uhmm... human pets is not like it used to be in the past anymore.
Thumb this tale if you're the First Generation user of HP :D:D:D Elaine Tan"lenzkie ♥"Loving
- 13 years, 8 months, 15 days ago
whoa! I can't believe ppl are actually still log in to Human Pets! It has been a while. haha. well leave me a msg if u're still here. =) Elaine Tan"lenzkie ♥"Loving
- 14 years, 5 months, 23 days ago
being active in HP for about a year, there are a lot of things happened. yeah, i was here even before the shops, tales, memberships, and newspaper thingies were created by Patrick. haha. I remember my first days in HP, not really know what actually is this thing, and my first owner helped me out explaining about auction, thumbs, herds, and I started to explore this HP world :P and there comes the addiction. spent nights in this application, thumbs here thumbs there, pet here and pet there, chat here chat there~~~ changing owners, stealing pets, casual chatting, and friendships. And yeah, I know some love stories too ;) haha but unfortunately those are not mine :( boohoo...haha
PS.THIS TALE IS DEDICATED TO ALL OF MY HP FRIENDS PPS.whether you still active in hp or not :) PPPS.I shouldl stop adding a PS..haha
Elaine Tan"lenzkie ♥"Loving
- 16 years, 5 months, 24 days ago
最近還好嗎 - S.H.E
Elaine Tan"lenzkie ♥"Loving
- 16 years, 7 months, 27 days ago
i'm tired now...need more sleep =.= Elaine Tan"lenzkie ♥"Loving
- 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago