"My bear""Ribbit"
- 16 years, 11 months, 26 days ago
Actually I don't speak any other language than English (which I am very good at - I know my Shakespeare!) and I'm a bit worried about the communication problems but I'm sure I'll cope somehow and mabe pick up a few phrases.
Japan is high on my agenda methinks... I met a Japanese girl last year when she was travelling in England and she ended up staying with me for a few days so I'm hoping she'd like to meet up with me when I visit Tokyo.
Have you travelled much? You sound like you have x
"My bear""Ribbit"
- 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
That's great! I'm good thanks. I'm also on a break at the moment. I'm on leave from work, using up my leave until my contract is up at the end of March and then I'm taking a year to travel round the world. I'm planning it all at the moment so I'm busy but in a good way!
I notice you don't have an owner... would you like me to buy you? x