- - 50 POST HERD - - HERD RULES: 1. Upon entering the herd, whether you just joined, or you are returning, you must thumb ALL the way back til the end of the herd (there should be 30-40 pages), and make sure to get each and every single thumb that has been posted. 2.After you've finished thumbing each and every thumb, you may post 50 and ONLY 50 of your own posts. 3. Once your thumbs hit 10, they will be cleared by an admin, and you will be notified 4. If you are made an administrator, you must CLEAR and NOTIFY the person you have cleared, so that they can come in and thumb/post again. 5. Try and make your posts as least messy and as fast as possible. eg. don't make every post a gift.. we're not here to advertise your stuff, it's just to get some points.. and some peoples computer can't take all the loading of pictures and stuff.. thanks! :) If any of the rules are not being followed, you will definately be banned from the herd.. |
Herd leaders