Ladies, Gentlemen, Tramps and the rest,... Welcome.
Feel free to drop notes to say hello. Puruse the gallery at your discreation, but please try to refrane from leaving finger prints on you screen. That's just annoying. LOL!
Cat - yes, you know which "Cat" to whom I am refering. Stop licking lil'Hippo's face when browsing my pics. You know that not good for him. And it leaves streaks.
For the rest that are reading this, and trying to figure out what that was about, well niether of the above mentioned animals, are actually "animals". It's an inside story thing. And well, those that know, well, ya know. And those that are curious, well, ya know, "Curiosity" in it self, is a great thing. And that's to be commended that you indeed have curiosity in your respective lives.
So there ya have it. Hope you enjoyed.
Feel free to stop by again.
Appreciate the thumbs when they happen, Posts are great, to say hi, and simply luv the petting attention from the lovely doves that stop on by to say hello.
Drew_Kindred "Master Kindred"
- 17 years, 22 days ago