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Chen_C_H | - Free online hangout and friends
Soony owns this human at 303333 points.


"Pirate♥ chen"

Chen_C_H , 50/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:3:02 AM
Join date:17 years, 2 months, 24 days ago
Location: Petaling Jaya Malaysia

"~~ To All MY Friends, I am HAPPY to Know all Of U ~~"
About me:



Ahhh.. who wants to own me as a pet? This is really something new to me.. Can I bite the hand that feeds me?? Hahahhaa.. well... i am a little hungry now.. So who wants to feed me??? :P

WARNING : Please do not STEAL MY PETS!... If u want to buy any of my pets due to reasons such as "I know her/him.." / "she is my mother and she can't be ur pet" / "She/He is my darlingg.." / " SAY NO TO PET ABUSE"! .... At least have the courtesy to write to me to tell me that u wanna buy my pet.... I love each of my PETs and I treat all of them as my friends.. So please please refrain from buying my pets!!... :) Thanks for ur coorperation...
About you:
Ahhhh... I would like to meet someone or should i say a nice pet that is entertaining and very very nice to the owner... :) and that is me of course... :P Even if someone outbid my pet.. i do hope that my pet comes back to me...
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): ~~Untold Feelings~~, ~~200 pages of Post~~
Herds: VGOOS: Me Against You, -=[ Malaysia® Official Herds ]=-, Forbidden Paradise, Thumb for Kent~~Muaks~~, Crabbie's Crafts, Egbert's thumb herd, 2000 POSTS, ♥ notti thumb♥, Entranced By Love ♥, Instinct 5/10, ♥ Evil spamming 10/10 ♥, CANDY LAND ♥, LEGEND------------------DARY!!!!, GENIE'S SWARM PALACE 5/5 ღ, SWARM CLUB777..15/5, PRISON BREAK CLUB.., Points for me
454595 pts
In the heaven of Happiness
268020 pts
" YY"
140319 pts
"✖ Soony ✖"
100000 pts
"~ LiN ~"
25661 pts
kim kyeong hye
kim kyeong hye
17964 pts
12004 pts
"~~ Li PoWeR ~~"
11577 pts
Wan Ting
Wan Ting
8104 pts
Lady Cherry
Lady Cherry
"Princess Cherry"
90 pts
Chen_C_H's tales
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13th October 2008 - Tale 33

Well.... right now.. i am quite busy to write tales... Just for your info, I am going for an operation on Thursday (16th October 2008) and will be checking into the hospital a day before. Therefore I will not be online for a week or more... It is a minor knee surgery and I hope that I will be discharged as soon as possible. Will miss all of u.. So please take care while i am gone....

Will reply to all ur msg or action the moment i can get online... but just wish me a speedy recovery and I will be back as soon as possible... MISS ALL OF U!! :)
Chen_C_H "Pirate♥ chen" Peaceful - 16 years, 5 months, 21 days ago
13th October 2008 - Tale 32

Wow.... I just realised that I last updated my tales on April 2008.. and that was like 6 months ago........

Many things happened during the last 6 months... I did went for a few trips to relax my mind and body.... I went to Hong Kong, Shen Zhen (China) and Korea during the last few months.. Anyway... i will update some photos and keep everyone posted in my tales soon....
Chen_C_H "Pirate♥ chen" Peaceful - 16 years, 5 months, 21 days ago
10 April 2008 – Tale 31

The time is 12 noon. I just finished visiting the doctor and back in my house now. My right leg is still in pain and I am limping wherever I am going. Anyway, the doctor decided to give me an injection to relieve the pain and to prevent muscle spasms. It was an injection on my right backside. Awww… I am lying on one side of the bed while the doctor gets ready with the injection.

Then the doctor started talking to me and before I knew it, the doctor was done with that injection. Then I started to feel numbness on my right backside. The doctor told me that she will be giving me some medication and I shall continue to take it. If I still haven’t recovered by Monday that means I must have torn a ligament and she will recommend me to an orthopedic.

Now I am afraid that I might not recover on Monday and that would mean minor surgery? And I would end up being limp forever????? OH NOOOOO… PLEASEEEEEEEE… Don’t do this to me!!!...............

Anyway…. I guess we must always be optimistic and I am sure that I will recover by Friday. I do wish for the best and hope that I can start to jump and run again by Friday. I will avoid badminton until I managed to bring up my stamina to a level that I am happy with to avoid such an incident from happening in the future. Hopefully yesterday will not be a last time I am holding a badminton racquet.

So do any of you think I should avoid badminton completely? Or should I just train up my stamina first?

Now i am currently resting in the house hopefully that i will recover completely by Sunday.... :( I can't walk properly now. The pain is unbearable... :( :(
Chen_C_H "Pirate♥ chen" Peaceful - 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
10 April 2008 – Tale 30 (Part 2 of 2)

- Continue from Previous Post - ....

So I decided to rest and stop playing. At about 10.45pm, Yap asked me if I was ok and I told him that I was ok. Then he invited me to play one last game. So I agreed and I went back to court. I told him that I was still feeling a little pain on my right leg so that means I will not be running around the court much. Yap told me that he will protect the back while I just stand in front.

I guess it was a big mistake. While playing, I tried to hit a shot and my right leg gave way. Again I was sitting on the floor and this time I think I tore something. I got up and this time my right leg was feeling worse than before. So for the rest of the match I just stood in front of the court just to finish the game. We lost the game and I went back to the seat and tried to massage my right thigh.

Then from that moment, I have decided that I will not play badminton anymore. 2 bad incidents each time I play badminton is an indication that I should be trying another type of sport instead of playing badminton.

