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VGOOS: Me Against You | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: VGOOS: Me Against You
Led by Unknown | 3 members

Beat the clock of fate and lay down our own path. Dare to defend your right, and dare to be different. Dare to speak up for what we think. However childish to others, they are still our thoughts, and they are part of our learning curve and the process of shaping who we are. We shall at no time allow others to step on our pride, and tell us we are not worthy, and at no time we shall abide by some rules just because the society norm or traditional says so. After all, who create the norm? Norm? I remember writing a poem about norm, it basically summarize as follow Norm to someone who is blind is darkness Norm to someone who was raised without parents, is the emptiness when they celeberate their birthdate...,etc Norm to a person who is thirsty, is that any kind of water, even urine would make him/her content enough to give thanks Norm, norm is created by a group of people who determine to influence the mass, like media, movie, literature, and properganda. Norm, we each can create the norm. But do you dare to? Join Me Against You Herd. if u agree with me.
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Unknown Unknown "*~ WinG ~*" Tender