you my love
WIrafter "☠ My Wow ☠" - 8 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
grace andrew

by grace
Hello, how are you doing? i hope fine and all is good to you,am miss grace,Nice to meet u dear i want to be your friend , kindly indicate your interest in me by sending mail me here my private email ( ) so my photos will send you ok. Thanks and a nice day'''''(grace) ( )
grace andrew "bestpet evarr!!!" - 10 years, 10 months, 7 days ago
I miss you
ღ You have been given .
Crafted by _B_e_c_c_a_
WIrafter "☠ My Wow ☠" - 11 years, 4 months, 1 day ago

Peeking in on you You have been given Peeking in on you.
Crafted by LLB
WIrafter "☠ My Wow ☠" - 11 years, 6 months ago
I miss your pets
WIrafter "☠ My Wow ☠" - 11 years, 6 months, 15 days ago

For A Precious Friend ♥ You have been given For A Precious Friend ♥.
WIrafter "☠ My Wow ☠" - 11 years, 6 months, 20 days ago
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Nic's shop
Houseki's Treasure

~Random is what I do~

If something is gone that you came looking for, leave me a message and I'll put it back up for ya. I'm all for suggestions on things you would like to buy as well, so hit me up for that. I keep my prices fair! Always under 200pts!!

Thanks for shopping at my Treasure Shop ^_^

Don't forget, there's TWO pages to look through!!!!

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I wuv you
1 use

185 pts
I wuv you
Bought by 13 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 17 people
Being a Ninja is BAD ASS
1 use

185 pts
Being a Ninja is BAD ASS
Bought by 17 people
The True DA!
1 use

200 pts
The True DA!
Bought by 5 people
Love to my pet
1 use

175 pts
Love to my pet
Bought by 19 people
You Rock!
1 use

185 pts
You Rock!
Bought by 28 people
Tokio Hotel in bed
1 use

200 pts
Tokio Hotel in bed
Bought by 11 people
Thinking of you
1 use

200 pts
Thinking of you
Bought by 11 people
Tokio Hotel
1 use

200 pts
Tokio Hotel
Bought by 11 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 6 people
We Want You
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200 pts
We Want You
Bought by 4 people
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200 pts
Bought by 24 people
Play Fetch? This may take a min.
1 use

200 pts
Play Fetch? This may take a min.
Bought by 27 people
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200 pts
Bought by 23 people
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195 pts
Bought by 33 people
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