When I reached home, I was truly in pain. I couldn’t walk properly and it took me a few minutes just to climb up the stairs in my house. I took a quick shower and went to my bed. I couldn’t sleep well the whole night because the pain keeps waking me up. I think I will go to the doctor today to check if I have torn any ligament on my right knee. Will keep all of u posted on my visit to the doctor. I am fearing the worst but I hope it is nothing serious.

-The End-

Chen_C_H "Pirate♥ chen" Peaceful - 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
10 April 2008 – Tale 29 (Part 1 of 2)

Yesterday was my second badminton session. After going thru the embarrassing situation last week, this time I was more prepared in terms of dressing up. No more bermuda pants for me during any badminton session. I don’t want to rip 2 pants apart within a 2 weeks period. Therefore this time I decided to wear those shorts (more like soccer shorts) that display more thigh than a bermuda pants would allow.

It is kind of weird for me to be wearing such short pants. I am used to wearing bermuda pants all the while and to be wearing such short pants and going out of my house feels so weird. The first response I got the moment I entered into my colleague’s car was a very weird remark. Yap said to me “Wow you look very very sexy today… Now you look more like playing badminton.”

I just smiled and told him that I don’t want to tear any pants today. If anything bad happened to me today, I told him that I will be quitting badminton for good. So we started to head towards the badminton court. The road was very clear this time unlike last week where it took Yap 2 hours just to pick me up and go to the badminton court (when it normally take less than 30 mins).

So when I reached the badminton court, I started to do some warm up. After around 5 to 10 minutes of warm up session, it was the turn for me and Yap to play. We went into the court and started sparring for a few minutes and then it was match on.

I am given the task to start the first serve. I served and the opposition couldn’t get the shuttlecock over the net. 1 – 0 to us. Then after a few rallies, the score was now 1 -3. We are currently trailing the opposition. As the rallies continued, our opponent hit a very high shot to my direction. This time I said to myself “I am going to make amends for those mistakes last week… I am not going to miss this shot. I will smash it as hard as I can…”

I used all my energy to hit that shot. And the moment I hit the shot, my right leg touched the ground and then I can feel my right leg slipping away from my body and then I felt a sharp pain behind my knee. Then the next thing I knew, I was sitting on the floor and watched as my shot flew into my opposition court without them being able to retrieve that shot. I tried to get up but then I realized that I have lost the strength on my right leg. I couldn’t stand properly on my right leg. So I halted play and tried to massage my right thigh. Then I realized I couldn’t carry on playing so I left the court and someone replaced me. Everyone in the court wanted to know what happened and whether I was ok. I told them that I was ok and it was most probably cramps setting in. Then one of the guys decided to give me some deep heat cream and I applied it instantly on my right leg. After resting a while, I was able to stand and walk again but I knew that I couldn’t apply too much pressure on my right leg such as jumping or stretching. The rest of the guys told me that it was most probably because I didn’t do enough warm-ups.

- To Be Continued -...
Chen_C_H "Pirate♥ chen" Peaceful - 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
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Princesz Angeliz'

ღ Lov' of a Friendship ღ You have been given ღ Lov' of a Friendship ღ.
Crafted by Princesz Angeliz'
Princesz Angeliz' "Mike's Princesz" Courageous - 15 years, 28 days ago
kim kyeong hye

ღsending you a new year hugღ You have been given ღsending you a new year hugღ.
Crafted by Carol
kim kyeong hye "kimmie" Hungry - 15 years, 3 months, 3 days ago
kim kyeong hye

♥Huggable Light♥ You have been given ♥Huggable Light♥.
Crafted by Jude
kim kyeong hye "kimmie" Hungry - 15 years, 3 months, 3 days ago
kim kyeong hye

ღa wish for a good yearღ You have been given ღa wish for a good yearღ.
Crafted by Carol
kim kyeong hye "kimmie" Hungry - 15 years, 3 months, 3 days ago
kim kyeong hye

✿ For You ✿ You have been given ✿ For You ✿.
Crafted by Lily
kim kyeong hye "kimmie" Hungry - 15 years, 3 months, 3 days ago
kim kyeong hye

loves me loves me loves me You have been given loves me loves me loves me.
Crafted by 101010101
kim kyeong hye "kimmie" Hungry - 15 years, 3 months, 3 days ago
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Chen_C_H's shop
200 Point Shop... :)

Come and take a look.. You might find something nice here in this shop... :) And do thumb my profile if u like the things here.. Some things are not 200.. sorry...

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lovely cupcakes for u! :)
1 use

200 pts
lovely cupcakes for u! :)
Bought by 17 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 29 people
Bedroom Set 2
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300 pts
Bedroom Set 2
Bought by 4 people
Give a HUG to CHEN... :)
1 use

400 pts
Give a HUG to CHEN... :)
Bought by 6 people
Watching the SunSet Together
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200 pts
Watching the SunSet Together
Bought by 9 people
MY heart will always be with u
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200 pts
MY heart will always be with u
Bought by 11 people
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200 pts
Bought by 18 people
Feed me.. I am Hungry
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200 pts
Feed me.. I am Hungry
Bought by 18 people
U have been given a small smile.
1 use

200 pts
U have been given a small smile.
Bought by 50 people
Pet Puppy
1 use

200 pts
Pet Puppy
Bought by 4 people
Give a KISS to CHEN
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400 pts
Give a KISS to CHEN
Bought by 1 people
A Wonderful Kiss with U
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200 pts
A Wonderful Kiss with U
Bought by 36 people
Please Don't Leave ME!
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200 pts
Please Don't Leave ME!
Bought by 7 people
A bag full of Puppies for U
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200 pts
A bag full of Puppies for U
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Pet Dog
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200 pts
Pet Dog
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