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"1337 Cheddar"

Unknown, 33/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:9:20 PM
Join date:16 years, 10 months, 5 days ago
Location: CA United States

"True til death for the sake of honor"
About me:
Hiya! :D My name is Em, I'm a bit shy, but I love to talk so you are welcome to send me a message ^^ (I will talk about anything :P) Sometimes I can be a bit too honest and serious, but I try to be more fun and lighthearted. I love video games, I've been playing them since I can remember. I also love music, playing and listening to it. I live in the bay area of California, but I'd love to live in British Columbia. You're welcome to ask me any questions about anything-I tend to be a bit of a therapist for some people even :D

The rest of my life in short:

I play Rock Band.
Console gamer at heart.
I pwn with the BR in Halo.
I <3 G4. (Especially Ninja Warrior XD)
Used to play for MLG.
Red vs Blue member.
Musaku on XBL.
FFXI expert.
Dream Theater and Mike Portnoy fan.
Assassin's Creed is awesome.
I love Mass Effect <3
Xkcd is awesome.
Kotaku is my bible.
I've played Rock Band with Chris Kohler (Wired)
I've been in the FFXI newsletter.
I know some of the people from RvB.
About you:
Anyone really, as long as you are kind :) It's a plus if you play video games or like to listen to Dream Theater.
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Bi
Herds (lead): Dream Theater
Herds: Gaming herd, Intellectual Experimentalists, Grammar Geeks, RPG lovers, The Multilinguals, I LOVE TO PWN NOOBS !, Sworn to Chivalry, CTRL-ALT-DEL, Psychic Paranormal Herd, Bi sexuals Of Human Pets!
"My Nue <3"
244442 pts

"God of drums"
3000 pts

"Crazy Carly"
200 pts

200 pts
100 pts
Unknown's tales
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Jorge Luis Borges

Si pudiera vivir nuevamente mi vida,
en la próxima trataría de cometer más errores.
No intentaría ser tan perfecto, me relajaría más.
Sería más tonto de lo que he sido,
de hecho tomaría muy pocas cosas con seriedad.
Sería menos higiénico.
Correría más riesgos,
haría más viajes,
contemplaría más atardeceres,
subiría más montañas, nadaría más ríos.
Iría a más lugares adonde nunca he ido,
comería más helados y menos habas,
tendría más problemas reales y menos imaginarios.

Yo fui una de esas personas que vivió sensata
y prolíficamente cada minuto de su vida;
claro que tuve momentos de alegría.
Pero si pudiera volver atrás trataría
de tener solamente buenos momentos.

Por si no lo saben, de eso está hecha la vida,
sólo de momentos; no te pierdas el ahora.

Yo era uno de esos que nunca
iban a ninguna parte sin un termómetro,
una bolsa de agua caliente,
un paraguas y un paracaídas;
si pudiera volver a vivir, viajaría más liviano.

Si pudiera volver a vivir
comenzaría a andar descalzo a principios
de la primavera
y seguiría descalzo hasta concluir el otoño.
Daría más vueltas en calesita,
contemplaría más amaneceres,
y jugaría con más niños,
si tuviera otra vez vida por delante.

Pero ya ven, tengo 85 años...
y sé que me estoy muriendo.
Unknown "1337 Cheddar" Tired - 16 years, 6 months, 8 days ago
Last night, I went the whole day without eating anything, but then around midnight I just started binging. I don't even know how it happened. I was just walking around the halls of my house and before I realized what was going on, I had downed 80 small dots, a pair of cherries, a strawberry and I think I may have eaten a house key. It's all a blur. I was so ashamed of myself. I just curled up on the floor and went "Waaa Waaa Waaa Waaa Wa-Wa" all night.

Luckily, today was my day with the therapist. He told me I eat because I don't feel good about myself. I have to admit, when I look in the mirror every morning I see myself as incomplete, like there's a piece missing. A triangular piece, in the front. Doc says I'm just trying to fill that space with all my eating.

I lied and told him I don't see the ghosts anymore, so he's going to take me off the meds and stuff. But I still see them. All the time, in the halls. Sometimes they chase me, other times they seem like they want to chase me but then I turn a corner and they just keep going the same direction. Stupid fucking ghosts. When I eat the meds the ghosts don't go away, they just don't scare me as much. It's like they're all red and angry but when I take one of my enormous round pills, everything is all blue and happy. And nothing seems to matter. I wonder what would happen if I took all the pills at once. They only give me four at a time, probably so I won't do anything stupid.

I just hope I can stop eating and meet someone who understands me. Someone who knows what I'm going through and what I'm thinking. Someone who's just like me, but with lipstick and a bow in her hair. I know she's out there somewhere.

-Burnie Burns of Red vs Blue
Unknown "1337 Cheddar" Tired - 16 years, 6 months, 15 days ago
Still Alive is now playable on Rock Band <3
Unknown "1337 Cheddar" Tired - 16 years, 6 months, 23 days ago
My Weighted Companion Cube arrived today ^^
Unknown "1337 Cheddar" Tired - 16 years, 6 months, 29 days ago
I got hired at Jamba Juice yesterday =D
Unknown "1337 Cheddar" Tired - 16 years, 6 months, 29 days ago
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Alexander Graesser
random comment #90) *steam-cleaned* You have been steam-cleaned
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 18 days ago
Hello, I'm doing good, was forced to start school again last week, How about you?
You have been given chocobo ninja.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown Courageous - 16 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
Hey, how's it going?
(I'm really bored right now so sorry if this is out of nowhere)
You have been given You Make Me Happy!.
Crafted by Paul J Affatato
Unknown Courageous - 16 years, 2 months ago

You have been given A romantic moonlit night.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "My Nue <3" Adored - 16 years, 2 months, 11 days ago

You have been given let's dance.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "My Nue <3" Adored - 16 years, 3 months, 10 days ago

You have been given the rings of Saturn.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "My Nue <3" Adored - 16 years, 3 months, 15 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Intergalactic Bazaar

What you need to take over the universe in both tangible and intangible forms.

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an apology. I'm sorry
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