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Melanie Bates | - Free online hangout and friends
Melanie Bates
Melanie Bates owns this human at 73500 points.

Melanie Bates
Melanie Bates
"Miss Blue "

Melanie Bates, 62/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:1:30 PM
Join date:17 years, 3 months, 18 days ago
Location: Nova Scotia Canada

"Be True to Yourself"
About me:
I am kind, fun loving, open and honest kind of gal and only expect it in return.
One of my nics on line is Blue, and many say im true blue, a fair dinkum.
I was born in Nova Scotia and have roots in Newfoundland.
About you:
Love meeting fun loving people who can kick back n have a good laff.
"cheers" "Heres to friendships"

I am happy with the owner I am with ATM so please respect my wishes to remain that way... Thank You.
This does not mean I am not interested in chatting and getting to know others; my door is always open to conversation and developing friendships. It is through conversation and sharing of the heart we gain so much <3


Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Mels thum me harty, my private spot 200a, my private spot 200b, my private spot 100, inner circle, Bereaved Parents Support Herd
Herds: PERSONAL THUMBZ!, Mike's Pub, ANYTHING GOES!!!, Vegas Cool Shotz Thumbing 15/10, HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Tipi Tales, She's Tee Spot..., THE BAR, Bernadette's Biz, ~ ALL THUMBS~, Ravenheart, Bellisimo, 11,000/100 PAGES..., JESSIES THUMBS..., Blue Jay thumbs, London, just a little, thumbs 4 robyn..., Funnyface, The TLC United!, ~ Snow Whites Herd ~, Kitty Land, 5/10 sweets, robyns retreat, kev,s herd, Di's thumb shack, the wood shed, Donnas 200 herd points points, Baby Killer.. thumbs, Monster's Mommy Madness, Bernadette's Major Spam Herd, the Knights place, 925 Pages, Elyce, Jamaica
Harry Curtis Bates
Harry Curtis Bates
"mr grumpy"
100000 pts
Melanie Bates
Melanie Bates
"Miss Blue "
73500 pts
Melanie's tales
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Melanie Bates
I always loved Baloo the bear on Jungle Book.

Knowing this, my owner posted this video of him singing, for I had mentioned how seeing him gave me happy feelings.

In watching it this morning, I laughed and I smiled as I took in the words of the song. I really listened and had huge “ah ha” moments.

They were gentle reminders for me for my own life. I sure can get muddled and lose my senses at times...but thank God for people put in my life to remind me of the important things.

I create my own world. Whether I remain stressed, happy, sad or angry: I make that choice. It is in my re-action to the emotions I feel due to circumstances I experience, that can define my world. I can remain there or let it go… my choice.

I always find it amazing how the universe uses others to remind me of lessons I need reinforced.

Theo, Thank-you so much for sharing it with me!!!

Melanie Bates "Miss Blue " Content - 8 years, 1 month, 20 days ago
Melanie Bates
There. I have said it; “fat”… a simple three-letter word, yet carries so much. Who would think that such a single little word could cause so much hurt, shame and destruction, but it can. Just like a tiny pebble that is tossed into the water, who really knows the disturbance it may cause.

I never used the word “fat” unless it was to describe something to do with cooking or baking. I avoided the word. The term “fat” was negative to me for I had felt its sting many times when being teased when growing up.
Losing weight did not lose this “fat head”. Even after losing 396 pounds, I still felt “fat”. I can remember folding up my clothes one day and as I held up a pair of large sleep pants, I held them up in disbelief, “OMG” I said. Immediately I broke down into convulsing tears, “OMG these are mine”. It is a strange out of body feeling when your mind does not connect to your body. I needed to address my “fat head”.

I have come to realize that a lobotomy was out of the question lol, so I had to examine every facet of my past so it wouldn’t spill into my present and affect my future. It is a lot of hard work.

Healing from past mental history can play a major factor in the success of weight loss. It is not just diet and exercise alone. Your mind, body and spirit must be in harmony for success.

So stay tuned… just click the link below to read my ramblings from my “fat head” …
Melanie Bates
Melanie Bates "Miss Blue " Content - 8 years, 1 month, 22 days ago
Melanie Bates
This morning when signing into Facebook I came across a post I felt compelled to comment on.

It was a photo of an overweight woman wearing a black top and tights with a comment that said “Nina has 18 Snickers, She eats 4, She trades 8 for 10 Mars. She sells 6 of them for 3 Big Macs. Why is she wearing leggings?”

