I belive that we are connected in collective unconscious what Jung said.So we can change this world to be peaceful ,just using our power of wish.All of us is part of the god.God is inside of myself and you.We are all one. I wish this world peaceful with no war. I'm Pesco-vegetarian.try not to eat eggs and milk now.stop eating meat is easy but eggs and milk are difficult.I eat these one sometimes...
About you:
I'm looking for a people who intrested in Buddhism,Japanese gods,or other religion,and BUCK-TICK.click here to see their video→ROMANCE,RENDEZVOUS,幻想の花,蜉蝣,Jupiter I also looking for a people who can help me to make more perfect world.What to do is just to be kind to your friends or family. Thank you :)
Leica "keeper."Curious
- 15 years, 11 months, 24 days ago
I heard my friend cannot come in to HP from facebook so I came here again. I heard that somedays ago from other friend too. at that time, facebook keep removing Patrick's app but it's back again after later so I thought HP was back too. now I give up their RPG games and happy with that because I've got free time:) so I came in to HP today and find my name is UNKNOWN. HP said if your photo and name cannot see, you should change privacy setting on facebook. Search Visibility to everyone and profile picture for everyone. I know my setting is that so I didn't know why...after a while. I found I didn't tick Public Search Listing. now I can see my name in here:) I wonder whey it happened even though HP is not conect with facebook now... about this video, they are Galneryus. I tryed to find good guiter playier in Japan and find him. his guiter sound is really nice but I cannot hear his sound for a long time because it's too fast:P 03/04 Leica "keeper."Curious
- 16 years, 26 days ago
I'll use here as my note. my friend tell me this word. it's Chinese so I cannot read this. and it's little bit different from our character so I cannot write by myself. 少说少错, 多说多错, 不说没错 it means "less talk less wrong, more talk more wrong, no talk no wrong". not sure I need to remember this when I talk to someone. hope everyone have a happy new year:) 12/30 Leica "keeper."Curious
- 16 years, 2 months, 29 days ago
"Your membership is good for 23 hrs, 3 min" I won't be a member again because I'm nealy dead pet. but I'll be back here sometimes. I'm not leaving HP:)
I didn't put a link of my album for a while. maybe only 2 album which I have to put here...12/27
Leica "keeper."Curious
- 16 years, 3 months, 3 days ago
I found this video now. and remember my friend Carly posted video about girl on her tale so log in to HP to visit he page. and that video was her song too. when I listen her song to see Carly's tale, I moved. now she make me happy again so want to show this video to many people too. hope you'll like her video:) her name is Connie Talbot. 11/29 Leica "keeper."Curious
- 16 years, 4 months ago
sale for celebration of new HP is over... but I'll still sell my item with 110 pts.hope you like my shop(*・ω・)(・ω・*)
my shop is seems like flower shop✿ these flower have good smelling,so please buy these. I teke some of photos but not all of that.and I didn't draw all the paintings. I'm not a fan of Gackt now.I'm selling his item because my friends love them(but I'm respect Gackt).my favorite is Atsushi♥ I change item sometime.if there is some item which you want and not on my shop now,please tell me.I'll upload it again(`・ω・´)