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Key | - Free online hangout and friends
Key owns this human at 212212 points.



Key , 36/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:11:04 AM
Join date:17 years, 7 months, 6 days ago
Location: Surrey United Kingdom

"This is all so 2008"
About me:

Bloo and bloo. And I have bloo swings between extreme bloo and bloo. Actually I think they're more bloo and bloo. It's like the most bloo of either. Really though; it takes a special kind of bloo to make me bloo though. Also when I do bloo these bloos I tend to hang on to bloo till they get blooblooI bloo them somehow. But I never ever ever intentionally bloo thouse bloos who I bloo. Also I speak fluent bloo
I'm bloo about my bloo. I don't just bloo random bloo
Introverted and eccentric. And I have mood swings between extreme happiness and saddness. Actually I think they're more joy and despair.It's likeThe most pure of eitherReally though; it takes a special kind of person to make me happy though.Also when I do meet these people I tend to hang on to them till they get bored/annoyed/I upset them somehow.But I never ever ever intentionally hurt those who I love. Also I speak fluent bloo
I'm picky about my pets. I don't just buy random people
About you:

Someone to bloo me with promises of bloo and bloo.
Please don't just bloo my bloos. It's courteous to bloo.
Someone to entertain me with promises of puding and stuff.
Please don't just steal my pets. Or me. It's courteous to ask.
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Bi
Herds (lead): Shiny Happy People, Bloo Herd
Herds: We Love Weed!!, Dark Carnival, Nerds are Sexy, DARKLIGHT, MENTAL,RANDOM,EVIL AND SCARY, Gay Herd!, After Dark, The BRITISH herd, The no-action-herd, Emo Animals, Enter the Dragon's Lair, THE SWEET SHOP, goths and emos, Emo Herd, Gay Nerds, Cowboy Up, sexy petting zoo, Sarah's Sexy Tribe, F.F.F., THE FARM, Shy people are Sexy, Radiohead - House Of Pets, ALTERNATIVE CLASSIX
212212 pts
"hawwwwthonnn n"
50000 pts
"GMOME King"
50000 pts
Key's tales
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Wow; howdy there. Erm; come look at my shop it's mega cheap and it has loads of stuff that people seem to like so; yeah. Check it out =]
Key "KeyNeedsYourGoat" Cheeky - 16 years, 6 months, 12 days ago
lol and I'm well cheap. Oh well. Don't thumb this one. I don't deserve it. Bordering on spam here
Key "KeyNeedsYourGoat" Cheeky - 16 years, 10 months, 16 days ago

Let's say like; I am back. Sort of. In that I am here. Hello. Rejoice. I'll see y'all on the otherside. Or; failing that; this side is acceptable

Laters homie-o
Key "KeyNeedsYourGoat" Cheeky - 16 years, 10 months, 16 days ago
I must apologise

I'm slow on the replies

I tuned out of HP

I'm sorry

It might take a few days but I'll reply in the end

erm........ yeah like I say sorry

Maybe one day I'll get bored of other such things that I be doing

Here is a picture of my friend Didge just cos it makes this tale feel like it has some point to it
Key "KeyNeedsYourGoat" Cheeky - 16 years, 11 months, 4 days ago
I used to be poppular you know......

My item was on the first page of most popular items for like a month

I'm a sad panda
Key "KeyNeedsYourGoat" Cheeky - 17 years, 10 days ago
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The Paper Vampire You have been given The Paper Vampire.
Crafted by Tom Parker
Thea "The-uh-turtle" decided :) - 15 years, 10 months, 27 days ago
Dr Isley

Thanks For Shopping! You have been given Thanks For Shopping!.
Crafted by Dr Isley
Dr Isley "🙈🙉🙊" - 15 years, 11 months, 4 days ago
i love Pon and Zi hence your shop ^.^
Absinthe lollies You have been given Absinthe lollies.
Crafted by _X_
Izzy "PeeFace" - 15 years, 11 months, 15 days ago

those were the days You have been given those were the days.
Crafted by Quinton
Thea "The-uh-turtle" decided :) - 16 years, 4 days ago

~Weeeeeee! You have been given ~Weeeeeee!.
Crafted by Moo
Thea "The-uh-turtle" decided :) - 16 years, 6 days ago
Kelsey Chaos
You is never on when I is.. .
Whaaaaaat it do son?

Kelsey Chaos "Miss Chaos" Feisty - 16 years, 7 days ago
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Key's shop
Say it with Pon and Zi ^_^

Exclusivly Pon and Zi pictures

I hope you like them

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a surprise hug ^_^
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a surprise hug ^_^
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a cookie ^_^
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a cookie ^_^
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a hopeful hug
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a place under my umbrella
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a place under my umbrella
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look after me
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the worst thing I could ever do
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the worst thing I could ever do
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hopelessly addicted to you
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glad to see you ^_^
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glad to see you ^_^
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wants a kiss
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the best drawing I can do of you
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the best drawing I can do of you
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how I want you to kiss me
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how I want you to kiss me
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a warm feeling
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a warm feeling
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the butterflies from my stomache
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the butterflies from my stomache
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