On the post, I had replied, “I see a woman who has the confidence to wear what she wears and have no problem with it at all. I spent many years hiding in large clothes...I hated myself and I hid yet I still felt the sting of negative comments and to cope ate and still struggle in changing that behavior. I find leggings really comfortable, so perhaps she does too. Sometimes people's uncomfortable feelings on things can be a projection of their own fears or insecurities. Society has always played a role in manipulating what is right and what is wrong... even down to clothing, which is sad because it is through this so much negative maladaptive thinking occurs which in turn causes mental health issues.... and in turn... food addictions etc. Loving yourself and your body in whatever shape or form it may be, is truly loving yourself. Kudos to that gal I say for wearing what ever she wears.”

I went back to reread what I had written, things still bothered me. I looked at the line “Sometimes people's uncomfortable feelings on things can be a projection of their own fears or insecurities.”… I began to wonder, what is exactly bothering me about this post?
In thinking about it, I continued to scroll through my news feed and came across an article concerning a woman bullied in a Tim Hortons. In reading it I began to realize why the previous post affected me so much.

It is bullying, plain and simple. Having been on the receiving end of such treatment, I understood what damage it causes.
I seen nothing wrong with the way the woman dressed…. Yet many do. What golden measuring tape is being used?
Passing judgment on a woman’s size and insinuating her eating habits without knowing is WRONG. This is bullying.

In a world where schools are promoting 0 tolerance, it is still alive and well with many. Our own responses speak loudly of ourselves...what are we teaching our children?

I would hope that those who take issue with others clothing and size think on it a bit and honestly question themselves; what is it that bothers them about it... it might be quite revealing.
Melanie Bates
Melanie Bates "Miss Blue " Content - 9 years, 5 months, 4 days ago
Melanie Bates
When I think of the last time I had painted with a paint brush I smile...twas in grade 7 and my art teacher Mrs Fulton was so kind in her critique. I had painted a bowl of apples (seen below) I had digitally painted years later but felt paranoid to try painting with a real brush. During hurricane Arther this summer I picked up a brush... and on the smallest canvas I could find, started to paint how it felt during the storm down by Schooner Cove....
Melanie Bates Melanie Bates
Melanie Bates "Miss Blue " Content - 10 years, 3 months, 24 days ago
Melanie Bates
When first meeting Janet and telling her of my husbands sickness and my own failing health I told her of my weight loss story as "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" from the Chronicle Herald; she encouraged me to paint something on how I felt since losing my weight. I went home and thought about it, how would I express this feeling. Finally, Anew was born.

"Anew" expresses how life has changed in many ways for me since losing 396lbs. Not just a rebirth of the external but change from inside out.
Energy being released back into the universe as it should; Life is "Anew"
Melanie Bates
Melanie Bates "Miss Blue " Content - 10 years, 3 months, 24 days ago
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The one
Hi, Mel. It's good to hear from you. I hope you're fine even if the corona is in your country too. Stay home like we all do in europe and take a good care of you. Sending all my best wishes for a very peaceful time. Hugs and kisses sent your way.
🤍🎵 You have been given 🤍🎵.
Crafted by White Wolf
The one "Adored One" Loyal - 4 years, 10 months, 28 days ago
The one

peeking in on you You have been given peeking in on you.
Crafted by michelle
The one "Adored One" Loyal - 6 years, 4 months, 4 days ago

Beautiful like you You have been given Beautiful like you.
Crafted by Ayla Tatsu
Unknown - 6 years, 4 months, 7 days ago
The one

ღA shower of happy thoughtsღ You have been given ღA shower of happy thoughtsღ.
Crafted by Unknown
The one "Adored One" Loyal - 6 years, 4 months, 19 days ago
Mischievous Little  Minx

Stopping by to say hello You have been given Stopping by to say hello.
Crafted by Mischievous Little Minx
Mischievous Little Minx "Meow 2" 99% Angel & 1% Devil! - 6 years, 4 months, 20 days ago
Mischievous Little  Minx

Love to brighten your day You have been given Love to brighten your day.
Crafted by Mischievous Little Minx
Mischievous Little Minx "Meow 2" 99% Angel & 1% Devil! - 6 years, 4 months, 20 days ago
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Melanie's shop
Blue's Dis n Dat

a shop where just about anything may be found. If you dont see it, I can make it.

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merry christmas my friend
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may peace &amp; love be yours
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i luh  luuuh de habs!!!
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yer the best!!!! GO HABS GO!!!!
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yer the best!!!!  GO HABS GO!!!!
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a glimpse of NL heaven
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ROCK with me on the MOTHERSHIP
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dont you fergets it
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dont fergets it
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i shook you all nite long
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